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Restoring landing gear to the behavior prior to Unity update that ruined it

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Well all know it - one of the Unity updates, somewhere around KSP 1.5 made landing gear nearly unusable - bouncy as hell, throwing aircraft up in the air no matter how slowly and carefully you land. Playing around with Spring and Damper settings (available by turning on Advanced Tweakables) helps a little bit, but even with ideal settings, the landing gear is nowhere near to what it was before the that Unity update ruined it. And the devs don't seem to care to fix it.

Since the gear used to work before that update, it means it should be possible to somehow restore it to the old behavior in the current version of KSP. Is there any mod, any cfg tweak, literally ANYTHING that restores the landing gear to what it was before? Because the game is literally unplayable if you want to do aircraft stuff. There have been dozens of posts about this, and we need a goddamn solution to make the landing gear like it was before. Please tell me there is one.

Rant over :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're few years too late. And definitely nothing will be done about it since active development stopped earlier this year.

Now, the wheels before the update weren't exactly wheels. And while it looked like they were easier to control, they weren't accurate at all. So the whole system was wiped out and basic Unity wheel module was installed, and tweaked. If you're bouncing so much, maybe try to change settings or your landing approach, I have no problems with it. You may even send a link to your craft to see if anything can be done to help with unplayable bounciness.

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