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Everything posted by Camaron

  1. Launched and orbited this 100% legitimately. It's not all that special, other than being incredibly massive at 3,300 tons.
  2. Here are some Ion crafts on Dres and Moho. I made this Ion craft as a test of the new Ion engines when they were rebalanced in 23.5. My main design requirement with the Kruphix series is to carry the Lander Can along, as a true standalone spacecraft and lander manned by a Kerbal. I like these pics cause they show how drastically different the solar conditions are between the two planets. Also, they're really good pics anyway Kruphix III - Moho Edition Kruphix III on Dres Kruphix V is under development to reliably target Vall.
  3. Process? You mean like organized thought or something? I should try some of that.
  4. No, it was fully unintentional. The rocket was built just fine, but I forgot to sort the stages into the right places, so I ended up shedding three layers of active boosters at the same time.
  5. Here you go. A perfect, High-res SpaceX with transparency-based background. https://www./?koachh2v66baoal <<< Download Link The base resolution is 2560 x 1600. If you need it smaller, just edit it into the resolution you want with photoshop.
  6. How to: Docking [both are legit ships, actually launched from the ground! NOT Hyperedit.
  7. Gotta dig up all my Jool-5 experimental ideas now. Thrilled to see the challenge is brought back online!
  8. Here's mine! My numbers are funky because I quickloaded in the middle of the flight. It doesn't break the rules, but it broke the stats a bit.
  9. You could always get up to a comfortable apoapsis and then eject a lightweight pod with a large decoupler or two. You don't have a Jet craft anymore after that though.
  10. YES, you can!!! While I unfortunately don't have pics, and I don't recommend this since it takes forever, but I once got an airhogger pure-jet into full orbit by gradually increasing my apoapsis over tons of passes through upper atmo, and eventually getting pushed out into a full space orbit with a slight tug from the moon. Not exactly useful though. You're stuck once you've done that.
  11. The Gatecrasher may stay, not for honor, but simply because they are funny. You make our days a little bit better with those great Gatecrasher lines.
  12. Landing this one doesn't graze the belly, and I did not accidentally take fuel from the payload. Smooth orbit, dropped off a small construction grappler, and cruised on back to the runway. Named Terranova V. If you noticed the last one was also called Terranova V, that's because, in my world, failures don't keep their names. ... And a link to download the craft if you wish! https://www./?w9lgibf4fqudbrx Be careful straying too far from prograde during reentry. You can end up flipped.
  13. This ship will get it's own thread when I'm ready to offer stats, a download link and a launch album. This is the Titan XV (15). At its full weight it is over 3,300 tons, costs just over 9 million to launch and starts with 1,494 parts, but drops to a very useable 246 after fully deployed to orbit.
  14. It seems that whoever made Hangar Extender won't be updating it anytime soon. If you were to do something like that, many people would be grateful, including myself.
  15. I second that! I desperately need the bigger hangar, even in a game that is otherwise full stock.
  16. So, here (finally, after having to completely rebuild my PC after my SSD's demise) is the new prototype for Terranova 5. If you noticed that the last planewas also named Terranova V, that's because in my world, failures don't keep their names. It isn't done, it still needs a finalized payload as well as the trademark Terranova dual docks. It came out sporting an incredibly distinctive look, which I am totally in love with! (Completely by chance) I was wondering if my friends at KSP forums could suggest a nickname for this plane? My last nicknamed ship was Terranova IV, The Sentinel, because from the top, it had the distinct silhouette of some kind of mythical golem or guardian. Here's the new Terranova V:
  17. So, I was gonna quickly throw down another plane, claim my Kprize and rock on, but then I was blindsided by becoming employed, and now its gonna wait till my weekend. Darn you, real life.
  18. Currently, I don't think that would help you, but wouldn't hurt you either. It isn't one of the Kudos. ...BUT IT SHOULD BE!!! @boolybooly: That's an absolutely awesome idea, imo! Would you be interested in officially adding a tenth kudos type based on grabbing something in space and safely returning it? (Of course the plane would have to follow all other K-Prize rules). Could be a satellite we want back, or just some space junk interfering with valuable orbit paths, or an asteroid that needs to be studied on the ground, up close and personal by the KSC scientists, or, even a damaged or dead ship that needs to be helped home. Maybe even some distinction based on just how large is the object returned, similar to the minimalist/maximalist marks.
  19. If the next version is "Full Release", We had better get the rest of the planets!
  20. Grabbed straight from an older post "Mun revisions complete, and tested. Banefire can now successfully leave The Mun with over 400,000 units of Kethane onboard. Banefire weighed in at 1,331 tons at Mun takeoff. It did not use converters to refuel. (because they don't work - Kethane isn't fully supported in 0.24.2 yet). I will be making finishing touches in the next day or two and work on officially submitting it. Smile, Barlock."
  21. I am fairly certain that this is a 100% DEAD post. The OP was quite a while ago, and hasn't answered to anything. Probably for the best if we just let this thing fade away.
  22. KSP decided to gently corrupt my career save in such a way that the editor no longer functions properly. In the event that I'm wrong or an easy fix exists, I am backing up the folder, then wiping it clean. No ETA on when Ill be able to competently produce space planes again. Also, boolybooly, I didn't have any previous K-Prize entry before Terranova V. I think you got me mixed up with another poster.
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