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"Some Reassembly Required" What are the limits?

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Did quite a bit of work using the new update but keep running into unexpected limitations, specifically the SEQ-9 Container module. Which I was attempting to swap from one vehicle to another but apparently it's too big as I cant move it.

Edit: Cant move any of the cargo containers (empty or full)


Does Anyone know the exact limitations of "Some Reassembly Required" ?

Edited by Redacted
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Have a look at the part description you get by right-click on a part in the VAB/SPH. The first sentence in the first textbox tells you what you can do:

"This is a Cargo Part that can be placed inside inventories": The usually smaller parts can be carried around inside the inventories and be assembled during a mission by an engineer. You have to consider the volume of the part and the volume of the inventory, it does not always fit in there.

"This part cannot be placed in a Storage container but can be manipulated in EVA construction": Other slightly too large parts can be detached and reattached by engineers but not stored in inventories.

No text about reassembly: The large parts can't be handled at all.

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The limits for handling parts under gravity is (I think!) 60 kg under 1g. So even if a part that is heavier than that is tagged as usable for EVA construction as @Mythos describes, it doesn't mean the Kerbal can actually use it if the local gravity is too high. In lower gravity, they can obviously handle more. On Eve's surface, they probably can't handle any but the very lightest of parts.

Another limitation of Construction Mode compared to the editor is that you cannot re-root vessels. The functionality is flat-out not provided. That said, there is probably no real use case for wanting to do that on an in-flight vessel anyway, but... well, you asked about limitations :P In a similar manner, you cannot save or use subassemblies.


Edited by Streetwind
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