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Everything posted by Camaron
Megatron is a perfectly built, massive pinnacle of technology. Jebidiah Kerman is a Kerbal with the superpower of invariably demolishing perfectly built, massive pinnacles of technology. Also, He has been known to survive re-entry, Collisions with moon surfaces at thousands of meters per second, and direct contact with the surface of the sun, so we can assume he is immortal. I vote Jeb.
hitchBot's US journey ended just after 300 miles.
Camaron replied to RainDreamer's topic in The Lounge
Anywhere but the U.S. because a robot in the U.S. will just be randomly murdered by hicks, hillbillies, or gangsters before it can concoct its master plan. -
What's the glitchiest that game you ever played?
Camaron replied to Ethanadams's topic in The Lounge
Glitchiest game I've played is Need For Speed Pro Street. Followed by Need For Speed Shift. Then an old PS2 title called Hypersonic Xtreme. Starhawk and Warhawk were both great games that bugged out more than KSP does. Hell, SPORE gives it a run for its money. (Funny how there are three EA games on my list). And who could forget Grand Theft Auto 5? In crashouts from Online alone it beats KSP in bugginess easily. Then you have all the other bugs too. The people calling KSP their glitchiest game haven't played much. Its rocksolid compared to some of the crap I've had the misfortune of dealing with. -
Wow, can't let that one go unchecked for too long! A pure Dragon Deck? I like your style. You wouldn't know it but the deck I mentioned before is somewhat of a Dragon Deck. It's actually one-half of an incredibly old Dragon deck I've been using and expanding since the beginning of my time playing Magic, around 1998. I eventually split the oversize deck into the "Brute Force" deck and the "Tactical" Deck. The "Tactical" Dragon Deck includes Rimescale Dragon, Skithiryx the Blight Dragon, Keiga The Tide Star. Every basic land in the deck is a snow land, to ensure maximum compatibility with Rimescale Dragon. Seriously though, I learned this game by playing against my uncle, who used power nine cards against me in his main deck. Dragonstorm was the key to finally beating him. Dragonstorm, Imperial Hellkite, and Kilnmouth Dragon, as well as the old Urza's Mine, Tower and Power Plant for that extra mana speed. The first time I finally beat him, I had brought out 2 of the Hellkites and an amplified 14/14 Kilnmouth, and then Bladewing the Risen cranked them up even higher to seal the deal. One of my Dragons was eaten by his 9/9 Demon, but the rest weren't blocked and the game was mine! Once My friends caught on to Imperial Hellkite, I started using Shaleskin Plowers as decoys, with the upside that if they survive, they still smash a land when they flip. It sure was fun that first time someone fireballed my morph card instantly and saw some stupid 3/2 go to the graveyard. Confusion and horror.
How Close are YOU to Your Next Reputation Rank?
Camaron replied to michaelsteele3's topic in Kerbal Network
I have no idea how this even works. I don't pursue rep bars at all. Lol. -
So, I was at Burger King playing some good old magic the Gathering against my buddy. We start the match, and I can immediately see some effective cards in my hand. It's looking to be a pretty good match. Turn 1: I play a Basic mountain, and instantly follow it up with both of the Sol Rings in my hand. (the first Sol Ring paid for the second) End turn. Turn 2: Draw, play a nonbasic land that come into play tapped, and use the first land and both Sol Rings (Total 5 mana) to drop a Gilded Lotus. I immediately use Gilded Lotus as black mana to play Praetor's Grasp. With Praetor's Grasp, I searched through my buddy's deck, which has a lot of nasty stuff in it like Myojin of Cleansing Fire, Progenitus, Wall of Reverence, and others. I see Storm Herd, and I exile it face down. Turn 3: So far, I only have 9 mana. (only, lol) So I'm hoping that my new draw is a mana card, because I don't have any more land at the moment. Sure enough, I draw a basic swamp. TEN!!! I play my freind's own Storm Herd against him on turn three. He only had two lands and a Silver Myr on the ground - he hadn't even had a third turn yet, and here I've just summoned 20 Flying 1/1 Pegasus tokens. There was pretty much nothing he could ever have done to beat that. We rematched and I mana-stalled hard and managed to do nothing until he finished me the second round. Epic. We were talking about it the whole way back from Burger King. Anyone else have some unforgettable MTG plays?
