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Everything posted by xtremespino

  1. I have plans of making my own liquid fueled rockets as well, seems like a very possible, yet very difficult challenge
  2. I think the whole idea of interplanetary cubesats is a great and possible idea, and with new types of solar electric propulsion being developed, and other space technology I think that its only a matter of time. Just imagine a interplanetary spacecraft that fits in a shoe box.
  3. I turn over about 3-5 degrees at the start, but go full out at 10
  4. 1. The Rockomax 48-7S engine is one of the best engines in the game, with a pretty good efficiency (350 in a vac) and has a really good thrust to weight ratio, its amazing a landers for moons, or small 1.25 metre upper stages as it gives 30 kN of thrust. 2. Mechjeb is like fat, once you have lost it, you feel great 3. The stock game is just as interesting if not more than a save with mods, though they are great (definitely use them) play the stock game as well.
  5. You just have to get as much Delta V you can get out of the jets, on a air hogging craft you may be able to get over 2000 metres per second, but if you are not air hogging aim to get over 1500, this speed combed with a efficient rocket engine such as a aerospike should be able to get you into orbit. Follow the flight profile that Gravaar gave you, this should be about right, but you may need to change it for you plane. This is of course for a stock game.
  6. What happened to your probe is fairly normal, when I did this with a probe it reached roughly -100 metres then it started to wobble and then BOOM. When I did this with a maned spacecraft, the results were more interesting. The craft was fairly large, so the pod at the bottom got destroyed, sending me back to the space centre. When I looked in the tracking station it showed debris on Jool, showing where the craft had been. I switched to the debris, but as soon as I did this the debris exploded. Things get pretty glitchy down there.
  7. Thanks for trying the Spear out, I'm glad that you could get to orbit. I did think I had fixed some of the problems you had mentioned, mainly the fuel issues, but I will need to have another look. It may have happened when I took some parts off the craft to strut things. I did have action groups set, so that is strange that they weren't their for you . But thanks for the great feedback, glad to see that Jeb and his crew made back home for the photoshoot . Expect a repaired version soon.
  8. Wow, awesome design, its great to see that it actually handles properly, and doesn't just go straight up and down.
  9. That's a great replica, I should be able to run this one as it's 600 parts, where mu bug was about a thousand. Still looks great though, well done.
  10. This is a thread dedicated to my stock SSTO craft which I feel are at a higher enough standard to to be released to the public, some of these crafts can be found on my you channel (Xtremespino) and some will only feature here. More will be added over time. Feel free to download and use these craft and modify them. the only rules are that you can't steal the craft and claim it as your own design (this should be common sense for most people, but it has happened with some people). Enjoy and thank you for your visit. Google Drive Folder with all current SSTO's in it: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4RATau5KKS-ZDFyaUNuc1haM2s&usp=sharing The Broadhead, A good beginner SSTO with huge potential. This is a SSTO spaceplane cable of taking 1 kerbal to LKO and possibly beyond with modification and/or refuelling. It uses 2 jets and a aerospike for propulsion in space. It has a very high thrust to weight ratio in atmosphere, allows for steep climbs during accent. Its is non air hogging, (with a total of 6 ram air intakes, 4 of which are neatly tucked inside a gap in the spacecraft. It has 2 docking ports and translation RCS, so it is completely ready to dock. For accent you just want to go 70 degrees until you reach 8 km, then go down to 45, then keep pitching over once you reach 13 km, judging your speed compared to your intake air. You need to get as much time and delta V out of these jets as possible, this may take practise to master but because of the SSTO's high delta V for its rocket mode its fairly forgiving. This craft is easy to land, I would just keep the jets powered while coming in, even just at 10% throttle. Once close to the runway, or suitable landing site (this is if you are landing on Kerbin) you can cut the engines and glide. When out of fuel nearly completely the plane should land at about 35 meters per second, but it will try to flip out as without fuel its back heavy so be careful! Don't pull back to hard. You can almost completely stop this by pumping the fuel at the back end of the craft forwards for re-entry or any atmospheric flying without full tanks, it really helps to keep stability. Overall, I'm very happy with this craft. Its easy to fly, doesn't air hog, can dock, and is a good general SSTO for most tasks. This is definitely a good SSTO to use to learn to fly as it has high Delta V margins and for the reasons listed earlier. Sparrow SSTO Spaceplane Video: The Sparrow is a experimental prototype. My video explains the craft and shows its flight. Note, that video is a few months old so version of KSP used will be different. Spear, a 3 Man Cargo SSTO Spaceplane This craft is a 3 man SSTO that has a small cargo pay at the back, my video explains details and goes through a basic mission. Overall I'm happy with this craft as it has heaps of delta-V, takes 3 crew, has a cargo bay, can reach Kerbins Moons without refuelling and has VTOL moon landing engines. But I would like it to be a bit easier to fly, and I would like to see if I can at least get the craft to Mimus and back without refuelling. Thats all the crafts for now but more will be added with time. Thanks for visiting.
