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Ye Olde file corruption issue!

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I had this problem(or something similar) some versions back. but it's hitting me very heavily again. Every time I remove parts and/or save the file or after a CTRL-Z to undo stuff 1 or 2 times the ship in the VAB does the same thing.

As long as I don't start with the uncorrupted file I can rename/restart over and over again since I'm using a base file and changing the name to modify(I'm praying to god that doesn't change.). The problem is that It is absolutely consistent and I can't find a way past it to progress with my ship design.

I'm even removing a lot of parts(over 100) during these changes to get this file corruption. So it's sadly not just a matter of parts counts. I was changing the ship with no problem until very recently. The only thing I have changed is I set it to AMD mode and turned off the auto turbo boost on my AMD processor.(Edit: I've since set the hardware back to safe defaults and the problem seems to persist regardless of hardware or software settings!)

***There is also an odd problem with the terrain detail setting always setting itself back to high after I saved it on lowest. A similar problem exist and has always existed with saving kerbals to a vessel. It seem to hold onto a set of them and never change to the ones I select. At least when initially loading the vessel.


KSP v1.1.2.1260 64bit

Fedora 22 (unsure of kernel. latest I think.)

Phenom II 1100t

560ti Fermi 1gb card.

8gigs 1600 ram



Renamed File: (corrupted)

Original File: (Uncorrupted)


Instructions: Open original uncorrected file in VAB. Amend name with v2 at end(or desired change) and save file. Remove all radiator panels from ship and save file again. Hit new and reload the V2 save and file should look like the pic below.

The radiator panels are located around the center body in 4x symmetry(accept for one set on the top row). The rest are on the bottom around the engines(but are not in 4x symmetry.). If you accidentally remove a wrong part, hit ctrl-z and wait for it to reload. It may also cause the same issue without having to save and reload the file. The first or second ctrl-z usually does it. The save of the file with no heat panels seems to also always reproduce this problem regardless of if any ctrl-z actions were taken.


Renamed and then corrupted file after corruption!

photo snapshot5_zpsinik8rup.png

Pic Before removal of large radiators panels!

photo snapshot6_zpsuq1qv5bf.png

Edited by Arugela
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It's more than just the undo. If I take off those radiator panels and save th file it will always corrupt the file. I was working in this craft just a day ago and this problem started occurring. I cannot proceed with modification at this point at all with my ship. And oddly I'm removing large ammounts of parts for this problem to exist. It happens without the undo every happening. I'm not sure how to get past it to keep modifying my vessel. This wasn't occurring just a day or so ago on the same version of KSP. Which is a fresh install too. So something odd happened since then and I'm not sure what.

This ship file was from 1.0.5 at the least. Is it possible there is something about the radiator panels or the craft file that is causing problems from the upgrade that is just coming out? Or is it more likely just a parts count thing.(which I find odd since I'm reducing parts and not adding.) Or could it be anything with the auto save function. I just noticed it was a craft with 0 parts in 1 stage... And this is the only ship I have been loading and using and it was previously and auto save of this ship and has been since I upgraded the game to 1.1.2 on a fresh install.

*** And I just tried something on a hunch.  I removed just the top sets of radiator panels where those panels were that lost symmetry and it caused the corruption again. It may be related to just those panels. They seem to be causing the problem. I'll remove all but them and see if it's still uncorrupted and then upload a file with just them remaining.

Edit: This one last radiator panel(Now the only one on the entire ship), shown in the pic below, seems to be the culprit. If it is removed and the file saved and reloaded the file will be corrupted like the pics in the original post. It is one of the radiator panels that lost symmetry somehow. The other ones were removed without problem. But this one seems to be causing an issue.

Is there anything that can be done with the ship file or something to fix this simply?


https://www.dropbox.com/s/1hm1fq47wgj5jdu/The Orion V4 1_1_2 panel test final.craft?dl=0


photo snapshot8_zpsoimlk6v0.png

Edited by Arugela
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I don't recall. That may have been have been the 600 parts ship. I had to remove some stacked parts but that was a different issue(I assume). This ship actually only have a few stacked parts which are the engines. This ship is more struted to death and large.

Did it corrupt the file for you when you removed that last radiator panel too. I put the save file in my more recent post with the pic that only has that one panel. The files in the OP have more parts and would be more difficult to work with.

