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Everything posted by Aria_of_skittles

  1. 720 science from one sample? Will other surface features have similarly huge science amounts?
  2. By this I had assumed that you were going to stick it in Moho's orbit with Moho becoming a moon, but this is interesting too.
  3. Would like some thoughts on a potential Kerbol Origins patch; @Kopernicus:AFTER[KerbolOrigins] { @Body[Sarvin] { // Slightly farther out where Jool used to be. @Orbit { @semiMajorAxis *= 0.6467 } } @Body[Keelon] { @Orbit { @semiMajorAxis *= 0.4467 } } // Very lazily borrows (read: steals) Plock's new orbit from OPM patch. @Body[Faz] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Jool @semiMajorAxis = 1000000000 @inclination = 173 @eccentricity = 0.3 @longitudeOfAscendingNode = 100 @argumentOfPeriapsis = 130 @meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1.3 } @Properties { @description = TBD @ScienceValues { @landedDataValue = 12 @inSpaceLowDataValue = 9 @inSpaceHighDataValue = 8 @recoveryValue = 8 } } } // Thought it unlikely Dres could maintain such an orbit with Harvest tugging at it // and so moved it to Kerbin's L5 point. @Body[Dres] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Sun semiMajorAxis = 13599840256 inclination = 0 eccentricity = 0 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 60 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 AnomolyAtEpoch = 3.14000010490417 epoch = 0 @color = 0.517,0.756,0.725,1.0 } } }
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