Thoughts on stock communication system in ksp 1.1
Camaron replied to ouion's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I will pass NO JUDGEMENT on anything Squad does until they actually do it, and until I've actually had a chance to try it. (And, so should you.) To clarify after razark's reply, "Judgement" being different from having an opinion. Opinion - I like this idea of communication probes like the Deep Space Network. I really do. I hope Squad implements it well. Judgment - I have no idea if I like how Squad has done it, because they haven't yet. A lot of people make the mistake of making final judgements on features before they even really exist, and that's what I was talking about. -
Putting monsters into orbit??!
Camaron replied to Der Anfang's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
The game calculates the damage or engine exhaust in a single, perfect beam, so you only need to miss the core tank by a very slight amount. -
This is fairly solid advice, but I have some to add. I dock things constantly and perfectly. I bring less than 100 monoprop on ships that use docking to reconfigure and rendezvous at least 15 different times. (5) If possible, instead of turning off SAS like most will suggest, align both ships vertically. Its the one point on the navball that won't move or decieve you as you continue to orbit, even at huge inclinations. (6) With the Rcs controls, if your control point's direction is unknown, fire the RCS in tiny bursts a few times to see where your RCS is aligned, then realign yourself and your camera to make sense. (7) As Sandworm said, NEVER use maneuver nodes. Learn to read the information that show on the navball when it is in "target" mode, targetting your rendezvous goal. Retrograde will become the direction which your ship much burn in order to nullify your relative speed, and prograde, the opposite.
I'm one of the most experienced players the are. I do have KSP purchased full price on steam now, but originally, as I do with every game I can do it for, I pirated it in order to try it out. I was so hopelessly hooked that I played for months, where sometimes I would play for 20 straight hours in a day. I forgot to eat. Forgot to leave. I was pulled in so severely I forgot to pay for the game for nearly a year. KSP sucked me in like a particularly brutal Krack addiction and I only came out of it with the help of my best friend who confronted me. I had a very real problem with KSP addiction, and that's the serious truth! Terrifyingly, I honestly don't know how many hours I played. I believe I was in the pit of addiction for about 8 months. I believe I played, on average, about 10 hours per day in that time. If those numbers are even remotely accurate, then I would have logged nearly 2,500 hours in that time. It may be worse than that, since I remember there were times where I spent 20 straight hours playing KSP, went to sleep, and got up and did it again the next day, for a week at a time. I'm truly afraid that I may have spent up to 5,000 hours in this game, which is an earth-shatteringly, sickeningly huge number. I have since bought KSP on steam which has logged nearly another 1,000 hours. I've pretty much done everything. I've landed Ion ships on Moho. I've landed on everything. I've landed 1,000 ton drillers on most things. I've mastered docking skills to such an extent that my "Simple" landers are sometimes modularized craft that use twin docks for expansion ports and I switch them around with ease. I can do everything manually, and have mastered playing stock, because during the first few months that I played KSP, it didn't occur to me that mods or a community might exist. This was made with most of the tech tree still locked up.
I have at least 3,000 hours. (Probably closer to 4,000). The huge majority of my play time predated my steam purchase, which is now also up to 900. Launches aren't even a part of it anymore. You had no reason to personally attack me for having a different opinion. It looks like you called out regex, too, which was equally uncalled for. The fact that my rep is only two bars only says that I don't put much on the forums. I will stand by my opinion: Heating dynamics without heat resolution options is ridiculous, and I'm thrilled that Squad fixed it. If you feel like trying to build a ship without radiators, you're free to do so, but it doesn't mean the game should stay broken for you.
Having to manage the volatile resources of a true NERVA, or something along those lines, might legitimately be cool. But honestly, I can't believe there are now people complaining that heat management was more fun when we didn't have the tools to do anything about it. Girders are not heat control, and they're damn ugly when you use them as such. I'm a bit sick of the community, including seasoned veterans, talking as if the game was better off without the newest huge improvements. Nervas are boring because they aren't prone to explode while you aren't looking? Really? Get failure mods if you want your game to be worse. I take great pride in the fact that I've come to a point where the core game and my skills became TDR. Seeing what I can build and accomplish is the whole game to me. I'm glad to be past the novice phases. Having mildly heavy rockets collapse on themselves despite 700 structural struts in 0.22 was a drag. It was not "exciting".
Since when are individual parts the key point of excitement? Your various accomplishments are the excitement!
Am I the only one who would like to see a mod where the Kerbals are replace by realistically-proportioned "human" astronauts? And the unnecessary K's removed? I'm at a few thousand hours and the game is still fun, while the cute novelty thing grew old and tiresome for me eons ago. As a mod, mind you, but I would love such a mod.
