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Everything posted by Brofessional

  1. Refer to these pages http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Greek_mythological_figures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Roman_deities
  2. Using the debug menu to clip I consider cheating, any amount of clipping you can do without it though is fair game.
  3. I drop a drilling rig on Minmus, then use a second bare-bones vehicle to ferry the fuel directly to the ship waiting in orbit. Typically if I'm refueling before leaving Kerbin's system it's a large mothership, so it's easier to dock the ferry to the mothership than to try docking a big mothership to a fuel station. Otherwise any refueling is usually mission-specific, from whatever is the easiest body to get it from in the system I'm in.
  4. I used them on a Duna lander once, for the return liftoff. As mentioned by others though, they're just not efficient for anything when you have to haul them all the way to the destination first.
  5. The Apollo LEM didn't have an airlock either if I'm not mistaken.
  6. Reducing your resolution is only going to give you a significant performance increase if your GPU is bottlenecking on the pixel fill rate.
  7. Typically I just do single-stage for simplicity, but two-stage is always more fun if you feel like putting in the extra design effort.
  8. A friend told me about it just a couple days after the first free version was released, 0.8 I think it was. Back then there was nothing really to do but see how high you could go, or try to get into a stable orbit (with no map view or info, just your speed/altitude), which I did. The learning curve from there was at the speed of the updates. When the Mun was added, when the planets were added, etc.
  9. The tech tree will get more difficult to unlock when currency is added and you actually have to manage part costs.
  10. I'm guessing that's what the Kerbals call them.
  11. You should never allow your hdd/ssd to become completely full. Programs need space to write temporary files.
  12. The tanks are orange because they don't paint over the insulation foam in order to save weight.
  13. It helps if you record to a different hard-drive than the one you're running the game from.
  14. Does anyone actually use the docking mode? I just set the camera to chase mode and use my left hand for WASDQE and my right hand for IJKLHN, occasionally moving my right hand to the mouse to check perspectives. I wonder if I should learn to use the docking mode, but I've been doing it that way since like .16 or .17 when the first docking mods showed up.
  15. If/when they ever add re-entry heat then you will need the 3-man capsule because the lander won't be able to survive re-entry.
  16. This one had way more fuel than I needed, but I used it to swing around Laythe/Vall/Tylo, and sent the probes to Bop and Pol then back to the lab. Then I left the lab and extra fuel in Jool orbit and returned the crew and most valuable data to Kerbin with the return vehicle on the front.
  17. I played around with a Newton's Cannon, need to tweak the thrust limit.
  18. That's from like .20 or something, these days I use the joint reinforcement mod, so I don't use many struts.
  19. This is how you're supposed to get around on Minmus.
  20. The proper way to do it is wait on the launchpad or some other spacecraft, and timewarp until you have a window, then launch and do the transfer all at once. Since there's no life support requirements though, you can just launch into solar orbit whenever and time-warp there until you have a window. Treating it like a rendezvous works but it's a huge waste of fuel and time, especially if your destination allows for aerobraking.
  21. It's better to put your Kethane operation on Minmus instead of the Mun. Lot's of flat places to land, and the lower gravity means you can use an LV-N and get more fuel to orbit each trip. It's also right on the edge of Kerbin's SOI so if you refuel interplanetary ships there they enter solar orbit with nearly full tanks. I usually land a drilling/refining base at the site, then have a separate vehicle just to carry the refined fuel up and land again. As cool as the idea of fuel stations are, it requires just as much work to refill the fuel station as it does to bring the fuel straight to the spacecraft, so you're better off just not building a fuel station in the first place.
  22. Skylab getting an upgrade. Nice view of Jool's inner moons
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