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Everything posted by Camaron

  1. I've been playing this mod for a day, and absolutely loving it. Very well done! I restarted my career after installing this and several other mods, and now that there are viable means to make progress in a fair way, I no longer have any need to spam flags on Tylo. I can leave my life of underhanded crime and make a legitimate living with honest work! I have one suggestion, if it's even possible: Is there any way you could make the target orbits of satellites trackable, the way you can target a planet or asteroid? It could prove helpful, but I can see how it may be impossible given that the tracking mechanism seems to latch onto an existing object in order to function properly. Just a thought! Also, It seems that Orbital Stations should have a target orbit like the satellites, even the solar ones. "Put a station in solar orbit" Where? Earth-range? As close as possible? Out past Sedna? Seems like a contracting organization wouldn't be so vague about that. Thanks again for this brilliant mod!
  2. Kethane won't run for 0.24.2. There's rumored to be a patch but I can't find it. Can't make a skyscraper sized driller without Kethane...
  3. Before I go about rebuilding this Minmus-drilling behemoth, (Compatibility parts reasons / Big changes in Kethane recently) I'll ask if you actually want it. What do you think? Back when I originally tested this monster, it would drain whole deposits of Kethane completely dry with room to spare. It's surprisingly easy to land - when coming to the ground it is much lighter than its full capacity, and sports 24 LV-N's. ---------------------------------------------------------- So far, this is what the rebuild is looking like. I don't know how much the Kethane mod is working at this point, but I was able to use the parts for construction. Tomorrow, I will build a launcher for this beast, and test its ability to land effectively on Minmus, and possibly the Mun. I present you : Armored Banefire! ....So I just tested this thing on the Mun. It can land, but it can't quite take off with the full load. (It weighs well over 1200 tons when full.) Despite that, it was almost able to leave the Mun at over 1200 tons, causing it to skate before spectacularly ripping apart. I will be adding 16 more LV-N engines in order to ensure full Mun capabilities. I will not leave Mun unconquered!!! ------------------- Mun revisions complete, and tested. Banefire can now successfully leave The Mun with over 400,000 units of Kethane onboard. Banefire weighed in at 1,331 tons at Mun takeoff. It did not use converters to refuel. (because they don't work - Kethane isn't fully supported in 0.24.2 yet). I will be making finishing touches in the next day or two and work on officially submitting it. Smile, Barlock. Download Link for a De-armored Banefire. https://www./?6dqjkd66dqk1zkd
  4. Felsmak built a tanning bed. Is that the first in KSP?
  5. Here's my 700-ton all-purpose, all-stock Space Station, which I call "Ty-Low Orbital Station" (Because it grazes along at a round 65km orbit.)
  6. Here's my 700-ton all-purpose, all-stock Space Station, which I call "Ty-Low Orbital Station" (Because it grazes along al a round 65km orbit.)
  7. That's your new task, cupcake. And don't try to get away with cheap Light Beer either!
  8. I'd enjoy your challenge, but can you be specific about the technology limits? Maybe with a pic of your tree? Also, what kind of cargo do you mean?
  9. Dang, I wish KSP Physics could multi-thread. I'd build a dual-12-core from stashed merch I have in a heartbeat just to play a game. (I have two E.S. E5-2695 V2's and boards to run them. Theoretically, it would yield me almost 50 times the parts ceiling we have now if it could only multithread!) Sweet fuel tanker.
  10. I've expanded the rules to allow the Payloads to contain Mod parts, but they must not add thrust during the launch.
  11. If you're asking if your Payload can contain mod parts, like Kethane Drills, I'll consider it, but only if they are inactive/non-advantageous to the launch before decoupling in orbit. I may make a rule change for this. Functional Payloads are always good.
  12. I agree. Personally I use a dock for the final detachment. No decoupler needed, they work without a mate, they're cheap and light, and they actually serve a purpose on a payload. As for bhauth's post much, much earlier - yes, I would need more photos, but it looks like a promising lifter. Also, zekes lifters. They look incredible, but you didn't include any photos of the numbers. I really don't have enough to verify the performance on those awesome rockets.
