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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Heya! The emissive for the Mk3 Crew Saddletank is somehow broken. The cfg doesn't seem to be the culprit tho (latest release on github): Is there supposed to be an emissive dds file that looks like the windows perhaps? *shrug* The dds files in there are 4-pixel white squares unless i did something wrong.
  2. Ah nuts. Guess i meant "Unplug". I pulled an old version of KSP (Like KSP 1.1) and an old version of KAS to grab these shots:
  3. Am i crazy or is there a detach option missing from the connector/winch AG options in the VAB/SPH ? Highly useful, especially for cinematics. I see it when its already attached as a right-click option on the winch, which is unfortunately not as useful. Like if it was available as an AG just on the winch (all the time) that would work just fine.
  4. Sorry to bother you again, but did you see that DM I sent you a few months ago?

  5. Hi! I love your work, especially the cargo nose! If you find some spare time I'd like to request a hollow cargo version of the Mk3 T-Hub, Mk3 X-Hub and Mk3 L-Hub. So we can drive around inside wiggly cargo bays.
  6. Artificial gravity plates like in Star Trek or Star Wars would be awesome. Just a 3x3m surface attachable square that generates gravity. Maybe a slider for the gravity. I'm aware that Gravity Room was created, but the download is gone and the mod has gone defunct AND it was the wrong form factor. We need something to put in our cargo bays and on landing pads!
  7. Naw i found em, just noticed how short they were! Went into the configs and lengthened the max travel aaaand the tubes were then floating mid-air So i went back to some older KSP versions and found that I was the crazy one! Might i add though, the longer they can be, the better. By the by, thank you for the immense effort that you must have put into resuscitating this mod. Its genuinely huge.
  8. Ok, i've never had Sequencer work flawlessly for me. At some point it just forgets how to work. Sometimes wiping out my sequences, sometimes not responding to a hotkey, and sometimes failing to proceed after a "Wait for servos" or wait timer. The game itself is stable, all windows accessible and servos can be manually controlled with default IR UI controls. After the first play, sequencer buttons become ineffective, but register input. I'm on 1.3, 64bit, Sequencer 1.0.3 and IR 2.0.12, active struts folder deleted -- Log file Any help appreciated.
  9. Am i crazy or did the ALG used to have nesting tubes for further extension?
  10. Are the critter crawler legs working for anybody on 1.2.1? I've installed the latest animation module, but the legs seem to be inoperable...
  11. Does the hover mode + stop/anchor have collision avoidance? I had two craft hovering very close, and i couldn't get them any closer for unloading cargo :/ Had to use Vertical Velocity + HLA instead. But on the up side i've been having fun with drone lighting! They behave very well, thanks to your mod! I'm just a terrible driver!
  12. So my CPU liquid cooler pump decided to die on me last night. BUT i did save a few pics. I was on 1.2.1 and just rebuilt an old design: http://imgur.com/a/2Jl7F Time warp was eventually the problem. Don't think this happened the first or second warp. I had closed the bay prior to a long warp, but noticed the panels had bunched as i was warping (pic 3). When bringing it back to normal time the whole door popped out at 'full' extension (not shown). Upon later warps (because why not) the stackables would pop out more and more. Of course i tried retracting and extending, changing scenes, reloading. Blah. I'd get you the logs if i wasn't scared of frying my CPU. It'll be a week before the part arrives :/
  13. Holy crap this mod has come far! Awesome job! I'm totally going to use this on everything cinematic, but... is there currently a way to close the waypoint path into a loop that the craft repeats? I didn't see anything simple in the video or the manual. Probably possible with a macro? Right now i want my VTOL to fly by a cliff so i can jump my rover into the cargo bay. But i seriously doubt i'll get it on the first try. For the time being i'll just overlap the waypoints back and forth. Like this: https://youtu.be/GX-SYhzfaf0?t=2m11s but with a moving target instead.
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