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Everything posted by Makeone

  1. Swamp_ig: I would like to offer an apology. I have a difficult mindset (hopefully that is a proper word) and apparently i have some sort of depression going on, although i don't feel depressed, but... Anyway, i do appreciate the many hours of works that has been done by you and others who have helped. PP is great mod (where does the 'mod' comes from anyway, modification?) and I will partially continue to use it, as some parts are very useful. I wonder if the tech limits are meant for stock tech tree rather than bit more demanding RPL tree? I hope that at some point configuration files could recognize which tech tree is going and modify those fuel tank capacities to more...sane amounts. Oh, and when it comes for bad words, English is not my primary language although thankfully browser offers some sanity check there, but mistakes is bound to happen, of which i also apologies for those who get offended. Markku B., Finland
  2. And still, horrible limits on tank volumes, how one is suppose to built realistilcal rockets with 10kL slices and no fuel lines? I mean...ffs, you folks apparently have stopped the GAME long time ago... Apparently, strechtytanks remains even i don't like so much of them mouse games, but they are safer for my mind than these horrendous things. PP fails still...miserably
  3. Nathan: are you planning to incorporate those new 'NASA' parts to your RftS configs? It kinda looks funny when i got KR-2L sitting there, but it is still stock configuration, as are most likely others as well? NovaPunch (i think) has some engines still in stock fuels too. And when i looked on FASA Saturn stuff, engines have 1000KN of thrust....right...not But then, i do understand that you get busy with all these mods and real life (probably)...
  4. I think that such small probe core comes with FASA or some other recommended parts packs, it just sits in control tab rather than command tab. They also made some similar mini probe cores in the modelling challenge or what ever it was called. MedivalNerd: could you fix the explorer explanation part that it does NOT contain an antenna and requires one to actually work. Also, the Swedish(Sic!) bio probe has both exams marked as SL (SpaceLow), makes obviously easier to do the mission, but as i always fail to de-orbit it properly (as there is no torque on anything...). Semmel: I think that you should design your rocket the way you think they work. Optimal dV for orbit is 9,500m/s, but to me, that is really super optimal launch, and as this is still KSP where we are the 'computer' that flies the rockets, it doesn't hurt to pack a little extral, like 10,500m/s. Like you said, rest goes to waist if you get perfect launch...like ever? Also true, that now that i restarted my career on RSS, i have managed to get stuff up with pretty much 'standard' rocket where both main sections were KeroLOx and 3rd, orbital stage was hypergolic. Bigger problem sometimes is the need for proper engine, as there one with 1150KN and then next is whooping 9MN, but i found that 5 LR29's can give nice thrust, close to 2000KN.
  5. Quite easy actually. Those plasma engines needs 25GW per engine at full power, that plus efficiency, so it is even more energy needed from generators. Now, a single 15GW antimatter reactor produces about 7.5 to 8 GW out as generators are only about 58% efficient. So all those four 1.25m AM reactors can power ONE plasma thruster. I can't quickly remember that 2.5m reactors thermal power, was it 75GW, but again, only 58% is good and only 60 to 90 per cent of that is really good for the thruster, depends on fuel used. Also, i don't know why you have those intakes, just for the looks? As you got thermal rocket nozzle behind the reactor, intakes are not required. If you wish, there is the thermal hybrid jet that will act as thermal gas (like atmosphere) propulsion engine as well as thermal rocket. Ways to fix things: 1) reduce the number of the plasma thrusters to two, or 2) use the 0.625m ones.
  6. And another interesting quirk: after installing latest version of TweakScale, RftS modified KW-rocketry engines have returned to their 'normal' sizes, BUT their node positions is still that of an bigger ones, so i wonder if TweakScale messes up on RftS and/or RealFuels (which one does the size alterations?). Anyone else noted similar behaviour? Other engines seems to have hold their 'correct' sizes...
  7. 1) If you are playing career mode, their upgrade is opened when first fusion tech node is opened, after that, all fission reactors that are 'out' can be retrofitted. All reactors you build as new are automatically upgraded. 2) Yes, but you would need to get them close sun (kerbol) in order them to provide any meaningful power, and you need many panels too. My MW beaming station is on ground, two 3.75m normal fission reactor with generators (obviously) and it works well. I also have 4 relay satellites at geosync orbit (more or less...) that will help for relaying the power.
