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Consistent and severe Kraken attacks on SOI transitions (and more)

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Ever since I upgraded to KSP 1.2 (and coincidentally, transitioned to Windows from Linux, if it matters), the spirit of the Kraken has been overwhelmingly strong in my games. It started with my vessels blowing up (100% of the time) when they transitioned to the Mun SOI. I "fixed" that by turning on invulnerability cheats, and the transition became a mere "spin my ship around wildly" instead of blowing up. When I went to land on the Mun, I was constantly be batted around by unseen phantom forces. I landed anyway. This angered the Kraken greatly, and it has increased its' fury. This video is the latest example of my crappy, not-entirely-legit Moho probe crossing into Moho's SOI, with invulnerability cheats turned on to try to survive the onslaught. I can just HyperEdit into orbit around Moho (which at least shows it's the transition that's the issue), but that ruins the adventure of it.

Here is a log. I am using a fair number of mods, not all of which are updated to 1.2.1 (still 1.2 mainly), but even when they were up to date with 1.2, this still happened routinely. In the log I see a fair number of NRE's related to BasicOrbit, which is a flight info mod, but I suspect those are generated after the Kraken attack, and the mod is simply overwhelmed.

In the face of such primal fury, I'm kind of at a loss of what to do, besides stay on the ground and build sand castles.:mad:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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