  13. Tsynique, your last post (and gm537's opinions as well),spelled out how I feel exactly. It's meant to be a smart challenge with versatility. I actually made the challenge in hopes that it would draw out some unique solutions that had not been explored to death already. Also, I am now going to add the new submissions to rankings within the next hour.
  14. Your entry is probably fine. I mentioned earlier that I would be busy Sunday and Monday, and will catch up on all the good new entries on Tuesday. Im really liking your shuttle, Tsynique.
  15. I agree. That's why I didn't originally make an exclusive group for extraordinarily heavy ships. As for mine, it was a fuel ship, carrying tons of gas into space for all my re-fueling needs. Somehow I doubt it would score very well, however, on the √-per-ton scale. That said, maybe seeing who could get a Kiloton into space with the cheapest lifter could be interesting.
  16. Well, my record payload so far is 2,955 tons, but I didn't want to make some sort of behemoth category that nobody would enter because of costs...but maybe I should reconsider?
  17. I was wondering when someone might put a Jet Engine to use! You misread. The Heavy Lifter category is everything Over 120. 120+.
  18. Keep submitting guys! I'll be busy today and tomorrow, so I won't be taking the time to update new entries into the rankings just yet, I'll get that done on Tuesday. Zekes, and anyone else submitting, I need some more photographic evidence of your specs. Show me a pic of the recovery, for example, and a pic of the cost in VAB, some pics showing a succesful orbital launch. Thanks for playing! Come Tuesday, I'll probably even put one or two of my own pieces on the charts. As for the constantly-changing-parts-costs deal, I'm going to generally want the latest version, but I won't be backtracking to re-figure older submissions.
  19. Andromeda-M is my most massive to-date. Capable of about 100km round orbit as an SSTO, or 550km-600km round orbit if stages are dropped as intended.
  20. Several parts costs were tweaked yesterday in the 0.24.1 patch, so the wiki is likely slightly behind. Or, since every single cost was changed for 0.24.0, maybe that's the fault. In any case, clever staging, weight considerations, etc, can make rockets more or less effective out of the same weight. Simplifying it to how much one engine can lift with a given amount of fuel is not accurate. Please don't continue that argument if you can help it.
  21. These should be separate crafts. Your permanent satellite and your lander should be two entirely different things. Even if they come on the same trip, the probe should split from the main system and remain in orbit where it is.
  22. Leave probe in orbit. Transmit anything once for contract. Forget about probe. Get another contract and repeat. NEVER RECOVER PROBE! They enjoy their isolated homes. Why spend 45 minutes sending a Duna probe home, and another 45 sending a new one out when you could just leave it be?
  23. Good Question. That rule is really only intended to say that if your Payload includes RCS or Engines, that they cannot be used to assist in achieving orbit. RCS used sparingly as a stability agent, or SAS and control modules are allowed. (and really, necessary if the Payload is going to be useful.) I may re-write the rule to be clearer.
  24. Here are some free tips that can keep money relatively available for you. 1) Build some sort of pod-station around Kerbin at 100KM orbit. Use it to break away a pod from time to time to go get those silly Kerbals that repeatedly get themselves stranded in orbit. Having a pod station may be a bit more expensive than a traditional plane or rocket solution, but you will save yourself LOADS of time by NOT relaunching new rescue crafts every single time. 2) Land something manned on every planet/moon you can. Every time a "Plant a Flag" contract appears. Just jam another one in the ground! Easy! 3) Park a science probe around every planet/moon you can, and every time a "Transmit Science" contract appears, transmit any one thing, even if it counts for zero science, and nab that easy paycheck! These are the easiest three ways I have found to make money without parts-test contracts. If you encounter a contract that just sucks or pays too little. you can freely reject it and soon have new offers. Actually, I was going to build the best versions of these things that I could come up with anyway. Would you like to have what I create for those tips?
  25. Solid point. FAR allowed now, but only in the section which counts recovery.
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