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Everything posted by CJrm1

  1. If you're on PC, the mod Near Future Propulsion adds a lot of different sized ion engines and other electric engines.
  2. ...is actually a cubic hospital This tower...
  3. 25. Figure out if Dres exists...
  4. CJrm1

    Best Sci-Fi books

    Baxter's Xeelee sequence. I've only read Vacuum Diagrams and the first four novels, but they are amazing! Both of Andy Weirs books are great too...
  5. It would be nice for aesthetic reasons to have the ability to switch the mount on the RA-2 to a compact form (without the gray and black brace). This may just be my feelings on the matter, but I have found it to be an obstruction in most designs. Feedback would be appreciated.
  6. False. TUBM has headphones next to them.
  7. This looks great! Can't wait for the next chapter.
  8. Oddly satisfying... The music went really well with the game play
  9. Cool! What mods did you use for the SSTO?
  10. This is a drawing I did a few months back of the Ares Mars Mission from the 1996 novel Voyage by Stephen Baxter. Not exactly KSP related
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