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Everything posted by Lundmunchkins

  1. 'Murica will solve that!
  2. You know what a bad day is? A bunch of people not recognizing the other dwarf planets! Oh, and don't forget about those nasty internet trolls.
  3. I have. Multiple times. The user below me is scared of Zalgo- OÄÌÂÂÌâ€ÃŠÒ‰ÃÂÌ–Ì™ÌÂ̯̞Ù̫HçæÌÂé̷̡̘̫̞̺̯̫Ụ̳̀ î̑ÃÂ̛Å̙̲̬̰̦Ãâ€ÃŒÂ°GíÌÂËÃÂ̼̯OÑ̒̌̅ãÜ̶̸Ị̂D̓ê̵ÃÂ̪ÌÂÌŸ ÃÂí̢à̬̹̙Å̫̯I̓ê̂̂̒æ̴̼̱̪̱TÃ¥×ç̎æ̡̆à̢̟ÕḘ́ ÑÌÂá̢̟̩̙ÓÙ̜̯̺Cè̃èïàḁ̱̭̪̞́Oê̾îÄÌâ€Ã£Ã†Ã‰Ì¬Ì–̮̼Õ̮MÃÂÆ̚ÌÂÌ¿Ì’ÃŽÃâ€ÃŒÂ£ÃŒÂªÃ…EÃÂèÌâ€Ã˜ÜÅÕṲ́SÃŒÂ̊̚Ó̫!Ì’ÃŒÑè̄Ñê̸̊áÞ̜̜ÃÂ̤̪ÌÂ̘ÌÂ
  4. Maybe Dan is trolling us. Or maybe it's Messing Around in Kerbal Space Program 8.
  5. 10/10 Fallout Equestria! (Speaking of Equestria, did you see Rainbow Rocks?)
  6. EVERYONE DIES. What if 4chan was the UN?
  7. *gasp* Isn't Doctor Who the guy who rides around in the thing from Bill & Ted?
  8. 2/10 I'm sorry, but I'm not too appreciative of fart jokes.
  9. Pros: DE MAGICKS. Cons: Your horn could hurt somebody. Have the ability to regenerate like a Time Lord.
  10. I see what you did there General Rarity. Planet: Demeter Moon: Persephone Other Moon: Hades Mythology is the best source for names.
  11. Pro: I always wondered what paper tastes like. Con: That was poison?!?! Have the abilities of Superman.
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