I was hoping that part just had some problem in the craft file and a variable could be tweaked or something! 8p

https://www.dropbox.com/s/1hm1fq47wgj5jdu/The Orion V4 1_1_2 panel test final.craft?dl=0 <- ship file with only the offending radiator panel(large) remaining

Code for original part without symmetry:

	part = radPanelLg_4292270556
	partName = Part
	pos = 2.407169,51.87187,3.217962
	attPos = 0.07009262,-0.0463295,-0.01064336
	attPos0 = 0.9299072,2.646328,1.610645
	rot = -1.297192E-06,0.9659257,-2.89813E-06,-0.2588202
	attRot = 0,0,0,1
	attRot0 = 4.889806E-08,-0.9659259,1.824901E-07,0.258819
	mir = 1,1,1
	symMethod = Radial
	istg = 0
	dstg = 0
	sidx = -1
	sqor = -1
	sepI = 0
	attm = 1
	modCost = 0
	modMass = 0
	modSize = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	srfN = srfAttach,Size3LargeTank_4292290720
		name = ModuleActiveRadiator
		isEnabled = True
		IsCooling = False
		stagingEnabled = True
				active = True
				guiActive = True
				guiActiveEditor = True
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Activate Radiator
				guiName = Activate Radiator
				category = Activate Radiator
				guiActiveUnfocused = True
				unfocusedRange = 4
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = False
				guiActive = True
				guiActiveEditor = True
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Shutdown Radiator
				guiName = Shutdown Radiator
				category = Shutdown Radiator
				guiActiveUnfocused = True
				unfocusedRange = 4
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = True
				guiActive = False
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Disable Staging
				guiName = Disable Staging
				category = Disable Staging
				guiActiveUnfocused = False
				unfocusedRange = 2
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				actionGroup = None
				actionGroup = None
				actionGroup = None

That is the code for the radiator from the most recent save. It should be the only radiator on the entire ship. Is there anything wrong with this? (crosses fingers it's this simple! )

Edit2: I just tried removing the panel and then putting it back on the ship in symmetry mode. I saved the file as a new ship and reloaded it. It did not corrupt the file on reload!

But, then I saved it as a new file again and removed the new symmetrical version of the part. reloaded it again but this time it did load corrupt again?!

So, apparently I can put the part back on but not take it off entirely. Is it something to do with the code for the heating itself underneath? It seems to break from a lack of heat panels. Maybe it's a carry over issue since the file was originally in 1.0.5 and earlier. Although I have put the large extendable panels on it and removed this part and it still happened in previous attempts to get past this. The whole point of this was to remove the large panels and put on large extendable ones.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/vo8gepjs1eeo0e9/The Orion V4 1_1_2 panel test final 2.craft?dl=0 <- Same craft file saved after removing said radiator panel and putting it back on in symmetry mode. Sadly if you removed them in symmetry and reload it still corrupts the file/load.

New code for radiator after replacing in symmetry:

