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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. I guess it is possible, but probably not set like this for a reason. It was a long time since I was inspecting FAR code, if I recall properly, it does not update voxel on each frame, but something like evry 30 or so, I don't recall exact numbers anymore, someone else need to correct me. It was done like that so it does not use too much CPU time, allowing to game runs smoothly, as much as KSP can run smoothly. My guess is that CPU usage is not main reason why it is not calculated every 5 sec, it is rather accuracy of aero model. It would lead to various other issues.
  2. I don't think that is possible for stock robotics tu update FAR. Reason is that there is no API trigger or event where FAR could inject piece of code to update voxel/aero model. Only with infernal robotics is possible to update properly craft in flight regarding swept wings and similar. I think that is mentioned previously in this thread or old thread in more detail somewhere.
  3. Can't give you precise answer regarding engines, might be wrong on that one. As for landing gears, what do you meant that you can't build housing into wings or fuselage ? That is almost mandatoray for me to clip landing gears into fuselage/wings. Deliberatly creating thicker wings to be able to hide landing gears into wings. Once you place landing gear on craft, you can offset postion in a way that only landing leg and wheel stick out when landing gears are in down position. And with gears up, everything is hidden inside wing/fuselage, or at least almost everything, depending on used part. B9 wings can also hold a fuel, so, being thicker is not ultimately bad thing. I was not activly played KSP for a while, so can't tell if Kerbal Foundries mod still work on latest KSP. But I highly recommend it to try. Especialy adjustable landing gears.
  4. I don't think tah MM alon would be able to give you selectable configs, but B9 part switch or firespitter might be able to provide something close to what you are seek for. Try to look at B9 switch, it might provide better info how to write MM patch for it.
  5. I just have found funny how oddly familiar is some scenes from this documentary . Interesting to watch, though.
  6. I'm curious how new VAB will work in game with multiple crafts created at the same workspace.
  7. I'm not sure. Few posts above: And from behaviour in game and my recall of previous converstations, WS just lowers gravity acceleration for a few sec after loading scene for landed crafts. Perhaps it could be possible to alter check if craft is landed to something like landed or in orbit. It might influnece orbit path on loading, but should not be that much.
  8. Have you tried WorldStabilizer mod ? Highly recommended.
  9. Could you used some boolean flag variable on first loading stage, to mark if you have renamed any dll on loading ? And after everything else is loaded (properly or not) show message on main menu or when starting/loading game. Don't know how much KSP API would allow, though.
  10. Tweakscale by itself only support stock + DLC parts. Everything else is moved to separate mod: Try to install companion and then see if something missing. If there is no support for some of your favorite mods yet, then write pull request on companion github. It is separated for a reason, to easy identify and solve badly written patches. Easier to maintain both in that way and MM patches for some mod can be published after proper testing without fear that something else will become broken.
  11. It is possible. Search trough this thread to find examples. Posted by me and other community members. There is not too many pages to find good example. Disclaimer: It is possible that you might need to serach thread from previous maintainer, I can't recall properly and writting this in a rush, so can't check exact links right now.
  12. Yep. Part will be placed either, within stock tech tree node or in CTT tech tree node (if it is supported in mod that you want to install). Like I said in previous post, mod that is not covered by UKS will work, only thing that might happen is that you may got some parts earlier or later in science tree. That might make game a bit unbalanced, but does not mean that your career game would be unplayable.
  13. You can use even mod not listed inh OP. Most most are already compatible with stock and CTT science tree, so parts from mods will be available trough science tree. Worst thing that could happen if you use some less popular mod or newer mod than UKS, is that some parts might become available earlier than intended or too far in science tree. But those are rare cases, more exception than a rule. If you find such parts from some mod that are "missplaced", report it here, so it might become available in future update. Welcome to forum, btw.
  14. What are you using for hinges ? Stock robotic parts or Infernal robotics. Stock parts does not work with FAR, it is known issue, while IR properly call triger to update FAR aerodynamics when necessary (after moving robotic parts).
  15. Can't be sure, but on first sight it seems that is new mod interaction issue with TweakScale. IIRC something similar happened recently with some other mods. It might be related or not, but @Lisiasshould be able to tell more about it.
