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  1. Hey, a genuine THANK YOU for the Pocket Edition of this mod... I thought I was going to scream at points with those repeat missions, lol. Great idea, and it led to countless hours of scratching my head trying to build as near as possible replicas with the parts I had available.
  2. Wow! from these comments it basically looks like you need to be a professional coder just to be able to run this mod without breaking literally everything. I'd like to install it but I don't know jack about changing .cgf's or even where to find them if I wanted to... I just want to have to consider one more thing on re-entry. Am I good ir should I just skip this mod and pretend?
  3. So potential work around for anyone who having the same issue: Station A is old and needs to be replaced, station B is new and needs a the crew mission. Dock station A to station B, send crew to Station B, undock station A, contract parameters are still checked and timer counts down toward "x time in space."
  4. Great Mod, loving it so far, thanks. Question, I'm wrapping up my 180 days in space right now and Orbital Station "Eos" is on its final leg, the new K/ISS is already up and operational, and it's time to bring the old bird down. However, so far each orbital station contract has piggy backed off the other requiring a new crew to the same station, is there anyway to transfer the contract to the new space station when the 180 days are complete?
  5. Gotcha, well, its a shame. Beautiful work, really. I look forward to checking it out when I get the chance.
  6. ...it also says, "As of the time Parallax is released, it will be available for stock"
  7. ... it also says..."As of the time Parallax is released, it will be available for stock."
  8. I'm not getting anything different at all when I install this, then I noticed the post said you need configs? Am I missing something? At one point the post says "As of the time Parallax is released, it will be available for stock," but then in the exact same bullet point it says, "Currently, only Beyond Home supports Parallax. There will hopefully be a config for the stock planets in the future." Then again at the end it says, "Please note, as of release, the only configs that support this mod are those provided by 'Beyond Home', so be sure to install that here." ...so, can I use this with stock planets, or no? Do I need configs? Where would one find these configs? Do I have to have Beyond Home installed? If so, can I still access my stock solar system? Just confused, but it looks amazing.
  9. Thank you for the thorough and now public education on protocol, I moved the question where you asked me to... "First, this is not an issue, it's a support question, as such, you should post these messages on the forum, where others besides myself can answer.Second, it's a warning..." I don't know about logs, I'm just trying to play a game. I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you.
  10. Hey, I'm having an issue where on loading I get the error, EngineLightRelit GameDate/EngineLightRelit/Plugins/EnglinglightRelit.dll is not compatible with the current version of KSP. I'm Running 1.10, and the mod link says that the current version of the mod. Am I doing something wrong here?
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