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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. You accidentally press the Self-Destruct button.
  2. "It just looks that way" - so it's red. That's kinda how colors work ;P The rest is true though. But who's to say Kerbals breathe in the first place? They don't appear to have noses, and have been seen frequently keeping their mouths closed. So they might not change color under stress at all.
  3. I think they turn green - a color similar to but not exactly #BADA55.
  4. Oh, okay then. That saves me the work of making a joke thread where I post a picture of a KAS crane lifting a bomber on a hook.
  5. It's nice but your bros forgot to change the logo to say "Diskovery Channel" xD
  6. It's Gilly's crack. Wait no... It's the Cracken. ;P
  7. ^ Do the second part, but don't do the first! Unless you wait on staging it, it'll come out too high and rip off. Set the deployment pressure to something like 0.6.
  8. TBH, I fly with the keyboard and have tried using a joystick, and the difference really wasn't that great to me. So if OP does not have a joystick, please don't resign yourself to buying one just yet (inb4 "but you can get such-and-such joystick for like four bucks on Amazon..."). It's like buying expensive pencils to draw with - if you learn to draw, the difference between a cheap pencil and an expensive one isn't crippling, and if you learn to plane, not having a joystick on hand shouldn't ruin it for you. On the topic of landing: 70-80 m/s is kinda fast, especially for a small one-seater. Try for 50-60, or under 50 if you can, and try to keep your vertical speed above -10, because while the wheels can roll really fast, they don't generally handle slamming into the ground too well.
  9. I SSTO as much as ever. Also, there's this to consider: A lot of my SSTOs in old versions as well as 1.0 have used rocket engines in place of jet engines, so the jet engine nerf meant nothing in that regard. As far as spaceplanes go, things just changed a little. Now instead of spamming air intakes it's an issue of managing drag, etc.
  10. Assuming you mean what I think you do: "Ferrying" refers to moving passengers from one predetermined location to another in a systematic fashion, usually repeatedly and often back and forth. In KSP, players often have Kerbals aboard a station, for example, and want to move them to another installation. For instance, there may be a station in orbit around Kerbin and another around Mun. Something one might do is launch a "ferry" into space that can dock with either station. When the Mun crew have been out there for a while and are "tired", one might send a shuttle with fresh Kerbals to the Kerbin station, then use the ferry to move them to the Mun station, then use the same ferry to bring the old crew back to the Kerbin station, then bring them down on a shuttle. The ferry in this case moves between the two stations in a routine fashion and carries crew, leaving the shuttle to to the job of supplying new crew and recovering old ones.
  11. Both, but depending on your setup the FPS increase may be minor. Of course since this is 1.1 we're talking about, 64-bit is the least of the potential upgrades, so there's liable to be a big performance increase after all, but I can't say how much of it will be due to the address size until it comes out and one of us can run some side-by-side tests. ._. I've been ninja'd.
  12. Part Thirteen: Accessory Fitting and Ring Assembly Phase 3 The second portable station was delivered and inserted into Kidonia's second main cargo bay. As luck would have it, both stations ended up arriving while Kidonia was oriented with the empty cargo bay in shadow. Fortunately both the stations and the cargo bays had guidance lights. Next, the habitation ring was finally completed. Now that everything is oriented properly, the final pair of segments have been inserted, closing and completing the ring. This will also enable Kidonia to turn itself so that future docking operations needn't be performed in the dark (unless they occur at night). Kidonia is now almost fully equipped. It still requires the Ore Bot, a few more small accessories, and 24,217 units of LiquidFuel (which should take roughly three tanker runs).
  13. Then don't. Try what I suggested about taking things in turns. Contracts tend to give you silly deadlines like 12 years or more, so you can just send a probe on its way and then do other stuff in the meantime with no worries. Or just sit on the contract until you feel up to it - it won't expire for a long time. If you need to make money rapidly, I recommend going with a bunch of short contracts (data from space around X, plant flag on the Mun/Minmus, test X part landed on Kerbin, etc.).
  14. Psh. 25 fps is dandy. I don't consider the game unplayable until it drops below 7.
  15. Yes, sometimes the game offers ridiculous contracts. In the future, please check before making your own thread because this has to be at least the 8th thread about this.
  16. On a dare from a friend, I've begun work on a replica of Mass Effect's Mako.
  17. Meh, old news. When Gas Planet 2 gets put in the game, maybe it'll be a sign they'll go back and use this, but after all this time that's just a relic of the past, just like the original Kerbo Log and the Magic Boulder.
  18. I use cargo bays all the time without anything overheating o_O I had one thing overheat once inside a fairing, but that was easy to fix by a slight change in the design.
  19. Y'know, thinking about it, I'm with that first reply about reskinning the parts as the game progresses. I've noticed a "hump" occurs near the end of the tech tree, when a bunch of 550 and 1000 nodes are left but most of the 300 and below are clear. Perhaps this hump could be set as roughly equivalent to current space technology; going back into earlier phases, things could get lower-tech until they look like 1950s stuff, and beyond that it can look like near-future sci-fi (Interstellar or perhaps Firefly).
  20. You guys and your struts. I was around when KSP could be boiled down to "if your rocket doesn't move, add boosters, and if it does, add struts" ...but things have changed. I build some pretty hefty ships these days and have only minimal need for struts - and when I do need them, they're in fairly obvious places such as at the end of a long stack of tanks that's mounted at the other end. Kidonia, for example, only has twelve struts (two rings of six) in the entire hull. I feel like people who think the game has an excessive need for struts or that KJR is necessary are either A: building mega-ultra ships and likely using modpacks such as KW or SpaceY, or B: aren't putting adequate effort into designing stable ships - i.e. don't attach a bunch of Big Oranges to an OKTO2.
  21. I use KAC to get the Kerbals in on the swapping out action: Do a maneuver for a probe and set an alarm for the SOI change; launch a relief crew for the Minmus station and set an alarm for that SOI change; Land on Minmus; switch to the probe after the SOI change for another maneuver and set an alarm for periapsis; launch from Minmus and set an alarm for closest approach to the station; set rendezvous course and alarm for the relief crew; rendezvous the lander; recover Minmus probe; launch the next relief crew; dock with station and trade out crew... etc., etc., etc.
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