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How to mod cockpits?


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I'm new to mods. Never modded before on ksp although I've got rudimentary experience with modding (on a rugby video game). So I've got everything to learn. My plan is to create cockpits and other aviation parts for ksp but I have absolutely no clue where/how to start and so far I haven't found any tutorial that explains the process. 

Which softwares and tools will I have to use? I guess most image manipulation programs such as Gimp or Photoshop will do for rendering. Then there's surely Blender which I have never used before. I suppose the learning curve is quite high, but it doesn't matter. If someone has some video to share with me or a quick tutorial, it will be more than handy as a first introduction to the software.

But is that all? I think there are other elements I should be aware of.

Will I need to generate config files? What do I write/generate them with?

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You're going to need a 3d modeling software (blender, ect), an image processing package (gimp, photoshop), the correct Unity version, a basic text editor like Notepad++, and a lot of patience. 

I think the basic workflow is as follows: 

1. Model the part in Blender

2. Create texture using Gimp/photoshop and put it on the model

3. Import model to Unity and run the KSPParttools on it

4. Create a config file using the text editor, following config files of similar parts to yours

5. Import into the game

More specifics can be found on the various moding subforums here, and I am no expert in modeling…

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Thank you @Benjamin Kerman for taking the time to answer my questions.

As for cockpits, I hear these are rather difficult parts to mod as they require you to model both the exterior and the interior for IVAs. Are there any existing examples I could draw inspiration from?
I feel motivated but lost at the same time.

Also I didn't know that I had to install Unity. Is KSPParttools a mod?

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1 hour ago, Kerburettor said:

I feel motivated but lost at the same time.

Hi, we've all been there :)

So your KSP modding toolbox should contain the following items , modelling App of your choice (blender, 3dsmax, maya, wings3d all used for this)  Unity2017.1.3 and the (squad supplied) Part tools package( check out the modding sub forums for a link to the latest version) , this converts your models into a format the game can use (along with loads of other things)  A decent texturing/paint app, whatever works for you but NOT ms paint .  A quality text editor, many of us use Notepad ++  .

Now it's great that you want to make parts, but cockpits are not the easiest things to do or get right. So for your first KSP mod, do something simple stupid, make a cube, uv map it and put a texture on it.  import it into unity and set it up, export it to game , give it a simple cfg that'll allow it to show up,  get that worked out and you're one step closer to your cockpits and you wont be left wondering why it doesn't work.


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5 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi, we've all been there :)

So your KSP modding toolbox should contain the following items , modelling App of your choice (blender, 3dsmax, maya, wings3d all used for this)  Unity2017.1.3 and the (squad supplied) Part tools package( check out the modding sub forums for a link to the latest version) , this converts your models into a format the game can use (along with loads of other things)  A decent texturing/paint app, whatever works for you but NOT ms paint .  A quality text editor, many of us use Notepad ++  .

Now it's great that you want to make parts, but cockpits are not the easiest things to do or get right. So for your first KSP mod, do something simple stupid, make a cube, uv map it and put a texture on it.  import it into unity and set it up, export it to game , give it a simple cfg that'll allow it to show up,  get that worked out and you're one step closer to your cockpits and you wont be left wondering why it doesn't work.


Haha I was not planning on using ms paint although this could have been fun. 

I'm going to start with more trivial examples as you suggested. Maybe I'll try my hand at creating a fuel tank. Sometimes I see works of art such as this one and wanna burn steps but then I realise I don't even know how to exploit Gimp to the summit of its potential and consistently generate a correct normalmap.

I'll try to do that by the end of the week if my work laptop stops crashing and spamming me with BSODs....

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