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HSTW 1.75m Gemini


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Thanks everyone :)

I\'d rather have rcs and a orbital engine. Using rcs to stabilize orbits is a pain.

If anyone does make an RCS version of this, they should include the decoupler in the middle of the service module and the de-orbit solid rockets contained within.

Such a stack containing just everything (RCS thrusters/tank, solid rockets or LFE, decouplers and stuff) wouldn\'t be easy to assemble. Imagine 6-7 thin disks in the VAB panel looking just the same, with no means to tell which is which without mousing over and reading description.

So it\'s either RCS without retro-rockets, or LFT/LFE.

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Gemini is my favorite spacecraft... it had a real cockpit with ejection seats. It ultimately would have landed on skids with the parasail wing, like a mini-space-plane.

Well, you see what you can do next ;)

Deployable wings ain\'t implemented in the game :(. So I\'ll be doing some other stuff))

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Finally my Titan II will be perfect! Great system worked great fro achieving a 360 by 350 orbit then launching to the moon(which I miss timed by ever so slightly) has a ton of fuel on board for oribtal activites plus I love that gemini looks.

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Deployable wings ain\'t implemented in the game :(. So I\'ll be doing some other stuff))

You could make it as a deployable side-mounted parachute...

But yeah, to be perfect, it would also need deployable skids... ;)

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Absolutely love this model. Love it!!!

Couple of things. Commenters have said that if you added rcs, it would mean that the ship would be composed of to many small disks. But you could made the engine a bolt-on engine, like most other engines, with no addition to structural shape. That would free up one stage, which could be replaced by a rcs tank. And then get the overhanging dummy rcs jets on the decoupler to be radially attached rcs jets. Then there would be no more disks added.

I hope I explained myself there. It\'s hard to describe the engine bolt-on thingy I\'m thinking of.

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-snip- Commenters have said that if you added rcs, it would mean that the ship would be composed of to many small disks. -snip-

To be exact it was I who have said that :P

yeah i don;t see why it would be too difficult to take off the RCS blocks form the decoupler and jsut make them radial attach.

*Sigh* attaching a box to a cone will require quite a mess with node_colliders. And attachable RCS modules I\'ll have to create will not be compatible with anything else. Ah, damn it, these parts are already not compatible with anything but 1.75m tank 8)

Well, O.K., I\'ll do it, after finishing with glider. It has waited for toooo long))

Let\'s say, I\'ll begin working on RCS version... in two weeks. The version will contain:

  • [li]chute,[/li][li]pod,[/li][li]decoupler without any boxes on its sides (different from the one in LFE version),[/li][li]ASAS,[/li][li]big RCS fuel tank with enough fuel to land on the Mun and get back,[/li][li]surface-mounted RCS thruster to be placed on decoupler with x4 symmetry. Roll control thrusters on equipment module will remain just a paintings,[/li][li]and a compact 1.75m decoupler to attach to NovaPunch tanks.[/li]

There will be no LFE in this version.

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I don\'t see how you couldn\'t add the retros to that.

Let\'s say I don\'t want to do that.

LFE or RCS versions are flexible and allow for many different usage scenarios, while solid retro is a single-task device: burn to reenter. Moreover, SRB cannot be neither switched off nor decoupled (it will just go on pushing the capsule), so to choose engine\'s parameters I\'ll need to know from what orbit are you reentering and where do you want to land (as did the real Gemini engineers). And woe to those who\'ll ignite that retro on some other orbit! 8)

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