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Everything posted by Claw

  1. Utility posted here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v0-90-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v0-1-7d-6-Jan-15%29-Misc-Utilities-%2813-Jan-15%29 It's called InflightShipSave.dll Cheers, ~Claw
  2. I just added a section for miscellaneous utilities to continue helping in the support forums. These are packaged separately from my bug fix modules. The first one that is loaded up is called InflightShipSave.dll. It saves a ship that is already in-flight, in case you launched it and forgot to save.. Released Here When you want to save a ship, visit it in-flight and press F6. This will save the ship to a .craft file in your current game and will have the name "_Rescued" appended. ===> saves\[CurrentSaveName]\Ships\VAB\[NameOfShip]_Rescued.craft I highly recommend you work on, or keep, a backup copy of your game when using this (just in case)... NOTE: Still a work in progress. There are certain attributes about ships that, when parts are active, cause the editor to throw NullRefs. I've trapped as many as I could find, but it's likely that there are still some out there. Please let me know if you run into this, and provide a save and/or the offending .craft file. Cheers, ~Claw
  3. If you guys still want it, I made an Add-On that allows you to save an active, in-flight vessel out to a .craft file. You can find it here: https://github.com/ClawKSP/InflightShipSave/releases Install the .dll to your GameData directory and start up KSP. Go to the vessel you want to save and press F6. That will save it out to the VAB directory. It will be named after your ship with "_Rescued" appended to the end. That way you can go back to the VAB and load it up. So it'll be at ===> KSP\Saves\[saveName]\Ships\VAB\[VesselName]_Rescued.craft Please bear in mind that it's a work in progress. Certain things on the ship, once activated can cause a problem for the Editor. Also, launch clamps cause the placement to be a bit wonky. I've trapped and cleaned as many of these things as I can, but check your ALT+F2 log. If you are getting a lot of NullRefs, something on your ship is still active. Providing me a picture of your craft and/or the .craft file would help. Cheers, ~Claw By the way, here is your shuttle. Looks like the utility worked for it: http://pastebin.com/ti2w3F6N
  4. I have one. Give me a little bit longer to make it adhere to the add-on rules and policies. Cheers, ~Claw
  5. Editing the .sfs back into a .craft by hand is a daunting task. It might actually be easier to write a KSP add-on to run through the vessel in the .sfs and output a .craft file. Although there is probably some conversion that needs to be done from parts backwards to proto-parts. Hmm... Funny, I was thinking about this very thing the other day. Although it's piled in a tall stack of "things to do." Good luck saving your craft, ~Claw
  6. Sounds like quite the work to get it going, but it's a neat concept. Is it worth putting another engine on the center pod? Good luck, ~Claw
  7. This is a known problem that dates back a few versions. You can find details here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78005-Controlling-All-Craft-in-Physics-Range The short answer to fix it is to switch to your vessel and press ALT+X (zeroing out the trim). Then you can move your kerbal around freely without it flipping your pod. Cheers, ~Claw
  8. Hmm. Well this thread is really meant for dealing with my stock bug fix modules. I'm not really sure what problem you're having just based on that picture. Is it the view that is a problem? Or something else? Your best bet is probably to post in the modded support area, with some more details as to what you are doing, and exactly what the problem is. Cheers, ~Claw
  9. Hmm. Well the key parts are the engines at the bottom. It is the collisions between the engines and the launch platform that cause the problem, and that part looks all stock. So maybe it was a random hiccup where something didn't load correctly...? If you manage to reliably repeat it, let me know. Cheers, ~Claw
  10. Haha, Thanks! And you are very welcome. I'm glad Podoly is all fixed up. Cheers, ~Claw
  11. I was able to duplicate this. I use maximum resolution in the "-popupwindow" frameless window mode (edit: was also able to dupe with full screen). I was able to launch a craft from the SPH, go to map view, and the buttons did not work. As you said, doing ALT+TAB cleared it up. Pressing ALT by itself did not do anything. Nor did clicking on any other buttons in the display in both stage view or map view. I also tried the NAV ball up and down and that didn't fix it either. I was able to get the buttons to work by ALT+TAB and back, or ALT+F12, then hovering over the debug window. If I didn't hover over the debug window, I still couldn't click on the buttons. Incidentally, I was able to look at the input lock stack with the problem and without, and no, there's no difference in the bit mask. Strange I didn't notice this before... Edit: Okay, new information: - Launching without a control part led to the situation above (where I couldn't control the buttons in any way without ALT+Tab away and back. Also, having the NAV ball open didn't help. - When launching with a crewed capsule, bringing up the NAV Ball also allowed the buttons to be clicked on. Closing the NAV Ball caused the buttons to lock out again. - I didn't try with probe cores. Cheers, ~Claw
  12. I looks like you had to add Podoly, and maybe this is your problem. KERBAL { name = Kiruki Kerman type = Crew brave = 0.4074531 dumb = 0.2129673 badS = False state = Available ToD = 357594.206279837 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } KERBAL { name = Podoly Kerman type = Crew brave = 0.4074531 dumb = 0.2129673 badS = True state = Available ToD = Infinity idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } } You have a missing closing bracket, "}"... Try to make it look like this: KERBAL { name = Kiruki Kerman type = Crew brave = 0.4074531 dumb = 0.2129673 badS = False state = Available ToD = 357594.206279837 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } [COLOR="#FF0000"] } KERBAL[/COLOR] { name = Podoly Kerman type = Crew brave = 0.4074531 dumb = 0.2129673 badS = True state = Available ToD = Infinity idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } } Cheers, ~Claw
  13. I see your science is logged, but showing nearly zero for some of the events (even though it's right there). Is there anything unusual about your flights? (I see lots of things colliding and exploding in your log file.)
