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The Mother Load Challenge - The Multiple Craft Flying Challenge

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Sector 7 Space Laboratories Aeronautics Division

The Mother Load Challenge


In this Challenge Six Crafts will be flown at once!

Rules: There are none! This is for fun and your Trophy is your Kerbals that remain alive in their Crafts at the end.

To begin the Challenge takeoff from Kerbin Control Center's Runway. Release the Tommy Mig's from the Mother Ship (The Crafts on the Wings are something I built last year, they look like a cross between a Russian Mig 15 and a US Navy F-14 Tomcat so I gave it the name Tommy Mig) it doesn't matter where between the Runway and the Island you release the crafts. Land as many Crafts as you can without Killing any Kerbals. The Island you will need to land on is shown in the picture below.

Special Note: Keep the Crafts close together because the farthest crafts will disappear and you will no longer be able to return to it.


Landing 1 Craft - Ensign

Landing 2 Crafts - Lieutenant Junior Grade

Landing 3 Crafts - Lieutenant

Landing 4 Crafts - Lieutenant Commander

Landing 5 Crafts - Commander

Flight Operations:

Engage RCS and SAS

Leave throttle at default setting for an easy takeoff from the Runway

Press Spacebar only once to ignite The Mother Load's Engines

As soon as the Craft leaves the Runway make short taps on the S Key to bring the Craft easily to a 10 Degree Angle

When you are ready to release the Crafts Press the Spacebar to Ignite the Tommy Mig's Engines and allow a little time for them to gain some thrust

Press the Spacebar again to release them all at once or you can decouple them one at a time if you would like.

Have fun and good luck! and post a picture of your Crafts Landed with the Rank mentioned if you would like.

Note: The Tommy Mig is one of the best handling crafts you will ever fly on KSP! Don't take my word for it, try to put it in a tailspin that you think you wouldn't recover from and watch how easily you can regain control.

Craft File

The Mother Load

Land Crafts Here


Edited by Castille7
Updated Craft File
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Yes it's worth trying at least to fly the Tommy Mig around a little, if you swap the measly little Wheesly out with a whiplash it becomes a violent little craft. I haven't been able to share these crafts on the Exchange Forum yet because we had some bad weather here and my Internet service has been down. I will post them soon.

Edited by castille7
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