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Everything posted by Claw

  1. There is also a sandbox mode. Or you can crank up the reward multipliers in the difficulty settings, so that you only need to take the contracts that you like. Give some of the other options a try if you don't wish to build planes for survey contracts. Cheers, ~Claw
  2. R, F, & X now change up the symmetry modes. Give them all a try. Cheers, ~Claw
  3. Unfortunately no. Demolishing doesn't allow for downgrades. :/ Win 64-bit career is relatively unplayable at the moment. If you want career mode, the most practical answer is to use 32 bit for now. Cheers, ~Claw
  4. Yes, they know. And my fix is still available. Sorry biohazard, but that's the best option available at the moment. I know it's annoying. Cheers, ~Claw
  5. I've seen it hinted at a few times in this thread, but 0.90 isn't significantly different in regard to the issue posed in this thread. You'll still need to view from the side and ensure the part is oriented in roughly the correct direction. Cheers, ~Claw
  6. The settings.cfg file should be compatible between the two versions. So you can also try copying over your old settings, or just manually update them as Master Tao suggests. Cheers, ~Claw
  7. Yes, -popupwindow still works. (And I personally recommend it, but that's beside the point. )
  8. Yes, this is your best bet. Try to zoom in all the way. If that's not enough, you will have to slide the view around a little (if you're in the SPH) or move the view up/down (if you're in the VAB) so that the camera clips into your MPL. Then angle it so you can see the rogue part. Hover the mouse and make sure the rogue part is highlighted before you click. Camera clipping can be a little tricky, but is very doable. Make sure you've saved before hand, in case you grab the wrong part...(much easier to fix) Welcome to the forums! Cheers, ~Claw
  9. I have figured out that most of the "right click menu bugs" can be attributed to KSP/Unity thinking you're holding down the Modifier key (ALT in the case of Windows). If you tap on the ALT key a couple times, that resets the problem. That might not be your problem, but it can help if what The Yellow Dart offers is true. Cheers, ~Claw
  10. Kerbonauts, I deleted a few off topic posts. I'm going to chock it up to a misunderstanding. Please remember that sometimes it's difficult to pull someone's intended meaning from pure words, and to give others the benefit of the doubt. As to helping with the question in this thread... Several good suggestions have been offered. I also usually view from the side of whatever I'm working on. When you get used to that, you won't actually need the ALT key that much. It also helps to have the view set before you grab a part. Sometimes rotating the view with a part in hand causes it to slide off to the sides or into the background, which makes it harder to align. Also, you need to have the part roughly oriented in the desired direction. Otherwise the editor thinks you DON'T want the part attached to the stack node. Summary: - View from the side - Have the view set before selecting parts from the list - Orient the part in roughly the correct orientation There are other tricks too, like zooming in or out a little. Exactly what works for you depends a bit on your play style. Hlpefully those suggestions will help you get over your obstacles. Cheers, -Claw
  11. Someone did a bunch of math on this very thing, in this very subforum. Unfortunately I can't remember how long ago. Maybe 4-6 months?...It might take some digging. Sorry I can't remember where, but maybe this post will jog someone's memory. Cheers, ~Claw
  12. Achievement board updated. Keep up the fantastic designs! Cheers, ~Claw
  13. Let it be so! No reason to be overly serious unless you want to. Feel free to change the title if you guys come up with something different. My apologies if I so misunderstood the intended direction. Although I think everyone now has more breathing room in a separate thread. Cheers, ~Claw
  14. Feel free to tell me what you'd like the thread to be titled. Or have Starman4308 change it.
  15. Fair enough, it's been copied back. I also thought your post made a sensible starting point for a new thread, so it's also still there. I agree with you guys that they are on-topic with the discussion of aerodynamics (which is why I didn't just delete them right off). I also tried to split the thread such that the other one made sense. However, I can honestly say that I don't think this line of posts is really answering the guy's question. Is it relevant? Tangentially yes. But try to help the guy solve his problem, and solve the stock drag equation in another thread please. Discussions about nosecone drag doesn't really address his question about wobbly rockets. Also, I ask that we get back to the topic of this thread again. If you guys have real heartburn, take it up with me via PM. Nobody is in trouble here, I'm just trying to help trim down the thread so the guy can find an answer outside of a sea of technical posts.
  16. I'm pretty excited about more biomes too! Makes it a bit easier to feel involved on those long-term missions. Your proposal about 6.4x Kerbin is completely acceptable. It's the concepts and ingenuity that I'm interested in seeing! You are indeed correct. I know people are concerned about cost per science, but I'm also interested in seeing people's creations. That's why I shied away from "cost" as a defining measure of the challenge, but it is a note. I didn't want "the universe's most efficient design ever" to rock the leader board and close off other entrants. That being said, the scoring is also left a bit vague so you can decide what's important to you. Fast? Cheap? Small? Comprehensive science? Have at it! Just get that science! Also, while designing things for Kerbin aren't necessarily the most cost/science efficient, I wanted to get people thinking about how to tackle the other atmospheric planets, vice just focusing on airless rocky bodies (i.e. Mun & Minmus). Another great way to tackle the problem. Another nice entry Laie (and great idea with the map). Ohh, also a nice job. I will take a look at it and post to the front page soon. Cheers! ~Claw
  17. Off topic posts split into a new thread. Carry on, with civility please. Cheers, ~Claw
  18. Off topic posts have been moved here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102850-FAR-and-Stock-Drag-Calculations Please take the discussion of FAR/Stock drag to that place, and leave this thread for directly helping bandi94. Cheers, ~Claw
  19. Moved this mission report to mission reports. Cheers, ~Claw
  20. It would be helpful for us if you can post a picture of your wobbly rocket. Then people can offer you specific advice on how to adjust your rocket to work better in FAR or stock, whichever you prefer. Cheers, ~Claw
  21. I think with steam the screenshot key is F12 instead of F1. I'm not a steam user though so I don't know how much it's a conflict between steam and KSP's way of taking screenshots. But if it was working before... The only other thing I can offer is that KSP 64bit is really flaky. What would help is if you can pull up the debug log (ALT+F2) and read what it says. If you're pressing F1 and nothing is showing up, or if you press it and it's throwing errors. Cheers, ~Claw
  22. I believe the demo is version 0.18 (or very close to it), though handicapped in some ways. There is also a thread buried somewhere on the forum that has links to many of the old free versions. I'm sure you're going to get this question several times, but what are you trying to accomplish with downgrading? We might be able to help you do what you're trying to accomplish without regressing. Cheers, ~Claw
  23. More information (such as screenshots) is helpful to see if there's something with your design or if it's something with the game. So I'll point you at this thread which tells you where to find that info: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide My first guess is that this is often to do with the terrain detail setting. If you have the terrain set too low, sometimes the surface doesn't line up with where the game thinks the ground is. If you have your terrain all the way down, try turning it up a bit and see if that helps. Welcome to the forums! Cheers, ~Claw
  24. Yes, more info would be helpful. I will also say that if you are playing in sandbox or science modes, the contract windows will not be there. That only shows up in career mode. If all of the buttons are missing, try fiddling with your resolution. It might have gotten pushed off of the screen. Beyond that, we really will need to know what KSP version, operating system, add-ons, and probably some screen shots. Welcome to the forums! Cheers, ~Claw
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