  8. Great new update, now i am restricted on 10,000 litres tanks only, not even my method of visiting at science building won't let me extend them beyond 10,000 litres of volume. Are you trying to get people to stop playing or what? Build a moon going craft with 10,000 litre tanks...if you ever play the game that is.
  9. Well, i tried to get my mun rocket to orbit and to mun, with lots of not-so-nice-language and other VERY bad toughs, i finally managed to launched it, altho the mission itself was utter failure, nothing new there, i suppose. Few things, LR88-4 engine from RftS-pack is pretty much useless as it only has mere 0.75 nozzle control. the LR88 has 2 degrees per engine, so i figured that i just use 5 of those. Connecting them to the bottom of the PP tank was almost impossible. The common method of upside down (inside tank) girder could take the power. Also, the BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point is too small, maybe 4m variation of it could work? I eventually used 5 tanks, each with a engine in tail and it worked, although the PP tanks wanted to revert to their starting settings every time and nearly lost it there.... Where does people grind their science, do they cheat and alter save-file?
  10. Doesn't they explode already 50-100 times before they actually work? And, could the nodes in the PP tanks scale up within the tank? Now that i use latest Procedural Fairing (3.0.1) that has proper sized nodes on LARGE fairings, they become very wobble with PP tanks. Few struts helped, but my mun rocket was almost unstable to fly, barely made to orbit.
  11. There seems to be something badly wrong on the custom fairings bases, especially on the re-sized ones. I can only think that their nodes are way too small for RSS scale rockets. I have trying to launch my mun landing mission and every time, first brake happens between the fairing adapter second stage PP tank. I initially though that i had too much thrust, but its most likely the node sizes, can they be checked? I wonder if it serves much need as the new version has PP like system for their size and i assume that it will also change node size as well? Question obviously is, when newer version will moves to RO/RPL?
  12. And i can report that similar behavior on my case isn't there anymore. Got normal GUI even on 9.10 modules. Apparently, it was the KSPAPIExtensions.dll that was required to tweakscale to work that caused to my PP to broke apart. So far, so good. Sorry about the wrong alert, the mod is very good.
  13. Semmel, you should be able to stretch the tanks more that that (for some reason, there 'seems' to be a volume lock, like tier 4 it seems to be 10kLitres). But if you do like i told you, you can stretch them bit more freely and it is not cheating. So, once more, when you are placed a stretchy tank on your craft, save, exit VAB, go to science building, click the last opened engine node there (nothing else), exit science building and return to VAB, now you should be able to quite freely to alter the size of the tank. Once you have placed interstage fairing or another adapter and placed next tank, repeat the above again. Also, it is not necessary to use biggest engine all the time, you can always use smaller engines in clusters if that works to get twr 1.2-1.5 to launch.
  14. I just installed the tweakscale on the gamedata like any other mods, didn't change anything, mainly as i don't have any skill for that. I removed the tweakscale plugin and down graded to 9.8 on PP, but still no texture or shape switch option. And some things still have nodes inside of the modules. As i don't wish to restart my RSS career, i think my endeavors on RSS is pretty much done, can't figure out what is causing that. Maybe the modulamanagers new version? It keeps updating faster than most mods...
  15. So, i suddenly lose the ability to switch textures on my tanks as well shapes, any idea what could cause this? Only thin i did was update to 9.10 from 9.8 what worked...somehow, but atleast it worked. Playing on RSS. Also, once i started to stretch them tanks, the nodes got 'stuck' inside of the tanks and attaching them to almost anything becomes a pain in the...you know. And now that i started to wonder, would it been the tweakscale mod? It doesn't open any gui on any module probably because they are already scaled up and are not stock sizes?
