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  1. So, what I mean by this? For me the most crucial thing is that I cant change the camera span from middle mouse button to another button. It is a preference thing, but I only use the middle mouse for scrolling, I don't like using it for clicking, because of life span reasons. So for me in games the first thing is to change whatever is on the middle mouse button to the side buttons on the mouse or usually LeftAlt. So if anybody has any other thing related to this topic feel free to comment and I hope this will reach the development team someday and gets added to the game.
  2. My greatest apology it turned out i did not read the OP as carefully as i should have.
  3. Yes, it only changes stock parts. There is this line in the Other part changes part of the mod description: "A few fuel tanks have been removed, now that this mod has made them redundant." Now the differences are: the textures are different, and maybe the dry mass but I'm not sure in that. Parts that have been deleted: Mk1 Liquid Fuel Fuselage, and all the Rocket fuel fuselages from the MK2 and MK3 part families.
  4. Hi I like the mod, but why did you deleted the other parts? They have different textures so there are less textures than you can use. Anyway how can i re-enable those parts? Apart from this i truly love this mod. :D
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