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m/s gone

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when i attach a engine then i go out to the launch pad and the engine(s) are first for staging i press space (the button to do the staging) and it just skips it i have done everything and when i try and use a craft file the same thing happened it just skips it to (sorry idk how to insert the pic that i have taken if you want me to send a pic)

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1 hour ago, Star Man said:

when i attach a engine then i go out to the launch pad and the engine(s) are first for staging i press space (the button to do the staging) and it just skips it i have done everything and when i try and use a craft file the same thing happened it just skips it to (sorry idk how to insert the pic that i have taken if you want me to send a pic)

Do you have the throttle to max when you launch?

In Main Menu Settings there is an option: Default Throttle in Prelaunch

That helps so you don't have to throttle up every time you launch.

If it's not that then, do you have enabled the cross feed rule?

Are your engines getting fuel?

Does this happen even with stock rockets?

Edited by Boyster
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15 minutes ago, Star Man said:

@Boyster so first i have it throttled up all the way and still nothing second my engines are getting fuel and still nothing and third this is happening with stock rockets sorry for the late reply

Umm, Your first stage is the bottom one, the order is bottom-to-top

Do you have the correct order in stages? It doesn't start with the top one(0), the first stage is the bottom one(the one with the highest number).

Do you use clamps or just a rocket, its weird, this happens with stock ones too? huh...

if you right click the engine and turn it on, does the engine work?

Umm a screenshot would help, you can go to https://imgur.com/upload and post one

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