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Everything posted by Tubusus

  1. When did you first notice the line missing? Just after launch, after some staging during lanuch or on the way to the Mun? I think the important thing here will be learning what kinds of events can cause this. I've got a similar problem here, I was doing an Apollo-style mission to the Mun and after undocking the lander from the orbiter, the lander didn't have a trajectory. Looking through the quicksaves it seems like it somehow switched vessel "Situation" from "Orbiting" to "Landed" at around the time of undocking. This seems related to the bug that was reportedly fixed in patch 1: Except in this case it doesn't seem like reloading the game is the cause, but rather undocking (i.e. splitting the vessel into two), at least in my case. (Well... probably. I actually don't have any hard evidence that the undocking was when the problem occured, but it seems like the most reasonable option, since before it the trajectories were showing correctly and when I looked at the map after undocking, the orbit was gone. The saves mentioned above are from just before and several minutes after the undocking.) Also, I found this report describing a very similar bug: Maybe someone should merge them?
  2. I had the same problem with different parts (the small Oscar-B fuel tank and RoveMax M1 and S2 rover wheels), not to mention that even with 1.4.1 and Making History expansion installed, the Mk1-3 Command Pod internals were misssing. After doing a fresh install (I use the .zip version from the KSP Store), everything works as it's supposed to. Not sure where the problem was, perhaps it has something to do with trying to install the new version over the existing one? I don't know how the Steam installs work, but maybe instead of upgrading your old install, you could try doing a new one and then copying your saves there. (Just don't forget to back up anything you want to keep before you delete the old one, like your screenshots and stuff. In case it works. )
  3. So I tried it with 1.0.5 (without any planet packs) and it seems to work fine, except... Algok A seems to be orbiting around nothing. Algok B just isn't there: Maybe it's been already eaten, maybe stolen or completely erased from all of spacetime, whatever, but it means that there is a pretty sizeable star missing and Algok A is defying laws of physics. No idea why it's happening, as I said, everything else seems ok.
  4. I looked into configs and it seems like some confusion in naming of the Candle drive: From CTT.cfg in KarbonitePlus folder: @PART[KA_Engine_[B]500_01[/B]]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = exoticReactions } While the actual part is named KA_Engine_375_03 (with .cfg file named KA_Engine_125_03 and in-game name KFD-100 Candle Drive)
  5. Looks great, I'll probably try it someday... I just have an idea that I think would fit well into this mod: One thing that I sometimes miss in KSP is some powerful source of electricity. We have Ion engines and antennas which require lot of power, but the most powerful EC sources are solar arrays (which are fragile and need sunlight) and engine alternators (which need fuel and produce often unwanted thrust), the most reliable are the relatively low-power RTGs. So, what about a nuclear reactor? Just make it heavy (tens of tons?), bulky (I'd go with 2.5m radius) and generate lots of EC and heat. Just a suggestion.
  6. This is an older bug I've had for several months (so nothing version specific, but in 0.25 it got somehow worse), but until now it wasn't such a problem and I have never seen this anywhere else. Besides, recently I've been using a lot of mods and I figured a workaround, so it wasn't (and isn't) anything urgent... This bug doesn't depend on version (tried both 32- and 64-bit versions) Problem: Textures in .png (and possibly other) formats aren't loading. Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/AWbou#0 - Also includes big companies flags (which i forgot to take screenshot of), some part textures (now I can think only of External Command Seat) and textures in some mods (when modded). It looks like KSP can load only .mbm and .tga textures. Converting textures to the .tga format works as a workaround (I used GIMP 2 to open them and export as .tga file of the same name). KSP.log: http://m.uploadedit.com/b041/1412954497293.txt Looking at the log, it seems it can't load some sounds too. I never realized that in game, but missing sounds aren't as obvious as missing textures... System Info: http://m.uploadedit.com/b041/1412955486121.txt As this bug is present in all my KSP installations (and I found a similar glitch with black/missing textures in Skyrim yesterday), I'm afraid it could be more fault of a system rather than KSP's, although I have no idea what could be the cause...
  7. It looks very interesting, unfortunately I haven't much time tu read it all. Anyway, I have two questions: 1) How did you change the textures of these kerbals? Is it some mod? And... 2) How did you make them without helmets? That same mod? Another mod? Or no mod? I'm thinking of doing my own project and this would be useful. So I looked for the Kerbal model or texture, but I haven't found it anywhere in the KSP folder. Thanks!
  8. When I try this link it just tells me that I don't have permission to access that page... So I found this video on Youtube and tried that. I changed the value to 3, but when I launched KSP, it automaticaly changed it back to 1.
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