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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. They missed a decimal point, seriously? It already weighs like 6 tons! or am i mistaken?
  2. It'd be nice if the progression of the storyline missions in Career mode matched the order of transfer windows :\
  3. Does nobody in here actually design ships with clearance for the cargo bays? o_O
  4. I learned from Scott Manley. Hard to go wrong with that xD
  5. Today was refueling and more refueling. After refueling runs 9 and 10, Kidonia is now about a quarter full xP I'm starting to wonder if I made it too big.
  6. If it actually can level KSC, color me impressed.
  7. Yeah, sorry you had to learn it as late as you did, but the quicksave and the autosave are two different files. This is a good thing because then if you, say, make a quicksave before re-entry, it won't get overwritten by an autosave 30 seconds later when you're about to explode because you came in too steep. Now that you have learned, this'll sound like useless advice, but it is good to have at least one or two extra backup saves in case something bugs out or you make a tragic mistake.
  8. And here we are today using Kerbal Space Program to make trains xD
  9. I second the puzzlement. The last several memes you've posted seem completely unrelated to KSP and in some cases unintelligible o_O
  10. TBH I concur with OP. I've never once used the Thud for anything ever. And sadly I don't actually have any ideas for a solution. If the Thud is even the tiniest bit underpowered, it'll be pointless, and if it's even the tiniest bit superior to its peers, people will just find clever ways of center-mounting it, making it silly to have it radially mount in the first place. TBH I'm thinking the whole radial / stack engine dichotomy ought to be dispensed with and perhaps a few radial engine adapters should be added as a replacement.
  11. Eve... where the gravity is so punishing you fall over and DIE. I dunno if you're trying to make this "hardcore" or anything, but I personally would disregard that incident as the glitch it is and load a quicksave.
  12. Looks neat, but does it use Infernal Robotics or some such? Currently I'm trying to make this a stock-only mission as far as parts are concerned (though I may include the SQUAD add-ons).
  13. Heh. Once again... tried that xD The mean anomaly is extremely easy to calculate - in fact one could say I'm already using it. It simply increases linearly with time and is equivalent to an angle, the same thing represented by "t" in the code i posted. However, the eccentric and true anomalies derive from it in the bizarre manner detailed above, and for now I've given up.
  14. @Rune: That does indeed look better, but as far as I can tell from the picture it involves a lot of clipping and lacks any Science equipment. I'm currently working on a stowable SSTO, but the rules for the "official" challenge forbid all but the most subtle of clipping, and there isn't actually cargo space for the plane anyway (it's just going to stick on the side). And here's some better pictures of the Tylo lander: It is in fact able to land on and return to orbit from Tylo, just barely, and manages to cram just barely enough fuel aboard without any abusive part clipping; as is normal in KSP, the walls of the tanks do intersect a small amount, and admittedly the lower tanks do go straight through the engine mount, but at least in my book this is okay because the "functional" parts of the engine, i.e. the engine bell and the little ball thingy, are unobstructed and thus "in real life" it basically just means they did a bit of drilling and sawing to reconfigure the outer supporting structure. Honestly the Poodle is kind of a 1.25m-class engine with a 2.5m profile. @Geschosskopf: True on all counts. Unfortunately the Jool transfer window is pretty much here already and I still haven't unlocked RTGs. I'd use fuel cells, but their nature of consuming my precious rocket fuel deters me from them (in fact I've never used one even once). Using HyperEdit, I have run some tests verifying that while the solar panels perform poorly, the stackable ion probe is able to power and (slowly) recharge itself, and the Ore Bot is unable to run its drills continuously at full power but can still gradually mine ore over time. And no, I'm not technically a professional but that's just because I'm still in school. P.S. A big thanks to everyone who gave me rep over the last day since I posted the diagram! I have now reached the esteemed level of THREE light green rep blobs ^^
  15. Again, exactly what I tried to do ^^; I presumed that since the orbit was prescribed and fixed, and therefore all orbital elements were known (and several were zero, e.g. inclination), a simple function would exist that would give me the object's position at a given time. From this I could easily simulate speed by simply assigning it the appropriate position each frame. However, as best I can tell, such a function does not actually exist. Apparently orbits of different eccentricities follow markedly different patterns of motion, and the eccentricity affects the true anomaly (position at a given time) in a strange, unconventional manner. The eccentricity factors in, then the square of the eccentricity factors in a smaller amount, then the cube factors in an even smaller amount, etc. etc. etc. Orbital prediction software (such as KSP, presumably) uses a finite number of "iterations" using the eccentricity to estimate an object's position, and can be made to be precise to very small distances, but it seems to be the case that an exact solution is impossible using existing math. I suppose this might be part of the reason New Horizons was only able to estimate its arrival time at Pluto to within several hours. :\
  16. Maybe you and I are into a lot of the same things xD

  17. My latest WIP: a spaceplane for Laythe that can fit into a Mk3 cargo bay. It can almost SSTO on Kerbin, so it should be able to SSTO on Laythe, but I haven't checked yet.
  18. WIP: a spaceplane for Laythe that can fit into a Mk3 cargo bay. It can almost SSTO on Kerbin, so it should be able to SSTO on Laythe, but I haven't checked yet.
  19. Wow! Very clever use of air brakes. Now that I see it I feel like I should have thought of that xD If you don't mind I feel like your technique ought to be detailed in the "Open Source Construction Techniques" thread.
  20. It's thanks to Kronal Vessel Viewer and my painstaking efforts precisely resizing each of the images to the same scale within one pixel, using docking ports as a reference.
  21. 1. Yes. The Klaw is not motorized, so adjusting the angle using the free pivot is a bit tricky. 2. I've had this bug too. At first I suspected it was a Klaw bug, but on occasion it's affected ships without one. I've found that tiny probes survive, but a large or floppy ship will explode if I try to timewarp during this state. Timewarping in the Tracking Station is a practical workaround, but the bug doesn't "go away" until you restart KSP. 3. Right click one tank. Then hold "alt" (I think it's alt. Might be shift. I'm sleep deprived) and right-click another tank that carries at least one of the same type of fuel (e.g. a LFO tank and a LiquidFuel tank; this doesn't work with, say, a LFO tank and an RCS tank for obvious reasons) and a pair of buttons will appear on each tank enabling you to transfer fuel in or out of it. Selecting more than two tanks in this fashion will allow you to transfer into a given tank from all others, vacuuming up fuel from each roughly evenly, or transfer out and distribute it to all others roughly evenly. 4. That was a bug, probably related to issue #2. It shouldn't usually happen, so try restarting KSP and see if you get your safe timewarping back. If you look at the debug log (Alt+F2) you can see that something is throwing a NullReferenceException during the "packing for orbit" process when starting a timewarp. 5. Yes it is. I admit the Klaw has its problems, but so do regular docking ports and plenty of other parts, so IMO all the hatred of the Klaw is undeserved.
  22. 45 seconds after a whole year? I'm on Day 181 and the Sun is rising over an hour past 0:00, and it falls a few seconds farther behind every day. The "warp to next morning" still works as designed, but the clock isn't following the actual day length very well. Interestingly, I don't think the Sun is supposed to rise at 0:00 to begin with (e.g. when starting a new game), but for a time mine did, which is what first clued me in to the "drift." I thought SQUAD said they had patched this o_O
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