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Everything posted by Vallius

  1. This is the worst kind of tragedy. A completely avoidable one. I think not letting the KSP2 devs and KSP1 developers communicate was the Achilles heel of the whole effort. As an actual rocket scientist, there are many points in my career where I would have made big mistakes had I not been able to sanity check my design work with a more experienced engineer. I'll soon be the lead on my component. Even with 9 years under my belt, I'm still nervous about taking over for the old guard. I can't imagine the pressure Intercept Games devs were under, having to relearn things Squad figured out years ago
  2. However it ends, thanks for the adventure Intercept.
  3. Of all the bugs. Parachutes not opening is the one that's causing me the most trouble at the moment.
  4. The problem is that double space-bar pressing isn't intentional or official at the moment, so I find myself second-guessing whether I should press the spacebar again.
  5. Same thing happened to me. It's a hilarious bug (especially because my pod can miraculously survive hitting the water at 300 m/s), but still a bug.
  6. Looking forward to it, Nate! I'm really happy to now be fighting physics rather than bugs. :-)
  7. I don't suppose we have some idea on what time of day they'll release Patch 1, do we? Asking for a friend. A desperate, space-maddened friend who has been warring with bugs just to get to Minmus and back...
  8. I'm looking forward to this patch.
  9. Thanks for the update! I know it'll be ready when it's ready, but I think I'm starting to go through withdrawal waiting for the first patch.
  10. Obviously, this is way less important than fixing the decoupling bug. But I would almost kill just to have an eyedropper tool and a way to save my favorite 10 colors.
  11. I thought I heard somewhere in one of the KSP2 ESA preview videos that the devs actually meant for us to be able to do maneuver nodes while paused.
  12. I look forward to the first patch with cautious optimism. It's the kerbonaut way.
  13. So you're saying is that the goal is that "Things will only get better?" The debugging and optimization process of KSP2 (a game about debugging and optimizing spacecraft) feels so meta (albeit with much higher stakes). Godspeed Private Division. Thank you for taking the time to respond to an anxious community.
  14. Nate, it gives me great hope to see you and the other developers working so hard to make the dream real. Even in the real aerospace industry, revising our initial engineering is just a part of life.
  15. My PC may go up in flames in a most Kerbal fashion (I don't have the Clydesdale booster GPU that this game requires), but the attempt will be worth it to give KSP2 a shot on Friday when I take off from work at lunchtime! I'm trying to set up a moon race with other rocket engineers in my department (with scoring based on things like vehicle mass, and in-game time to a landing).
  16. Or you could call it a UFO. Or maybe an IFO "Indescribable flying object". ;-)
  17. I work on the SLS, but I gotta say I prefer the old paint job. I'm pretty sure they're making it orange to save hundreds of pounds of payload due to paint.
  18. How would we balance out a smaller drill? Maybe it couldn't pick up materials as quickly, or overheats easier? Perhaps it could realistically cut down the ability to grab resource from a location even more? Just some engineering thoughts.
  19. [Redacted Self] I was commenting on how to balance ISRU, but it looks like RoverDude answered that question.
  20. My optimism! Haven't gotten around to unlocking Rapier engines yet.
  21. Playing 1.0.4, naturally! Whether or not my save gets broken again, I'm going to enjoy what I have now.
  22. For saves where Kerbals don't have permadeath, I'm sure they spend time sharing stories. Bill: "Did I ever tell you about the time I crashed on the Mun, and still made it back home to KSC on Kerbin in time for breakfast the next day?
  23. I work at a rocket company, but I'm still a bit of an amateur at Kerbal. One lunch hour with some of the other young engineers, the conversion went to video games. I mentioned KSP, and everyone instantly knew what I was talking about, but I think I'm the only one who was really a fan. I've tried to get my engineering-minded nephew into KSP, but he's more excited about the mods that allow robots than "serious" rocket science. He managed to get to orbit once, but ran out of fuel when he got there. I keep encouraging him to keep trying, but he's also way behind the updates, since his folks wisely limit his computer time.
  24. I used to use more awesome names, like Prometheus and Zeus, but I've been through a few career saves (my saves tend to be crippled by updates, so I've never gotten very far), so I've relaxed my naming scheme to just goofiness. In my latest save, I nearly ran out of money early on trying to get a handle on the new aerodynamics. My rocket classes were therefore called the Penultimatum, the Ol' Tomato (Ultimatum), it saved my space program, and finally the Carrot. Every save, I reserve the name "Valkyrie" for probe-core controlled rescue vehicles. Makes it very easy for me to know what I'm using it for, and keeps me from risking extra Kerbals just to do a rescue mission.
  25. I still remember how shocked I was when I killed Bill on the Mun, and he somehow got back to KSC within a day.
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