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Do you guys ever find yourselves mega-obsessed with replicas?


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I like Apollo style missions with the descent stage left behind, and the lander rendezvousing with the CM. But I don't think it makes it easier, lighter, or easier for Mun or Minimus. Their gravity is just too light for that kind of mission to be efficient. I do it anyway for the fun factor, but if there NASA had been running the show on Kerbin, I think we would have seen a single descent/landing/ascent/transfer stage for the Moon missions.

But recreations are awesome, regardless of weather or not they make sense for the Kerbal universe. I always enjoy seeing recreation screenshots and mission reports.

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I think my Youtube channel stands as a pretty resounding "Yes!", but it wasn't always like that. However, the more I use FAR and try to keep things to where they would fit in a KW fairing, I've gone back and redesigned some of my more outlandish designs to be more realistic. In particular I'm currently re-engineering a heavy Kethane drilling rover to break up into 3 pieces for orbital assemble, because those ultra-heavy rover wheels are darn near impossible to get into orbit under a fairing.

And I fly Apollo style just to give me more to do. There's no great practical reason to do it, but to me it looks cool, gives me some design challenge, and allows for learning some new and interesting flight techniques. Münar-orbit rendezvous practice has made my direct ascent docking launches from Kerbin a piece of cake, plus it keeps docking skills sharp.

That said, I do phase them out the longer I play, reasoning science marches on and better machines are developed. However, when I have my SSTO münar landing and return uber craft operational, I still have a sense of history in my spent descent stages scattered about the Mün as monuments to a bygone age. Which is totally pointless but to my nerdy self, entirely worth it.

And I'll never defend the practicality of my Shuttle, but I'm not gonna quit using them, either. :)

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Yes. i do this all the time, to the point that i recently assembled a Mir replica in kerbin orbit.

Also have already built a Soyus, Apollo CM & LEM, Skylab, Mercury, Gemini, Agena Target Vehicle and International Space Station (although i changed it afterwards).

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Nope. not me. Not at all.

I don't think I've actually ever built a replica of any real vehicle... although I did build a TIE fighter once for the lolz.

I like to run a space program that's different from the real ones and features a bunch of comfortable but efficient ships making up a safe and flexible infrastructure.

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i found i copy some real life things and others i just make up.

the OTV's are modeled off the of the a Apollo/Constellation style ship but that's about as far as i go. i do use parts i like through

as for landers i do use the apollo type landers but thats once i got a lab type space station around that planet/moon, other wise it a all in one ship

Edited on

i would love to see them add more shuttle bay type parts that way SSO would be worth it

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I have a massive obsession with replicas. If I find out about a proposed/canceled space vehicle, I HAVE to build it in KSP. I usually do that through mods, but it's still fun.

A while ago I read up on Eyes Turned Skyward (found out about it in the mod development section) and now I'm roughly recreating the American side of the series canon. I say "roughly" because the save didn't start out as an ETS recreation, so there were quirks like me running Mun landings aside SkyLab and SkyLab 2 being a mash of SkyLab 1 and SpaceLab. Still, I'm having fun making quasi-realistic missions to LKO and beyond.

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I use replicas a lot (By that, I mean Kerbal spies steal NASA files). My first spacestation was almost a complete ripoff of the Manned Orbital Laboratory, and then later grew to somehow become a ripoff of one of the Space Station Freedom concepts. Why do I like replicas? Because I'm a perfectionist. If I see a single aesthetic flaw in my spacecraft, I go ballistic and head back to the VAB. Ugly rockets? Not for me. I don't care of it can get to Eeloo and back on a SSTO, but I'd rather have a pretty looking rocket that barely do half the capability.

I even hire kerbonauts based on how attractive their names are. I don't know, is this a fashion company or a space agency?

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Been working on an Atlas - the Vernors are hard to get working as the verniers did in the original so I used an LVT-45 for the center engine just to get some control. The 2 engines jettisoned are both LVT-30s.

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Seems my suspicions that I'd go for SpaceX next were wrong. Apparently I've been using Ares I type rockets without realizing it, and I reallly, really like the idea. A large SRB (provided by KW Rocketry and scaled up by TweakScale) is just so efficient as a first stage. And funnily enough, it gets my apoapse right up to my favorite parking orbit (125km) before cutting off.

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I wasn't until I tried to recreate the Nova Corps Starblaster from Guardians of the Galaxy. I spent hours on it...all day pretty much. So much tinkering. I finally did it. Movable wings and flies pretty good. Infinite fuel cheat is obviously required - a lot of things I want to recreate can't be made with KSP fuel...ya know - scifi.




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Obsession doing replicas, defnetly no.

Of course i build for an challenge a Saturn V alike rocket and for my pleasure a KSP-version of an LLRV, but that's all. But normally i build crafts for missions as i see fit. It's much more fun to see how a craft could work in a given mission that to copy any given hardware.

When i want to play "realistic" space hardware i use Orbiter (Project Mercury, X 15 e.g) instead, because that is a real good simulator.

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Yeah a bit. When I make my entire launch vehicle I try to make it look like a cool existing rocket. I've had a few Proton type rockets. But my favorite is the Ariane 5. Cause it kinda forces me into using solid rocket boosters (in sandbox).

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