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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. Unfortunately that can't be done with this version. Unlike most special effects in KSP, which are stored as separate files in an "FX" folder, the blue plasma effect was actually built into the part using PartTools when I made the model. I have another art pass slated for sometime in the future, during which I intend to correct this. I want to wait for KSP 1.1 to come out first so I can make use of some Unity 5 features.
  2. On the topic of preventing fuel drain out of landers, I find a more reliable method is to just right-click each tank in the lander(s) and click the little green triangle to the right of the fuel bar, so that it turns into an "x" - this "disables" the tank, preventing its fuel from being used by anything. When the time comes to land, just right-click and press the button again and it'll re-enable, saving you the trouble of redistributing fuel. This "disabled" state reliably saves in the persistence file, unlike disabling crossfeed on ports, which in my experience seems to always revert to "enabled" on loading the ship.
  3. 247: The Kerprinting Press is invented, allowing Kerbals to easily distribute information en masse. 248: Kesla Kerman is born and shows promise as an engine-near. 249: Edison Kerman is born and also shows promise as an engine-near. A bitter rivalry is sure to ensue.
  4. As of 1.0.4, this is the number of times an experiment must be recovered in order for all of the Science points for it, in that place, to be used up - not accounting for transmissions: 1: Crew Report, EVA Report 2: Barometer, Thermometer 3: Gravioli, Seismometer 4: Goo, Materials Bay, Atmosphere Analysis, Sample After this point, no Science is gained from transmitting or recovering the same experiment from the same place again (although sometimes Seismometers will claim they have a little more left). Transmitting, as mentioned above, does not change the total points available, but will cut the individual Science returns into smaller pieces. These figures can be used to determine how many instruments to bring aboard a craft. Say I want to drive to the Admin building and scrub it clean of gravioli readings. I can keep one in the command pod, so I'd subtract one from the above chart and thus bring two gravioli detectors. I'd take one reading, move it to the command pod, and then use the other two, for a total of three in the ship. After I recover it, any future attempts to measure the graviolis at the Admin building will yield 0.0 Science.
  5. Cool! Although personally I eschew "abuse" of the Cubic Strut and would do this with Radial Attachment Points instead. The concept is solid though.
  6. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100032-Glue-Kraken The variants I've been encountering are docking ports becoming unable to undock (occasionally en masse) and a NullReferenceException during the "packing for orbit" phase when trying to timewarp, which causes the vessel to freeze in place and make timewarping impossible, with a message saying the ship is under acceleration.
  7. You could perhaps jet into an unstable orbit with a high apoapsis and a periapsis inside the atmosphere but above the despawning line, then abuse physics warp while in space to conveniently nudge your eccentricity until your orbit becomes stable. But that would be cheating ;P
  8. I love this community. Someone builds a house and within a day not only has someone turned it into a plane but someone's sent it to space too xD "Anyone remember where I parked my car?" "Oh, we launched it into space." "Have you seen my dog?" "We sent her to space." "What happened to my house?" "We launched it to space."
  9. That'd probably be this Laythe SSTO that fits in a cargo bay: More details and a download link are available via my signature.
  10. Weird. I could have sworn I posted in here. Anyway: IMO, they should have kept 0.90 as 0.26 as originally expected and called the 1.0 release "0.90 Beta." This would probably make the upcoming 1.1 be 0.91. I feel like all the important mechanics are covered, but there's cleaning, optimizing, bugfixing, and plenty of minor tweaks to be addressed before we ought to call it "done," even if future upgrade patches are planned. ...and I concur wholeheartedly on the Glue Kraken. I just keep hoping they'll randomly decide to fix it in 1.1 or some such.
  11. I usually name them for what they do, e.g. "Mun Base WIP" or "Basic Surveyor," but occasionally if it makes a funny pun or a cool name seems to fit really well I'll go with something like "Min Mussion," "Nombus Prime" (anagram of "Minmus Probe"), or "Magic Lola."
  12. 0/10 for not rating the above post or posting a spaceship ;P
  13. I probably shouldn't have brought in trains... o_O I'm entirely in favor of importing engine-nears though. That was hilarious if I may say so myself. 228: As World War K rages on, two corporations rise to fame and begin their own fledgling space exploration programs: Hanland and SpiritWolf. Their tales are told in the form of a series of video recordings, and thus need not be recorded here. 230: World War K finally comes to a close after an amazing covert operation led by the valiant secret agent Kirrim Kerman the First. Later that same year, Jool is discovered.
  14. parameciumkid is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Video Game Design.
  15. IMO, they should have left 0.90 as 0.26 and called the 1.0 update version 0.90 beta. 1.1 doesn't seem like it'll finish everything either, so that'd probably make it 0.91.
  16. AMEN. Can we have this engraved on a giant neon sign pasted in front of their new office? And that of pretty much every game development company ever?
  17. My new cargo spaceplane for 1.0.4. It still needs a bit of debugging before I post the .craft file in my ship thread.
  18. I believe that last week I asked for my Mako to be featured this week. So did I not do something I should have, or is it simply not remarkable enough?
  19. I continue to have zero regrets about sticking with Windows 7. I knew enough of Microsoft's history to anticipate that 8 would be junk. As for 10, mostly I like the idea, but I'm against things like mandatory updates and various other shenanigans they snuck in there. So 7 all the way ^^ My sympathies for OP being unable to use it.
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