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  1. I honestly think that is the problem my laptop is starting to have. Very disappointing to learn about now, as my laptop is already about 2 years old.
  2. I actually thought the reentry trail was meant to be this large after installing the mod. That first screenshot looks much better! I really hope this mod receives an update.
  3. That's exactly what I was doing haha. But instead I was balancing it on my knee so I wouldn't block any fans. I noticed it very much improved the cooling of my GPU. I am in the process of looking through the millions of laptop stands on Amazon right now. I was playing some Career this morning and unfortunately the Flickering started again. I'm not sure if my GPU was the cause as its temperature was only 60 degrees C. I noticed a strange exception at the end of my Log this time. Maybe someone else can take a look? https://www.dropbox.com/s/w6pjtig1sc42ip5/output_log.txt?dl=0
  4. I've managed to get it working much better by changing a few settings. My GPU temp now sits between 60-70 while playing. This also stopped the screen flickering while using Scatterer. I'm beginning to notice this screen flickering problem occur more often when I pick up my laptop though. Maybe there is something wrong internally. I think I will go ahead and clean off the inside with some compressed air just in case. Thanks for the support everyone!
  5. I just attempted to record a video of the screen flickering but it looks like it does not appear on any recordings. I'll upload the video just in case it's of any use (the flickering starts around 2:30). https://streamable.com/r41lm I've also got RAM usage and GPU temps in the background. It looks like this flickering starts occurring when my GPU reaches around 80 degrees C. Think my GPU just isn't up to the task of handling this mod?
  6. KSP: 1.5.1 Windows 64bit Problem: Flickering Screen Mods installed: Scatterer 0.0336 Reproduction steps: All I need is to be in the game for about 3-5 minutes and no matter what I'm doing my entire monitor will start flickering. I am then forced to close KSP as the flickering gets worse and worse the longer I wait. I've tried Scatterer with other mods and by itself and have narrowed down that it is definitely Scatterer causing this issue. I can uninstall Scatterer, install 50 other mods, and won't run into this problem. I'm worried that something may be wrong with my graphics card or something internal as I can not find any others experiencing this same issue. This is my favorite graphics mod for KSP, I would be very disappointed if I am unable to run it on my Laptop. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bma6ck8ifdeudv6/output_log.txt?dl=0 Here is a link to my log. The last time I started the game I had uninstalled every Mod Except Scatterer, Scatterer default config, and Scatterer sunflare. Then I simply loaded a ship onto the launchpad and sat there for a couple minutes until the screen began flickering. I then force closed the game. I install all of my mods via CKAN.
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