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Make A Planet!


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An large asteroid the size of car (a buggy) hit the atmosphere ,but breaks up into smaller pieces in an violent fashion causing minor destruction over the region.Also, creating a nice light show for the native inhabitants on the planet.

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the bacteria develop opposing economic ideologies and begin an arms race in which they develop ICBMs (intercolonial ballistic missiles). They need only give the signal and destroy each other.

I feel like we should disregaurd this one, as it makes no sense at all.

moving on:

Simple life begins to evolve in the sea, moving from bacteria to small organisms that feed on bacteria and take in O2 from the surounding H2O

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The Combine is interested in this planet, G-Man sends the One Free Man to stop them, kills most of the invading Combine ships and also cripples this planet's population.

EDIT: I hope you accept this :P Tried to make this interest.

EDIT #2: Crap. Interesting. Duh.

Edited by TADBTD
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As the simple bacteria evolved into multi cellular aquatic cells ,but a cosmic event occur as a nearby star has died ,and a gamma ray burst hits the surface ,and any land base organisms are fried ,or die from radioactive poisoning.Sea life does survive ,but it is hard ,and long as well as large storms sweep the surface.

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The remaning moon pulls the gas onto one side of the planet. The derpy life forms migrate using derpy gyroscopes away from the pillar of dust and develop fins to enable water derping. And a large mercury sized dwarf planet gets pulled out of the L4 point and falls into orbit around the planet, the mass is enough to make it into a binary system, the mercury-like planet brings 8 moons, 5 break up and form rings around all 3 main body's (the planet, the original moon and the new moon)

Edited by SpaceSphereOfDeath
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Some of the derpy round lifeforms loose their gyroscopes and grow gas tanks instead. Their fins get larger. Now an derpy air subspecies has evolved.

I swear if these don't become sentient...

The dust eventually settles and shows a side void of life.The mercury sized moon breaks up and fragments burn up in the atmosphere,increasing surface gravity to ~1.75.This allows the derpy life to reach higher in the thick atmosphere.The remaining fragments either join the main ring or collide with the main moon increasing gravity to ~0.6.

Edited by Spartwo
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FROM NOW ON (Also adding this to main post)

Do not create colonies of species that did not originate from this planet. Do not have huge wars between native species that destroy our planet. You can use natural disasters to destroy up to a 1km radius. Volcanic eruptions ARE allowed to lower global temperatures by up to 5 degrees. We are using CENTIGRADE.

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during the duration of the snowball planet , volcanic activity raise due to the heavy glaciers put massive amounts of pressure on the planets crust.this cause raise the temperate ,but does very little to thaw the planet.However a mix of greenhouse gasses from volcanic activity begin to build up.

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The Parent star unleashes a massive storm of hydrogen and helium gases that will be flown into a far orbit above the star, and then the huge amount of hydrogen and helium gases surround an unknown bigger-than-earth "planet" and creates a huge ice giant. This ice giant is known as Forahaulst, about 2 billion km away from the parent star.

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