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If I bought the win version on Steam, can I get the linux version?

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My google-fu suggests it's possible, but I can't seem to find a definitive "yes / no" answer.

I'd really like to avoid wasting the time to download, repartition, install and then find it's not possible. I think it should, but if someone already knows, you could save me some hours.

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I am 99% sure my friend plays it on Steam for Linux. I am 100% sure he plays it on Linux and am also 100% sure he bought it on Steam.

I'm also 100% sure he'd kill me if I called him at 5 in the morning on a monday to ask :D

EDIT: I'm also 100% sure that you shouldn't install Linux just to play KSP, especially if you have no experience with it. And if you do have experience with it, then you should install it just to have and KSP should be a side bonus :D

Edited by 5thHorseman
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I am 99% sure my friend plays it on Steam for Linux. I am 100% sure he plays it on Linux and am also 100% sure he bought it on Steam.

I'm also 100% sure he'd kill me if I called him at 5 in the morning on a monday to ask :D

EDIT: I'm also 100% sure that you shouldn't install Linux just to play KSP, especially if you have no experience with it. And if you do have experience with it, then you should install it just to have and KSP should be a side bonus :D

Well then, I'll have to give it a try to confirm it :)

Don't worry, I have linux experience. I think that at some point I've had more boot options than friends ;), I don't have it anymore because all my work is on windows right now :)

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You can do it, that is just what i have donde this weekend.

I can also confirm that Linux x64 is stable (win x64 is not). so you can have tons of mods (which may cause conflict between them but that's another issue)

I have, however one issue. I don't know if English is your native language or not. I had to use linux in english configuration because otherwise ksp have problems. (In europe 1.000= 1000 whereas 1,000=1) This creates somekind of problem with a few mods (Better Atmopheres, for instance). but once I had everything in english it worked fine.

PS: Remeber that in VAB you have to use rigth shift intead of left alt.

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You can do it, that is just what i have donde this weekend.

Thanks! Now I know I won't waste my time :)

I can also confirm that Linux x64 is stable (win x64 is not). so you can have tons of mods (which may cause conflict between them but that's another issue)

Yeah, that's why I want it on linux: Better Atmospheres + MKS / OKS => random crashes from time to time, at least for me.

I have, however one issue. I don't know if English is your native language or not. I had to use linux in english configuration because otherwise ksp have problems. (In europe 1.000= 1000 whereas 1,000=1) This creates somekind of problem with a few mods (Better Atmopheres, for instance). but once I had everything in english it worked fine.

Eh, that's ok, english is not my native language (and I think it shows from time to time), but I have no problem with it (in fact, I routinely install everything in english when given the choice).

PS: Remeber that in VAB you have to use rigth shift intead of left alt.

<noobness>Ahem... what does left alt do in the VAB?</noobness>

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Left ALT allows you to copy the part you have selected (along with everything that is attached to it). I use it a lot to put more chutes, or more separatrons, or to duplicate the payload on a multiple sattelite launch. Be careful, however: itcopies the stage also. so if you alt-copy a separator+fueltank+engine and put it behind it will work, BUT both engines will be on same stage and both separator will be on same stage also, so you have to move them later on.

I spent most of my weekend getting my KSP-linux ready to be played, and I finally got it. (Create more icons for part catalog in a few mods I use, create icons for alternate resources, and finally edit the techtree to integrate the mods I use). Well, to be honest I just made personal modification to the work mostly made by others.

Edited by KaiserSoze
fix one mispelling
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<noobness>Ahem... what does left alt do in the VAB?</noobness>

It makes a copy of what you grab, including anything under that thing. Extremely useful for making asparagus stages or just making a tall stack of short fuel tanks with the beginning tier tech.

EDIT: Oops. Ninja'd by like 2 hours. That's what I get for opening a page, going to breakfast, and then coming back and reading that page :D

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