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Everything posted by m4rt14n

  1. It should be in Heavy Aerodynamics. I think the mod screwed up because cfg file doesnt have: TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics entryCost = 15400 this. Is there any way I can download the original parts?
  2. Not really sure what happened, but I'm missing Mk3 Cockpit from the tech tree and SPH/VAB. I installed a couple mod (cockpit internals, KAS and Mechjeb) so did something gets invalidated. If I start regular mode (not carreer) its still there and I can use them.. Please Help?
  3. As with anything in life, start small. Try using the stock Aeris to go into orbit and back to land. Spaceplane is hard enough to control let alone build and troubleshoot. On rentry once you get to 15 or 10 km put the full thrust on and slowly pull up close to the horizon. Never let the prograde marker be too far away. Also as other posters have remarked, a picture would be very helpful.
  4. Hey all.. I'm trying to send this SSTO into another planet. It has 4 Turbojets and 1 Nuke for efficient transfers. Also a science vessel in the front with a Kerbal seat. The undockable vessel is not working properly though on my test run to Mun, can't seem to get the balance properly yet.
  5. Whats a JD Drive and where can I download it?
  6. Whateverthe price, you can always wait for 50-75% discounts on steam anyways
  7. 200 km is preferable, because it makes randevous manuevers easier. Since you dont want to be below 75km
  8. So is the x52 a good or not joystick if i'm just using it for this game? That warthog looks nice but wayyy above my price range... Whats wrong with using keyboard while using a joystick? I used to play independence War II using the joystick, keyboard and mouse at the same time. But thats another game from another era, long gone I'm afraid...
  9. Squad, please dont kill Kraken Drive. Instead give us more solar systems to explore!
  10. Can u do the switch thing with the saitek 52? I really want it but it's so pricey. I saw a used one online? Would this be a bad idea?
  11. Perhaps theyre scared of not returning to kerbin?
  12. Ive had to scrap my mothership because of this. Well that and the lag. God... the lag....
  13. How are these VTOLs possible? I thought u need HUGE rockets/wings to go into space?.....
  14. I'm getting better now, around 70% successful landings. The engine trick seems to work better for me than using the air intake one. Thanks a bunch!
  15. I think you can make some good weapons delivery with that underneath wings.
  16. I dont think RTG has been approved for personal use due to radiactivity levels.
  17. I'm bored so here's a Segway... I'm sure someone has done this already but it's fun haha! Craft: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/51811839/Segway%20Space%20Craft.craft Moves kinda weird. If it goes backwards just turn the craft around using a/d key and continue the direction
  18. I'm just really bad I guess. I think 1 VTOL engine is a bit harder compared to 2 one. Managed to land 4 times on top of helipad out of 20 tries lol. That engine shutoff trick is awesome! Also I just realized that it is not necessary to put an intake on top of the plane to feed the air to the VTOL.
  19. Just imagine Whackjob with the NASA pack and Asteroids..... Oh god
  20. I have like 2-3 nodes left on my science tree. Couldn't be bothered to finish them cos of having too much fun with spaceplanes... Maybe someday..
  21. Basic Jet engine is useful for VTOL. Strap 1-2 underneath a plane and take off.
  22. Your rocket building skills makes all my rockets look like this:
  23. Just stick a bunch of rockets into the back of the plane. Jeb would approve.
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