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Everything posted by KotDemopan

  1. Why make a '70s Muscle Car when you can make a late '60s Muscle Car?
  2. Considering the T-34 1940 was about 370 parts, i am willing to bet that this here has enough parts to melt a computer.
  3. Use a VPN then. Or in other words, use a program that changes your IP to a country that doesn't block youtube.
  4. ...So is making Curiosities the new trend now?
  5. So, what is the thing on the back of the Lynx GT supposed to be, again?
  6. And this, is why you use RTGs instead of Solar Panels.
  7. You know, the name reminds me of another certain G8 i really like...
  8. All of my Yes. Except i can't give rep because i must spread it around. I do get a bit of an Autozam AZ-1 vibe from it, though
  9. I know that there is a Soviet flag right next to the tanks, but... Reminds me more of the French AMX 50. Also, you're probably better off adding two M1x1 panels ontop of that "front wing" on the upper glacis.
  10. Seeing as i don't want one Late '60s 1.0 KSP Muscle Car to be downloadable, i decided to set up a dowload link for mine. Although the rear spoiler might slow down the Lansing Panther a bit Get your Kerbal Space Program version of a crossbreed between a 1967 Pontiac Firebird and a 1967 Chevrolet Camaro in the link below! http://www./download/988j2j9ojbssir3/Lansing+Panther.zip Also, more pictures!
  11. Although im not sure about "lighter and faster", i can definitely say that mine is very maneuverable, but twitchy in a straight line at speed EDIT: Although the Cockpit pointing a bit downwards on your Mirage can be a bit disorientating on the Navball.... I also made mine using primarily this: Which, hopefully, explains why i made mine the way i did. But i can confirm that mine doesn't clip two engines into one.
  12. I decided to make a muscle car. Cause there weren't really any "Non-Modded Proper Muscle Cars after the introduction of Rover Wheels" Meet the Lansing Panther, the muscle car.
  13. I have my own version of the Mirage. Although i refuse to call it by its real name in KSP, so i call it the "Nassault Illusion 3000J"
  14. Looking at the title, i expected something about a Ravenspear Mk 2!
  15. Hey! I consider the definition of ignorant as "willingly not wanting to know about a certain thing/subject"!
  16. Adding K to every word (on loading screen)- the community's obsession with the infamous K-syndrome.
  17. Its only a matter of time till somebody makes tuxedos for the pack. And i would download them.
  18. My newer male recruits are: Carson Kerman Admin Kerman And.... Dean Kerman.... I KNEW IT MEANT SOMETHING!
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