  14. For this particular bug, the best feedback is a picture and/or a .craft file, plus the launchpad tier. Unfortunately the log doesn't give me the info I need on this one, although the persistence will if you've saved with the craft on the pad. I'll try to check out your persistence tonight (hopefully stock?). Thanks, ~Claw
  15. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but just like the other thread, we need pictures or a .craft file to give meaningful advise. There are many reasons this could be happening, including part clipping and/or use of the claw. Giving us more info helps us to give specific advice, instead of just guessing. Thanks, -Claw
  16. Well, the infinite acceleration could be a result of part clipping, but I can't tell that because there is no picture. Also, a picture of the craft before the problem could be helpful in recreating the problem. I agree that a picture of an Mk1 pod isn't very useful, but I'm asking for the a pic of the ship right before it experiences the problem. Perhaps even post the .craft file. If all we have to go on is "I can make a ship where all the pieces fall off," it's hard to offer specific advice. Cheers, -Claw
  17. Hmm. I see noting unusual in your craft design. If you suspect a problem in your save, go ahead and post it too and we can have a look. Maybe there is a way to rescue it, or get some insight as to what is happening. I would also ask (if you can) that you try to start the save, do a science run and recover (where it fails), then exit the game. Go grab the output_log.txt from the KSP_Data folder and post it here too. Perhaps there will be a clue in there as well. And I shoud have asked...are you using any mods? Cheers, -Claw
  18. Pictures of the craft and possibly some log files would help. What does it say in the F3 flight log? Cheers, -Claw
  19. Very interesting observation. I don't know what it might mean off hand, but definitely something to look in to (hopefully this week). Thanks! -Claw
  20. Hi smjjames, I'll leave our conversation in the other thread so I don't confuse myself. Well, I was unhappy with how my first version was working. Then with the release of 0.90 it sort of got forgotten about for a while. However, I have been thinking about it again lately and I have a new method in mind. Part of my problem is that I want to make these mods as unintrusive as possible. So it's been particularly difficult to modify this functionality while not actually changing the way stock works, and also not make it obvious to the player. It's possible I may build this one and release it as a separate add-on since it might not retain the "stockiness" that I strive for with these mods. Cheers, ~Claw
  21. The weird thing is that I've done goo/jr both flying at Kerbin and on Mun and was able to get science for both, so I'm surprised you aren't getting science for that. So it makes me wonder if something specific needs to happen in order to trigger this bug. And I haven't tried at the north pole yet, so I don't know if it's broken up there. Do you have a picture of the kind of ship you used to collect the science? And can you replicate this issue again in your save? Cheers, ~Claw
  22. One before, and one right after would be ideal. Along with the steps on how you got from the working one to the broken one. Quicksaves are fine. Excellent! I'm glad to be of service. and Welcome to the forums! Cheers, ~Claw
  23. I'm unable to search through your save file at the moment, but will when I get a chance (unless Vexx beats me to it). But first thing I would say is that you shouldn't need to fire all your kerbals (in fact, that might make it worse). You need to search for any kerbal names that appear outside of the roster and ensure that those same names also have a roster entry. You can find the settings for the kerbals you create in the first post. You can decide if you want them back alive, dead, or permanently fired. Cheers, -Claw
  24. I hear you. What I'm trying to say is that you have found a new bug (where he's showing up as a crew member in the next flight, despite being an applicant) and it is a different bug than the one that causes the game to lock up. I would also presume restarting KSP prevents this second bug from happening, because the crew manifest handler is wiped out. That's good news, because that means it's probably easily fixable. That's not the case for the roster bug, it will persist across KSP restarts, and took a lot more integrated fixing and roster management. (Also, it is my own fault that the roster bug is misleadingly named, since it's not actually a bug in the roster.) Let me restate again. The bug that causes the lock up is not actually a bug with the roster. It is a bug in the scenario module save routines. I can't check into at the moment, but this second bug sounds fixable within my existing crew roster fix. I would say that you did find another bug, and could definitely cause bad problems, including triggering the roster bug discussed in the sticky. Thank you for the find, and the detailed description. I will try to check it out in the next few days. Cheers, -Claw
  25. I see you have a modded install. I can't say that I have seen complaints about kerbals stuck using the replication you stated in the other thread. However, I would be interested in more information to see if it really is a stock problem. I can't read your log at the moment, but I would ask that you also upload a save file in your other thread. Looking through the save may give me a clue about what is happening to your kerbals. Also, if you could give step-by-step instructions for what you are doing, that would help me understand and replicate. The stock bug fix modules are v0.90 Compatible, but the kerbal debris fix isn't quite aimed at the bug you describe. Cheers, -Claw
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