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Found 7 results

  1. Especially during launches and landings, engine plumes should emit nice coloured (and flickering) lights on the (somewhat close) terrain, buildings and even clouds. Examples: Video from Space X (Falcon) Light from plume at 0:05 seconds of the video Light from plume on the drone ship at 8:28 of the video (
  2. How do I add custom static clouds in the sky without using eve? Like, clouds actually in the sky that you can fly through.
  3. Now that Kerbal Space Program has Steam Cloud, there are some improvements that could be made to the way it uses it: A save is not just a single file - it's a directory containing several files. That directory is the thing whose state should be synced. Syncing the state of invidual files only can lead to the creation of saves that are hybrids of two different versions of the same save. Saves should not be shared between KSP installs that have different sets of mods installed.
  4. First of all I don't know if it's the right place to ask this, if it isn't I apologise in advance. I don't know if this is a proper cloud formation, that's why I am asking you... In case this has a name please could you tell me thanks for your help!
  5. I've noticed that, shortly after launch, I see a little poof of cloud (sometimes more than one) come down past my view... it's roughly at the altitude I'd expect the tropopause to be. (I don't have any mods installed to add clouds.) Is that indeed a marker of the tropopause, or is it something else?
  6. How do I add custom static clouds in the sky without using eve? Like, clouds actually in the sky that you can fly through.
  7. There's an useful idea. How about allowing the players to save their game and upload it to steam cloud? I've seen a couple of other games do this and thought it was a cool idea
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