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Everything posted by SomeGuyNamedDave

  1. go to KSP\GameData\Bluedog_DB\Parts\Apollo find the engine you want. It will be bluedog_Apollo_Block5_ServiceEngine.cfg the 5 will change to 2/3 for the other two right click open with notepad++ find the line that says maxThrust and change that value to what you want. the line will look like this: maxThrust = 33 generic notepad will do, i also think that if you go in to KSP and press alt+12 then go to database and reload you can the parts database without reloading KSP, this does provide some isues with TweakScale though
  2. dangit is pretty good for that, you can change the chances of parts failing, dont know if it supports BDB, think it does
  3. This may have changed in the latest release, but using the Saturn orange tank and the 1B interstate and the S-IVB double engines resulted in RUD at staging. I can post more tomorrow if you want but im going out so I'd though id make this quick
  4. might be further up in the thread, but is there anyway to make the names normal? had a version in 1.2 that had names like apollo but in 1.3 there names like kane. anyway to stop that happening?
  5. found the upgraded centaur engine, that said don't use as it said it was unfinished, i didn't have any issues with it. is there any bugs i should look out for?
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