	part = radPanelLg_4292270556
	partName = Part
	pos = 2.338424,51.90509,3.230069
	attPos = -5.960464E-08,0,-1.192093E-07
	attPos0 = 0.9309263,2.633629,1.61241
	rot = -1.004001E-07,0.9659256,-6.487307E-07,-0.2588204
	attRot = 0,0,0,1
	attRot0 = 1.371132E-07,-0.9659258,5.117133E-07,0.2588191
	mir = 1,1,1
	symMethod = Radial
	istg = 0
	dstg = 0
	sidx = -1
	sqor = -1
	sepI = 0
	attm = 1
	modCost = 0
	modMass = 0
	modSize = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	sym = radPanelLg_4294468142
	sym = radPanelLg_4294468094
	sym = radPanelLg_4294468046
	srfN = srfAttach,Size3LargeTank_4292290720
		name = ModuleActiveRadiator
		isEnabled = True
		IsCooling = False
		stagingEnabled = True
				active = True
				guiActive = True
				guiActiveEditor = True
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Activate Radiator
				guiName = Activate Radiator
				category = Activate Radiator
				guiActiveUnfocused = True
				unfocusedRange = 4
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = False
				guiActive = True
				guiActiveEditor = True
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Shutdown Radiator
				guiName = Shutdown Radiator
				category = Shutdown Radiator
				guiActiveUnfocused = True
				unfocusedRange = 4
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = True
				guiActive = False
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Disable Staging
				guiName = Disable Staging
				category = Disable Staging
				guiActiveUnfocused = False
				unfocusedRange = 2
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				actionGroup = None
				actionGroup = None
				actionGroup = None
	part = radPanelLg_4294468142
	partName = Part
	pos = 0.4765469,51.90509,-3.594746
	attPos = -5.960464E-08,0,-1.192093E-07
	attPos0 = 0.9309265,2.633629,1.61241
	rot = 6.487307E-07,0.2588204,-1.004002E-07,0.9659256
	attRot = 0,0,0,1
	attRot0 = 1.371132E-07,-0.9659258,5.117133E-07,0.2588191
	mir = 1,1,1
	symMethod = Radial
	istg = 0
	dstg = 0
	sidx = -1
	sqor = -1
	sepI = 0
	attm = 1
	modCost = 0
	modMass = 0
	modSize = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	sym = radPanelLg_4292270556
	sym = radPanelLg_4294468094
	sym = radPanelLg_4294468046
	srfN = srfAttach,Size3LargeTank_4292293972
		name = ModuleActiveRadiator
		isEnabled = True
		IsCooling = False
		stagingEnabled = True
				active = True
				guiActive = True
				guiActiveEditor = True
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Activate Radiator
				guiName = Activate Radiator
				category = Activate Radiator
				guiActiveUnfocused = True
				unfocusedRange = 4
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = False
				guiActive = True
				guiActiveEditor = True
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Shutdown Radiator
				guiName = Shutdown Radiator
				category = Shutdown Radiator
				guiActiveUnfocused = True
				unfocusedRange = 4
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = True
				guiActive = False
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Disable Staging
				guiName = Disable Staging
				category = Disable Staging
				guiActiveUnfocused = False
				unfocusedRange = 2
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				actionGroup = None
				actionGroup = None
				actionGroup = None
	part = radPanelLg_4294468094
	partName = Part
	pos = 4.819917,51.90509,-1.113242
	attPos = -5.960464E-08,0,-1.192093E-07
	attPos0 = 0.9309264,2.633629,1.61241
	rot = 5.297155E-07,-0.4999991,3.877287E-07,0.866026
	attRot = 0,0,0,1
	attRot0 = 1.371131E-07,-0.9659258,5.117133E-07,0.2588191
	mir = 1,1,1
	symMethod = Radial
	istg = 0
	dstg = 0
	sidx = -1
	sqor = -1
	sepI = 0
	attm = 1
	modCost = 0
	modMass = 0
	modSize = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	sym = radPanelLg_4292270556
	sym = radPanelLg_4294468142
	sym = radPanelLg_4294468046
	srfN = srfAttach,Size3LargeTank_4292292888
		name = ModuleActiveRadiator
		isEnabled = True
		IsCooling = False
		stagingEnabled = True
				active = True
				guiActive = True
				guiActiveEditor = True
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Activate Radiator
				guiName = Activate Radiator
				category = Activate Radiator
				guiActiveUnfocused = True
				unfocusedRange = 4
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = False
				guiActive = True
				guiActiveEditor = True
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Shutdown Radiator
				guiName = Shutdown Radiator
				category = Shutdown Radiator
				guiActiveUnfocused = True
				unfocusedRange = 4
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = True
				guiActive = False
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Disable Staging
				guiName = Disable Staging
				category = Disable Staging
				guiActiveUnfocused = False
				unfocusedRange = 2
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				actionGroup = None
				actionGroup = None
				actionGroup = None
	part = radPanelLg_4294468046
	partName = Part
	pos = -2.004915,51.90509,0.748582
	attPos = -5.960464E-08,0,-1.192093E-07
	attPos0 = 0.9309262,2.633629,1.61241
	rot = 3.877291E-07,0.8660258,-5.297154E-07,0.4999996
	attRot = 0,0,0,1
	attRot0 = 1.371132E-07,-0.9659259,5.117133E-07,0.2588191
	mir = 1,1,1
	symMethod = Radial
	istg = 0
	dstg = 0
	sidx = -1
	sqor = -1
	sepI = 0
	attm = 1
	modCost = 0
	modMass = 0
	modSize = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	sym = radPanelLg_4292270556
	sym = radPanelLg_4294468142
	sym = radPanelLg_4294468094
	srfN = srfAttach,Size3LargeTank_4292291804
		name = ModuleActiveRadiator
		isEnabled = True
		IsCooling = False
		stagingEnabled = True
				active = True
				guiActive = True
				guiActiveEditor = True
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Activate Radiator
				guiName = Activate Radiator
				category = Activate Radiator
				guiActiveUnfocused = True
				unfocusedRange = 4
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = False
				guiActive = True
				guiActiveEditor = True
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Shutdown Radiator
				guiName = Shutdown Radiator
				category = Shutdown Radiator
				guiActiveUnfocused = True
				unfocusedRange = 4
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = True
				guiActive = False
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Disable Staging
				guiName = Disable Staging
				category = Disable Staging
				guiActiveUnfocused = False
				unfocusedRange = 2
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				actionGroup = None
				actionGroup = None
				actionGroup = None

I'm going to try to replace the part in other modes and see if anything does anything different.

Edit3: Just added another radiator panel and tested it again. This time removing the old radiator panel. Still broke on load. So it seems to be this part specifically. I also turned on the radiator that I know is an issue and it did not do anything harmful.

Edit4: Moved the offending panel to another part. Saved the file. loaded fine. From this new part removed the panel altogether again. This time it loaded corrupt again.

I guess I could just leave the part on the ship somewhere now and keep working. But I'm curious why this is a problem and I'm a little worried it could cause more problems later. BTW I stuck it on the nose of the ship to cool the drills and gave it a friend!

Edited by Arugela
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