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Everything posted by Claw

  1. Hmm, I can't confirm it right now but I think that toggles whether the brakes are or are not activated when you press the B key. So maybe what might work is to turn and leave on the brakes (with the in'flight button). Then use action groups to disable brakes for the wheels. It's sort of a backward way to look at it, disable the brakes you don't want instead of turning on the brakes that you do want. (If that makes sense...) Cheers, -Claw
  2. Hmm, if I recall correctly the resource panel also enlarges. Although I think the increment on it is really small. I think the clock in the top left also sizes a bit. Unfortunately I can't check it at the moment. I sort of remember this from when I started having display issues with 0.23.5.
  3. Welcome! Good luck with your studies and getting off the grid. And KSP is definitely the place to fritter away your free time (and maybe even some time that wasn't meant to be "free").
  4. Haha. I know I was all over Kerbin before I ever came close to landing on Mun. That definitely took some work, and some youtuber goodness. Good luck! Oh. Vanamonde does good work AND is great cut in half with icecream and chocolate (banana split). Enjoy!
  5. I'm with Supernovy. It didn't take long playing the demo to convince me. And I also tend to build smaller rather than large. Well, except my most recent space station. That one was a bit on the larger size. Welcome! And I'm looking forward to seeing some of your designs.
  6. It changes the size of the navball and buttons (like the staging stack). To me, small increment changes seem pretty unnoticable. But going from the smallest to largest, I can definitely tell a difference. I've even modified the settings.cfg to give an even larger navball. KSP will accept the new size as long as you don't edit any other settings in-game. I should mention this is in windows. I don't know if there is some mac issue/limitation.
  7. Yep. I usually cross at 50x and always need a correction. If things are already tight, I will definitely slow down to 10x or even 1x to minimize the transition errors.
  8. As usual, this looks fantastic Rune. Nice job! Although that landing looks like it might have been a bit rough... Multi-docking. I love it and hate it at the same time... Cheers, -Claw
  9. Yes, the undock/rotate/quicksave/quickload does indeed work. If you use that, you want to make sure you keep the pieces really close together. So only rotate as much as you need and try not to back away as you quicksave/load.
  10. Because some people might only want 1 ring of RCS. Some people make great attempts at controlling part counts and/or mass. (Though massless parts are a whole 'nother issue...) Not having it near the CoM creates a problem, even with SAS control refinements.
  11. I went ahead and made a wiki account, but it might be a bit before I have a proper computer to help with.
  12. Yeah I can see that. I was going to post a bit more on here, but I suppose we've hijacked the thread enough. Off to the suggestions forum!
  13. If it's just this craft then you might have the multi part copy clipping bug. I don't know what to actually call it, but it's possible to accidently end up with multiple copies of a part all clipped into the same spot. It happens sometimes when using undo or alt-click to copy things, especially if you have ALT+F12 clipping on. You may need to delete that craft and build it again. Have a look at the load screen and see how many parts it says that craft has. I've had some small craft end up with several hundred parts. There's no saving it then I'm afraid.
  14. I agree with you on this. Gravioli, etc, doesn't make logical sense at face value. However, also consider game play mechanics. It's a careful balancing act of not making probes so over powered that there's no reason to send a kerbal too. If you could transmit all data at 100% (minus goo/materials), then probes have a huge advantage. Most of those experiments weigh nearly nothing while a manned mission or goo/SciJr add quite a bit of weight, not to mention the requirement to return. So while it makes logical sense that you should be able to transmit that kind of data, one must also consider the side effects. There almost needs to be another experiment that sort of fits in the middle. Then the pure data experiments can be reduced a bit in point status and transmission be more logical. (Either that or people need to stop feeling like they MUST get all the science, or it's some kind of failure.) This is one of my pet peeves. People just assume away the usefullness of a probe because it can't yield full science. For the most part, you can get roughly half the science which can go a long way toward unlocking a chunk of the tree to boost the capabilities of a follow on manned trip. It's frustrating to see people dismiss half the science as "trivial" simply because it's not 100%. "I don't wanna return it..." well then, accept that you won't get 100%. Grab the goodies and unlock some of the tree that you wouldn't have had for that next manned trip. "But I want 100%..." well then return it or send a kerbal along for the ride. Also need to find a balance here for giving science but yet still leave a reason to return on a later mission.
  15. I recall a rough guide on exhaust clearance is something like 2x or 2.5x the length of the plume, starting from the engine nozzle. You can also turn them slightly outward (as suggested). If done right, it looks kinda neat (IMHO).
  16. I second just about everything that's been posted. Also realoze that it takes a lot more parachute than on Kerbin. So test your design and if it's barely making it on Kerbin, it is'nt going to survive Duna. Also... Practice docking without monopro. You'd be surprised at how easy it can be with practice and small ships. Your docking skills get a lot better, it makes docking with RCS a breeze, and can save you in a pinch.
  17. To obtain more science. For surface samples (and many other experiments), you cannot gain the full science on the first run of that experiment. So some people like to gather two runs while they are already there.
  18. First, that is strange that you can't switch for close craft using the brackets (like the picture above). It definitely works for me. Are the keys remapped or maybe a mod is interfering? Does it say anything when you try to switch? Another way to get around the carrier plane despawning is to get it flying high enough. If you can get it to cruise a bit above the magic 22km line (i forget exactly where the 0.1 pressure line is), it won't get deleted when you go out of range. Get it a little ways above 22km, or get it going fast enough to actually have time. This can give you some extra time to get the space ship to orbit. Then use map mode to switch back to the carrier plane and land.
  19. That's exactly why he's carrying two. To store two matching samples.
  20. Here's my polar challenge rover. It's pretty rugged and can survive spills downhill. I built it as a rescue vehicle. It has space for a driver, medic, and two passengers. It's capable of flipping itself over after a crash, and can survive crashes at up to 4x time warp.
  21. Well, sorry it didn't work for you. Thanks for posting some files. When I get my more capable computer back I'll take a look. I'm sure it'll be too late to help you out, but perhaps it will teach me a bit more so I can help in the future. Cheers, -Claw
  22. That wasn't my problem. My problem is that the pictures were taken in a cave at midnight during a new moon on an overcast night. And I'm trying to see them on a phone. (They are a bit dark.)
  23. I believe someone exploited decouplers in a way similar to this to get to the Mun in something like 13 seconds.
  24. Oh good. Someone I can see eye-to-eye with!
  25. The wiki (and confirmed with my stock install) states transmission rate for EVA reports is 100%. However... I totally agree with. You did a good job of explaining the mechanics. I don't mean to nitpick, I just wanted to point out that EVA reports are at 100% transmission. What I didn't want to happen was that all that great explaining you did gets overlooked if/when someone tries it with an EVA report and it doesn't work at all like you described. Replace with gravioli or some other experiment, and it's all good.
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