  11. Yeah I saw one of those a few years ago, it was pretty amazing.
  12. Its definitely possible, its just just technique. Don't try to slow down at the last minute. Once within a few kilometres, just to target speed mode and burn in the retrograde half of the nav ball at a angle which lines up the retrograde marker and target marker that is on this side. Keep doing this, correcting your course, but don't burn to close to the retrograde marker, as you will slow do completely. Eventually you will be heading straight towards the target at a relatively slow speed. This is how I do all my docking now, after I found that burning at your closest approach when my relative speed was 100 m/s was uncontrollable. This method allows for more control.
  13. It could work if you hit land, but water will just go splash, leaving no trace of your brave astronaut.
  14. As others have said, that's the amount of fuel. The time it takes to burn that fuel depends on the engine used.
  15. Here's a few tips. 1. Use ram air intakes. Your rocket engine choice will change the number of intakes you need. Aero spikes with quite a lot of fuel don't require flying with jets at 35 km. However, if you use nuclear engines, the jets will have to do most of the work. The number of intakes can also be experimented with until the craft works. 2. Use turbo jets or RAIPER's. You will need at least some of these engines to make a good SSTO. I have made serval with basic jets to help in the low atmosphere, but they always had a turbo jet. 3. Be smart about weight. Use light materials and engines (however it's not always best to choose a light, but lower performance option). If there's a lighter counter part to a part, use that instead. But, remember that this is not always right. Heavy engines such as the nuclear motor are very efficient, and are worth the weight on some craft. I use them all the time but there not a good idea for you who is new to SSTO's. 4. Small is easier! Don't try make a huge SSTO to start with, limit yourself to 1.25 metre parts. I generally don't worry about the amount of fuel in my SSTO craft, as it will usually add some VTOL engines and try to land in minmus without refuelling (doesn't always go well) This is just for design, flight is a whole different thing. Don't give up, that's the biggest tip of all. Hope these tips help
  16. The shuttle was good in some ways, but it lack some features and was due for retirement. I just wish NASA had another way into space for humans before they cancelled it instead of developing everything now.
  17. VTOL sky crane thing would probably be the most practical thing to do, after getting a new asteroid. But, you could some how drive it to the coast, and load it up on a jet powered speed boat to make Jeb proud A boat might be a good option as it probably (I'm not sure) can't destroy by the ocean. But it would take a very long time. EDIT just saw that KSC and the asteroid are connected by land not water so a truck might be a option
  18. You need to have experiments to do and send that science home, they don't generate science by them selfs.
  19. Theres no difference currently, but the speed is different and power consumption.
  20. This did happen to me a while back on career mode. The craft was out of power, so there was no torque from the capsule. I just put the engine on a low throttle and using the gimbal of the engine I could pitch up. I did lose a few landing gear as they were pulled along the ground.
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