I think he misunderstood when I said: "Plant Flag". He clearly isn't very bright.
"Bottoms Up" Rocket Construction - Anyone else do this?
Camaron replied to Goddess Bhavani's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I could never do this. Everything I build is different, and is almost never built in a mono-column design. -
What is your favorite "I did it!" Moment?
Camaron replied to Sgt.Shutesie's topic in KSP1 Discussion
There have been quite a few of these moments for me! As an advanced (modless, fully manual) player, I've done a lot of cool stuff. The first one I remember was my earliest Mun landing that didn't involve death. I don't remember the craft very well, but I do remember landing with a pretty steep slant around 12 m/s, which broke one of the landing legs and sent me rolling, which destroyed a battery, a solar panel, one of my parachutes (Lucky I had four, the craft was quite overbuilt and redundant), and both Goo containers as I rolled. Fortunately, after coming to a stop, I was able to right the ship, and exit the pod with Jeb, collecting huge science (minus the shattered Goo Container), and successfully flew home and landed, again, without death! SUCCESS! It looked a little something like this. (Please keep in mind this is a recreation from VERY faded memory. All I know for sure is that it was a tripod, I knew how to stage, I know my general build habits.) The Control would have been the brown SAS module before its size reduction, same for the goo pods) -
Here we are, everyone's an engineer of some kind and then there's me. Dropped college right out of high school, got into ebay reselling, made tons of money on computer parts. Lost it all and got banned from ebay (Extreme overreactions to basic novice mistakes), and went to medical school after quickly getting fed up with minimum wage at Sears, which was my first job at the age of 25.
Back in the day, I would leave so many random experimental ships in orbit, that Kerbin looked like Saturn, and I could never find the ship I wanted. Now, I take care to de-orbit, delete or debris-tag extra crafts.
Rescue Contracts. I have 20 Kerbals now and every one of them is level 3 or higher. Except for Jeb and Bill, who are deads. Flag on Minmus, Any Orbit around Mun, Momentarily hit solar orbit = Lvl 3. Throw in Duna and Ike, and you can get some more.
Welcome to the big (rockets) league!
I only use Mechjeb to help me with Hexa and Octo-docking 2,000 to 4,000-ton ships at 1 FPS. Everyone can play this game however they want. Personally, other than the above mentioned case, I usually play pure stock.
I don't care for orange suits at all. They feel like the starter car in a racing game for me, like they exist to be replaced by Kerbals I actually had to work or pay for, and either forgotten or killed in some random blastoff test... Wait, why did I just get a court summons for War Crimes?
Some general thoughts from a veteran player.
Camaron replied to Jwmflying14's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Yes, its a bit harsh on players and modders when updates change things dramatically in quick succession. You will live. But these are changes that HAD to happen. KSP needed a heat system and a proper aero system. There's no way around the possibility that Squad's first idea on how to implement those things may not be a good one.. The only real thing I can smack the Squad team for is naming this a "1.0 release" and then introducing massive changes like this. These are BETA changes, Squad! Maybe even alpha! These are entirely new game mechanics in some cases. Mining? I love it, don't get me wrong, but that's like having GTA released, then seeing Rockstar patch in the Pay-N-Spray / Los Santos Customs functionality three weeks later. -
I am saddened by this but, I'm getting bored.
Camaron replied to LostElement's topic in KSP1 Discussion
The way I stay entertained as long as I have, probably around 3,000 hours - most of them arent on steam but even steam has clocked 830, is to get very meticulously perfectionist about designing and building extremely high performance or ridiculously overbuilt things like mammoth Fuel stations or spectacular SSTO's. I have had Kerbin surrounded by 20 iterations of the same plane before. Take on some of the forum's more impossible Challenges like the Jool-5 or Grand Tour, or shoot for the top of a scoreboard in a competitive challenge. Play Hard Mode Career. Create goals of your own just for fun, like collecting asteroids and putting them in orbit of minmus and give it its own orbital asteroid belt. A lot of people do these things, and then present their achievements to the forums to collect fame and glory. But its entirely possible that 370 hours is all the fun you will get from KSP. everyone is different, and everyone likes very different things. A game that has a permanent pull on one person might get stale quickly to another. It's not a crime to tire of a game. 370 hours is more than I've put into almost any game, with the exceptions of KSP, GTA (franchise), Pokemon (franchise), and Minecraft.