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Everything posted by Drethon

  1. I've had MJ fail a few low TWR rockets (I think that was the problem) I built prior to 0.9. I would overshoot my target altitude and circularize the orbit on the descent. I don't think I've ever seen MJ do this, though maybe if I put the target altitude lower than the level altitude on the manual curve.
  2. I always play career to force myself to do things with less. However I like the idea of the unlock progressions be more focused toward something. For example you start with just a capsule and a contract to do science from Kerbin. The science that produces unlocks the first science tier with enough to reach suborbital and you get a suborbital contract. The science from this can unlock enough for orbital or else basic flight and with the science unlocked you get a contract appropriate. Then it branches from there.
  3. I've been enjoying the new aero model even as just a rocket builder. An interesting challenge punching an unwieldy top heavy space station core through the new aero. Had to balance it out with fins for part of the stability and Swivel engines for the rest, plus a much flatter gravity turn than I was used to. Probably better ways to do it but there is fun in the "I'm going to make this work damn it!" approach.
  4. Launch a rocket with multiple command modules with minimal RCS and deorbit them at appropriate intervals. No I have not tried this myself...
  5. I typically launch with 100% throttle and cut back at 100 m/s or so, though that was mostly pre-1.0. The only times I'd consider less on launch is with overpowered SRBs but I'd usually cut the set thrust on the SRB in that case.
  6. Hmm, asteroid fuel tanks and ships...
  7. I've been playing KSP for a year and a half now and KSP remains my favorite game. Go Squad!
  8. I haven't done extensive testing yet but I got to orbit with a fairly small craft using my FAR approach of follow the prograde. I fly to the edge of prograde in the direction I want to turn and hold it there while prograde shifts. This keeps the nose from being too far from the flight path. I think I turn too slow at first and too fast at higher altitudes but it works fairly well.
  9. I think technology unlocks should be adapted to difficulty. Give the beginners parts that make it easier to get to each stage and give the experienced pilots a challenge. I haven't seen the 1.0 tech tree yet but in the 0.9 tech tree and career I completed a rescue mission with no upgrades (I think) and the moon with just a couple unlocks and either one or no launchpad upgrades. It was a pain but was possible which I want on harder difficulties.
  10. I read this post when I clicked on the last page of the topic (I may have let the page sit for a minute). I looked up at the post count and it was 158 posts higher than the quoted post. Edit: And my post ended up 21 posts later than the last post count at that time.
  11. Makes me think they did the suicide burn too early and scrubbed off too much speed. But then that is better than doing the suicide burn too late. Holes in the recovery barge an all...
  12. I've been planning a Kerbal exploration system using remote tech and life support for some time. Setting it up so no flight goes directly to any planet but from Kerbal to orbital station, then a dedicated tug from Kerbal station to the other body's station and finally a landing ship dedicated to that body's station. It just hasn't worked out with having to keep restarting careers.
  13. I succeeded on a Kerbal rescue with no tracking upgrades, deorbited and split the two single Kerbal capsules up for parachute and landing. About five meters off the ground my rescued Kerbal's capsule Krakened and vanished. I promptly edited the save file to recover the Kerbal, put him on a rocket on the launchpad and recovered him to finish the mission. After all that work I was royally ticked to loose my rescue just off the ground...
  14. I often don't take the time to be creative but some I do like, "One small tumble for a Kerbal..." and "Tranquility Base. Tranquility my a$$! Suicide burns are supposed to be less suicidal!"/
  15. Not to mention the significantly greater distance of burning up and then sideways as opposed to using a curve to reach your target.
  16. No I would not have bought KSP without the Kerbals. If I knew what the game was like I wouldn't have cared but the Kerbals drew me in because it made KSP look like a game more focused on fun and didn't take itself too seriously. Come to find out it takes itself very seriously but in a fun way.
  17. I'd like to see Remote Tech and Life Support (with some sort of expensive greenhouse capability) added as an option, rather than a default setting.
  18. Here is the craft file. My Kethane mod is a few months out of date but so is my current KSP version I'm running (didn't want this career interrupted by changes). Still need to try modifying the ship, don't have much time during the week. https://www.dropbox.com/s/21652n5847csck0/Kethane%20Miner.craft?dl=0
  19. Yeah I've activated both oxidizer and jet fuel converters.
  20. Trying to create my first self contained Kethane miner but it isn't converting. What did I do wrong?
  21. Drethon

    Reading club

    Second The Martian and Old Man's War. I've particularly liked the Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell (John G Hemry) though that one is a lot more on fleet tactics and somewhat cultures rather than much science.
  22. Landing a perfect suicide burn always feels awesome. Though my best moment so far was sending a single rocket to Duna to land and returning with fuel to spare using only small parts. Kind of a watershed moment on not having to build monsters.
  23. With the career price changes I've been doing a lot of launches that use SRBs on the first stage, making them massively overpowered. This allows me to throttle way back on the liquid rockets after terminal, until the SRBs drop off. Maybe not the most efficient in the world but even the Delta IV uses a similar approach.
  24. I'm pretty happy with my duna Kerballed land and return mission using only small parts (and nukes). Need to work on fancier stuff.
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