  16. Thats't it. I didn't make any changes in my account settings for years. When I looked into this it was set to "Take me to the begining". I don't know what was messed up in my account while I was absent from forum. Anyhow, thanks for info, issue solved.
  17. I was offline for a month. After I come back and opened "Acitity->My Activity Streams-> Threads I follow" I got list of unreaded posts. And there comes issue. Before, after clicking on unreaded post, I have opened exact unreaded post. Now when I click on link I always open first post in thread instead of unreaded post. Is it just me and my browser borked, or it is general issue on forum after update or something ?
  18. I know about that one too, but I was speaking of drone that crashed in Zagreb that it can be confirmed to have red star painted on it.
  19. Second picture in gallery published on this web site: https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/pogledajte-fotografije-i-snimke-srusene-letjelice-izbliza/2346724.aspx I was certain that I saw picture of red star on that drone somewhere in media, it took a while to backtrack source. Unfortunately, our minister of defense is not reliable source of information. He does not always tell gibberish, only when he talks. Not that president or prime minister is any better. So, better to check everything from multiple sources. Not that linked page is most trustworthy source either, but taken photos looks legit. Sorry for not having english written artickle, but pictures speeks for themselfs.
  20. That is question for @Lisias to answer. I think it is being asked and answered recently in this thread, but that info may already be obsolete.
  21. It is hard to help anyone without more data. Usually log files provides enough info what may be wrong. Without those it will be hard to help you.
  22. I thnk it is safe to exclude option #3, however, have you considered possible cause: 4. You were having some leftovers from previous install that is not obvious at first. Deleting whole mod folders and installing it again fixed it. You would not be first and most probably not last KSP player thati is hit with that.
  23. FAR is just victim of other issues that you have. FAR does not cause issue, it just become more "visible", because of mentioned bug within KSP, when one assembly fail to load properly, pretty much all other plugins does not load properly after that. It seems that you are right about not having Remote tech installed. There is no ifo about either, plugin or folder with that name that is inside of Gamedata folder. I don't know why it shows up in your log. Error is right after loading ZeroMiniAVC.dll: [LOG 17:20:17.858] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ZeroMiniAVC\Plugins\ZeroMiniAVC.dll [LOG 17:20:17.860] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies [WRN 17:20:17.861] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' has not met dependency 'RemoteTech' V1.7.0 [WRN 17:20:17.861] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' is missing 1 dependencies [ERR 17:20:17.938] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: AtmosphereAutopilot.UI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null I didn't have muchj time to inspect your log file more carefully, sorry about that. Maybe @linuxgurugamer have more clue about that (sorry if I ping for nothing). But it still stands that you have faulty install elsewhere, check out AtmosphereAutopilot, EVEManager, SCANSat, Scale_Redist, DistantObject, KSPUtil first. Some of those does not all of dependencies properly installed. As said, when one of plugin does not work properly, everything else is prone to fail too.
  24. Very similar issue as other reports, only different mod with plugin that is not properly installed. From your log: [WRN 17:20:17.861] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' has not met dependency 'RemoteTech' V1.7.0 [WRN 17:20:17.861] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' is missing 1 dependencies [ERR 17:20:17.938] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: AtmosphereAutopilot.UI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 17:20:17.938] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: AtmosphereAutopilot.UI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 17:20:17.959] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: EVEManager, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 17:20:17.959] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: EVEManager, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 17:20:17.960] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Utils, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 17:20:17.960] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Utils, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 17:20:17.968] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Scale_Redist, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 17:20:17.968] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Scale_Redist, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 17:20:17.998] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: SCANsat.Unity, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 17:20:17.999] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: SCANsat.Unity, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null In your case RemoteTech does not have some of dependency mod installed and failed to load properly. After that due to bug in KSP itself, other mods fail to load properly too. Try to solve issue with RemoteTech first and then check other mods if you still have errors in log files. You can quickly find issue by searching for "[ERR" keyword in log file. In most cases it will reveal mod name that is culprit for those errors.
  25. Well, it is good to know that my brain is not damaged too much after all that time
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