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Everything posted by q654517651

  1. 反正也没有人干嘛,确实有一个人翻译了一点,而且他有一段时间没上论坛了,本来翻译只是想着自己方便的,而且我已经在翻得时候力求准确了 我试着联系他了 但是没得到回复,下次我再翻的话我自己先试玩一段时间~~
  2. @Nils277 I tried to contact vosskftw,But there was no reply,so I tried to continue translating and almost completed,, https://github.com/q654517651/KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems/blob/patch-1/Translation/zh-cn.cfg You can see my work here and this is my first time to do this,if i have some mistake,I will try to correct it.
  3. I like this MOD very much Do you have a plan for the localization of this mod? I can upload a chinese translated text if you want,
  4. 水贴不会又惩罚吧~~我只是想发到五个。。。
  5. @vosskftwI see you have translated some of the KPBS text, I am a Chinese player, and I hope to continue this translation or merge our work,i can only reply in this way ,because my account was registerd yesterday
  6. 我想知道翻译mod是不是需要翻译文本就行了,那如果是这样的话这么简单的事为啥没人干呢~~,我想私信mod作者 可是我好像得发够5个帖子才能私信 ,我留了言好紧张 ~~ 不知道作者能不能看懂我的英语~~ ,
  7. hello! I am a China's gamer, I eagerly hope it can be translated into Chinese,i suppose i can translate that text,and I've seen someone translate a part of it,~~ How can I help you Hmm... I tried to continue translating some of it,about 20 percent~~
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