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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. I intend to post a more thought-through article on this topic later, but here's a teaser: Perhaps the universe evolved. Eons ago, there may have been simpler ancestral universes with perhaps only a few laws of physics and no complex matter. If by some means they could produce more universes, and those universes could inherit their properties imperfectly, over time they might evolve to have sophisticated features like our own. P.S. I also feel like Monkeh might be on to something, as I've been pondering the idea for some time now myself.
  2. Everyone seems to be going after our rich artistic background and original methods of thinking, but what reason do we have to presume aliens want either of those, if they don't have them already? I nominate Silicon Dioxide (and related compounds). The bulk of our planet is composed of silicate minerals, making up many times more mass than water, air, or biomass. Extraterrestrials might come here from an ice planet or one otherwise low in silicates, and if they made it all the way here, they are probably in need of something in much greater bulk than any of our trace minerals.
  3. Not to nitpick but: VASIMR, not "VASMIR." It doesn't roll off the tongue as easily, but the "SI" stands for "Specific Impulse."
  4. I don't generally have silly launch failures all that often, but I have crushed the launchpad a few times:
  5. Well now it's my turn to go "WUT": First, why is it that despite knowing that the current year is supposed to be 5000, people are posting stories about Jeb and the gang in the 500s? Am I the only one around who thinks it's fishy to have them be 4500 years old? Not to mention nobody announced any of their births yet. And apparently the Squad was convened and Kraken drives invented before the Kraken was discovered (srsly - check the thread). Ahem. 547: For the first time in Kerbal history, a desperate group of sigh-and-tests and engine-nears decide to forgo anything overly ambitious and just send a simple, unmanned rocket into low Kerbin orbit. The mission is a resounding success, and Kerbalkind now considers itself a spacefaring civilization. 548: After about a year in orbit, the unmanned craft, known as Stayputnik 1, begins transmitting anomalous readings. Analysis of its signals reveal a faint "echo" as if radio waves were bouncing off an unknown object lurking in space. To make things weirder, the object does not appear to be maintaining a stable orbit, but rather moving around as if under its own power. A week later, all signs of it have disappeared and the probe mysteriously goes offline. Historians will later theorize that this was the first record of the Kraken.
  6. Trains have been outmoded by the Hyperloop ;P
  7. "Small gun, yes. That's what 'SMG' stands for." - buddy of mine at RPG night yesterday.
  8. I just make my rovers so ridiculously light that a Kerbal can just kick them right-side-up again xD
  9. The farthest I've gone is so far that the altimeter looped around from Exameters back to meters - a distance larger than the theorized size of the universe. I of course had to restart KSP before trying to do anything productive after that xD
  10. A poll would be nice for this thread. I'm one of those who uses KAC to scope out all the transfer dates and then does other stuff until it's time to go. In my current save I didn't even build my Jool ship until about a week before the transfer window arrived. The time before then was spent working up the tech tree and establishing some orbiting outposts around Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus.
  11. (You may be taking the train a little too far. Perhaps more Kerbal stuff and less historical parallels.) 402: Wright Kerman, an engine-near who dreams of being a pie-let, develops a contraption he calls the "Air Pie-Let Train" or "Air-PL-ain" for short. It's a bizarre vehicle resembling a train that he claims is capable of leaving the ground and flying through the air without a need for rails. 403: Leonardo Kerman opens a lawsuit against Wright Kerman for stealing his idea. As proof he brings a crude pencil sketch of a Kerbal sitting in a chair with a ring of whirling blades above its head. Meanwhile, Bernoulli Kerman, a sigh-and-test who dreams of being a pie-let, builds a much simpler flying machine using a swarm of birthday balloons. 404: Error. Historical record not found. 405: KYDRA, an underground group of mad sigh-and-tests, steals Leonardo Kerman's sketch and uses it to build the first prototype of the Kerbal Unreconstitutionator.
  12. Same deal here. Every week some noob comes by and says "I found [insert Easter egg here], is this bug".
  13. b-but... KSP has jet engines already o_O Next thing I know someone's going to build a rocket engine out of rocket engines.
  14. 353: A team of elite maids travels the world and cleans up all the ugly paint blotches, restoring Kerbin to its normal appearance. 354: After four years of legal proceedings, Jebediah's car is scrapped and its owner found guilty of various crimes, including attaching illegal rocket boosters to a land vehicle and naming it after someone from the future (JEB HAS NOT BEEN BORN YET. SRSLY GUYS, IS HE SUPPOSED TO BE 4000 YEARS OLD?). 355: Kaluminium is found to have a variety of uses beyond food preservation; Kesla Kerman hypothesizes that in the future it will be used to preserve Kerbals traveling in hostile environments such as the upper atmosphere.
  15. I don't trust this. Whenever performance mysteriously spikes for me, I worry it's because the game has forgotten some job it's supposed to be doing, and for all I know it might decide atmospheres don't exist or that I have no money.
  16. Weird that the pictures in the first post all seem to be from later versions o_O
  17. 318: Kesla Kerman has his ideas scraped for allegedly being insane. However, upon scraping them, shiny new ideas are revealed to have been inside, detailing a number of future technologies such as kell phones, the world wide kweb, and beamed electric power from space. Later that year, Edison Kerman invents the Konograph, a novel device that allows screams, and possibly other noises, to be recorded for playback later. This is a hit among office workers trying to prank their bosses. 319: In light of the fact that those who perform Science tend to sigh a lot and run tests a lot, they become known as "sigh-and-tests."
  18. Gah! I came here right after someone I don't know too! xP I guess Dark Junior is known for lording over tacos. Oh, and for having 42 posts - the oft-cited answer to life, the universe, and everything. (I presume that if the previous person fails to post a name, we're to judge them instead) So what's something famous about... I dunno... parameciumkid? xD
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