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1 hour ago, kcs123 said:

I have tried to create aircraft with variable geometry wing. First goal is to create IR swing assembly that can be re-used on various designs as needed.
Not very best aircraft that I ever created, but whole idea works quite well. @varsass have inspired me to do similar system as he showed in this post.

Here is small story trough imgur album, if you want to know more about it.



Pretty cool :cool:

I've kept working on it and now it's a bit better but still not perfect, here are usefull tips :



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Actually, I have added joint pivatron uncontroled on both extendatrons. It showed that is much easier to edit desired angles in SPH trough pivatrons than trough stock rotation gizmo when you directly attach extendatron on hull. Because of that there is also no need to mess with different speeds, pivatron compensate nicely that.

Anyhow, here is small album showing how everything is created.



I want to create few more aircrafts with this before I upload everything.

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15 hours ago, Bloojay said:

what mod for those sexy sexy wings?

Those are B9 procedural wings. Other than that, I used IR core mod V2.0.4 , IR sequencer, beta release of IR repacked parts, B9 Aerospace main mod, FAR and KJR that should be required. All other mods currently installed should not have influence to craft usage, those are mostly informative ones, like alarm clock, transfer window planer etc. I will enlist those later on when I grab some more free time to properly edit OP in this thread.

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Forgot to mention, more crafts were available for download, here are some screenshots from test flights.



There is also update on foldable wing IR system, another album coming soon to show that.

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After success of new S3 SSTO craft - that beast on picture below, I wanted to create similar craft with variable geometry wings.


Same craft in orbit, if you missed it on previous album:


I belive that I'm near limit with this design. Craft use one medium sized SABRE engine and four small sized SABRE engine. Whole available thrust is same as two medium SABRE engines. More payload weight require additional engines and/or longer runway to take off, additional fuel for that extra weight and so on. So, this is compromise between payload weight and practical usage of craft.

I wanted to create similar craft, but with foldable wings. It didn't worked well. Joints on IR parts are too weak for such large craft. Besides that, some other design flaws were noticed, might be a better idea to put wing on truss frame instead of several joint points, it might be easier to enhance conections between one truss and wing instead of several joint points.

So, here is story of next generation  IR variable geometry wing system. Craft example created with it is already available for download in OP. Gallery with screenshots.



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  • 6 months later...

While waiting for FAR update, it was oportunity to create something different. There was need to create more reliable rover to drive over Mun craters.
With help of IR mod, Rocker Bogie rover is created. Using IR, B9, DMagic Orbital science and kOS. Wheels are created also as subassemblies, so it can be easy reused on diferent kind of rovers.

Infernal Rocker Bogie Rover Type 01.



There was also demand for example how to workaround of wheel autostruting when using IR parts. It was already mentioned in IR thread, but better example is needed. Link to workaround gallery.



I created similar craft with foldable wheels.

Infernal Rocker Bogie Rover Type 02.

Folded wheels while inside fairings and on transit to Mun orbit

Unfolded wheels on surface




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