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How To Use No Parachutes


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Hi Guys!
I finally created a video to stop being a long-time-lurker and to show you something about the new heatshieldpart. I hope you enjoy my first try :)  Would be nice if you take the time, watch it and give me some feedback so that I can improve next time.
Have a nice evening (at least in my time-zone) and hopefully thanks for watching :D



Edited by Sephka
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Nice! There's a good trick.


With advice, with making anything for the internet, unless you're absolutely confident your audience will want to see the whole thing, edit it back to key information and interesting bits. 50 other things to look at are just a click away, you've got to really grab attention. You did well in the last bits, when it came to seeing what was offered in the title, but the first parts could've been pruned a lot more. 

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Thanks a lot for your answer!
I noticed that too while watching it again. But I had the struggle between authenticity and shortness while editing (and tended to cut more at the end :D) . I thought too many cuts would be to hasty. Anyways I'll try to improve in my new video with the tip you gave me :)

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Yeah, a lot can just be implied. For demonstrating the heat shield trick,  you might as well start in while already on the descent trajectory.  Maybe show of the height, and or speed, that would get the point across.

If you want to show how you got there, you can use some short, quick shots to imply. Like here. It's not the best example (being my own, it's an easy example to find), but you can sort of see how it tries to show that a fairly conventional trip out to Eve happened, using the first 20 seconds. 

Cutting is hard. As the creator, a lot more of your footage seems cool for you because you worked for it, and it evokes fun memories.  I find those who make Vine videos pretty amazing. They manage to communicate plenty in mere seconds. 

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