  16. I did read it, and i read it again and... Yes, you seem to wish that the mod would be easier, isn't it? I mean, you are asking that most of the core parts of the mod would be removed, like the tritium that is required for proper fusion that would any serious power. Fractal mentioned that he created the interstellar resource manager just so that mod would have some reason to work. There is no such thing as free lunch, right? I do agree that 1.25m fission reactor fitted with rocket nozzle should give some better thrust as it is closes to LV-N (aka stock NERVA) that i am currently trying NOT to use on my current career save, all good so far. Also, i case of anti matter reactors, an integrated generator would be handy so that it output could be upgraded with science (in career mode, that is), up to, say, 85-90% of the thermal power. But you probably know the basic rule in these kind cases, if you can't cope with it, uninstall it.
  17. 156 actinides...oh dear, world will come to an end. Seriously, there is still plenty of fuel on those reactors. Also, for some reason one needs to click twice on the reprocess button on the gui. And for Deredere: first thanks for kind words, secondly, all you need is an hypereditengine and all is good for you. So, game over and on to next game, eh?
  18. Generators have a thing called efficiency that tells how much of the reactors THERMAL power they can convert to MegaJoules. Best efficiency is from KTEC generator with proper radiators, when it will be around 58%. Another generator on an ordinary reactor doesn't help anything. And when it comes to power a small satellite, just use solar panels if the power need isn't huge. Thermal rocket nozzle powered via the microwave thermal receiver doesn't produce any wasteheat (if i recall correct) as it will be fired out of the nozzle... Plasma thrusters create some waste heat and they need radiators for 'storage', aka time when engine is running and those times aren't usually very long.
  19. IF i recall correct, they are not that fuel efficient, as they doesn't get as hot as upgraded reactor cores do, and it is the temperature that defines the efficiency (Isp). Microwave powered thermal rocket gets lots of thrust because of the massive power available from the net.
  20. Its the procedural parts that is not yet fully supported, i have the same problem. When you are building a rocket, place a tank (procedural), exit VAB, go to science building and click the latest engine tech node you have opened. Profit. And yes, you have to do it again for each stage, and if you load old vehicle, it will have some strange looking tanks after load, again, procedure above cures the case. NathanKells recommendation is to use latetest strechySRB instead, that will lose some procedural parts, though.
  21. By upgrading them if you are in career mode, in sandbox they are already upgraded. And with fusion reactors, you wish to use one generator with thermal power and another with direct conversion for charged particles. Again, in sandbox mode, there are options to run either KTEC or DC (direct conversion) in VAB. While in career mode, it is required to open certain node in tech tree to access upgraded generators, down at electric branch, if i recall correctly. Biggest receiver is capable to access most beamed power as it has most area while the umbrella one has poorest. And that means from some distance from kerbin/source from transmission.
  22. That would be correct. They need megajoules aka microwave receiver and that infrastructure OR at least 1.25m fission reactor with attached generator.
  23. Nice picture, thank you very much. I hope that my non-landing mission will reach mun, make orbit and gets back to ear...kerbin.
  24. You are right on that Raz. Even i have seen quite a change from 2 to 3. But you have that monstrous tier 4 engine that got like what, 25MN of thrust. Is that 21.1k dV for landing and returning? I am currently planning for flyby and/or orbital stay for few pass but got problems to get the fuel correct. I know its around 3000dV from earth to the mun(sic!), maybe 3-400 to slow down and then 1000+ for return, altho i wonder that direct re-entry with kerbal on board could be lethal? I also wonder what probe core is needed for Mars 2 probe as i am missing that one, is it non-stock? Although i should get Mars 1 to on its way...hum
  25. Greetings I wonder if there is something missing in the 'normal' size stock rcs-pod? The 1/4 and 1/2 size have a fuel (hydrazine) defined but not on the full size, also, clicking it on action group editor in VAB doesn't give any info, like tech lvl adjustments? The applies to other non-stock rcs-modules, they are missing the fuel-field in 'more information'-field. Also, for curiosity, the RftS engines, especially American ones, are their types 'real' or 'close-but-no-cigar' real? And as a continuation question, where that 9MN engine would be needed? Now that i am getting to learn the ropes and build small(ish), even my mun craft doesn't seem to need that kind of power, and its only a orbital sciences but man...kerballed
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