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Everything posted by callmecapy

  1. im looking for a luna MP server to play on if anyone has a server and is looking for members then post here others can also use this as a place to look for fun servers to play on
  2. //KOS module on second stage for this to work if not then it will f45998cking fail CLEARSCREEN. LOCK THROTTLE TO 1.0. PRINT "Counting down:". FROM {local countdown is 10.} UNTIL countdown = 0 STEP {SET countdown to countdown - 1.} DO { PRINT "..." + countdown. stage. WAIT 1. } //stage via flameout list engines in es. for e in es if e:ignition and e:flameout { stage. break. PRINT "STAGE". }. //gravity turn WHEN SHIP:ALTITUDE > 10000 THEN { LOCK STEERING TO R(0,0,-90) + HEADING(90,45). } //orbit detection WHEN ship:periapsis > 75000 then { Lock throttle to 0.0. PRINT "IN ORBIT hopefully". } //PLEASE WORK
  3. it does not it doesnt stage at the start to start the take-off it also ends strait away ik how to make it stage once count down ends but idk how to make it stop ending right away
  4. i cant test it rn because CKAN is taking ages to install the mods but will my code work it is simple thing to get to orbit //KOS module on second stage for this to work if not then it will f45998cking fail CLEARSCREEN. LOCK THROTTLE TO 1.0. PRINT "Counting down:". FROM {local countdown is 10.} UNTIL countdown = 0 STEP {SET countdown to countdown - 1.} DO { PRINT "..." + countdown. WAIT 1. } //stage via flameout list engines in es. for e in es if e:ignition and e:flameout { stage. break. PRINT "STAGE". PRESERVE. }. //gravity turn WHEN SHIP:ALTITUDE > 10000 THEN { LOCK STEERING TO R(0,0,-90) + HEADING(90,45). } //orbit detection WHEN ship:periapsis > 75000 then { Lock throttle to 0.0. PRINT "IN ORBIT hopefully". } //PLEASE WORK
  5. yes i did mean later in the development of KSP 2 as the only mods i can image being usefull right now are ones that allow people to recover from bugs also in KSP 2s current state there are almost to many bugs where a KOS code would defonatly never do anywhere near the same thing over and over and idk how well KOS in general would deal with bugs (it wouldnt) (Sorry for bad spelling)
  6. oh didnt know this was the KSP 1 one fixed now
  7. Do mods count because: modded missing things: mod suport as a whole KOS (a similer thing may be in development) non-modded things: science career/science mode bulding hitboxes being better just freedom in general like there are kinda small amount of parts right now
  8. i did my first succeful mun mission today! it was on a 3 stage 10000 delta V rocket (might be a bit overkill idk) it used a mamoth engine on the first stafe and a.... i forgot engine on the second stage and the 3rd stage (the lander and on some missions used for the TMI wich used that medium two engine in like on engine i should learn the names (some of the rockets in pics have differant paint bc it is from multiple launches)
  9. idk if this is the right place to ask but when is the next launch of an Arian rocket
  10. The mod folder wont show up for me is there any way i can fix it
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