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My MISSION TO DUNA (Big-Ass-Probe)


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THE LANDER MISSION: (code names:oh no not again)

first the disclaimer: i'm not drunk at the moment i'm just severely dyslexic so please bear with me thank you.


are mission bignes in orbit. after a last minute preflight check mission control prepares to start the mission.


5 months later doh. we hit our launch window. mission is go, the journey to duna begins.


after a long and boring wait we reches duna and its moon. there is a lot of celebrating in mission control. however almost immediately things begin to go wrong. the prop is on what looks like a intercept course for duna's the moon.


with no time to spare a quick course correction is made and the prob just barely scraped by Ike.



having survived are close encounter with Ike we move onto Duna. finally the bad look is behind us?




having entered an orbit around Duna. we prepare to land. after an initial burn to safely crash the nuke engine and its fuel tanks on duna we discover we had made a major error. the landers foul tank is empty. now to late to abort we have no choice but to continue.


now we have a new problem?. will the nuke engine and its full tank crash into the prob on entering Duna's atmosphere.

but luck is with us this time it's a near miss.



finally we have made it. mission control begin to cheer


however the celebration was premature. with no foul it was impossible to make course corrections for the landing. with the landers solar panels and dish destroyed the mission is over



undaunted the intrepid kerbalnorts begin planning New missions to the red planet.

i hope you like my post im sorry there not a lot of detail and pleas live comments if you like my mission to Duna


the rockets for this mission http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62065-a-night-of-beer-and-KSP.

when im happy with the probe and rockets i'll post the part fills. of course that is if anyone is interested in them.

Edited by drwolf
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