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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. Build a huge Rube Koldberg machine that guzzles rocket fuel and has eight different types of engine in it, each of which is built out of several smaller engines repurposed to perform a function never intended by the creators... to put snacks in your mouth so you can keep both hands free to control the rocket. Do not, of course, think to make the machine simple and compact so that you can bring it aboard the rocket with you ;P Now try playing checkers.
  2. QUICK Someone build a 64-car HYPE TRAAAAAAAAAAAIN
  3. I haven't really touched it either, but I like that it's there for when I do end up wanting it xD
  4. This: Do you think NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sound from space battles? Never have I encountered so much stupidity concentrated into so few words...
  5. It has been mentioned earlier that Scott Manley has landed on Chuck Norris. It has also been mentioned that Chuck Norris has been to Mars, which is why there is no life there. What hasn't been mentioned is how Chuck Norris got to Mars: Scott Manley brought him there. __________ Chuck Norris once punched Scott Manley so hard one of his teeth flew into orbit, where it executed a flawless Hohmann transfer to Titan - upon arrival, it reacted with the organic compounds in its atmosphere and then returned to Earth, where it implanted itself in the ground and grew into Danny2462. Both Manley and Norris will deny this when questioned.
  6. What would I want to see in the final moments of humanity's existence? My reflection laughing maniacally in the window of my kick-ass escape spaceship as I watch the idiotic masses suffer the consequences of their lifetimes of irresponsible despotism. Then perhaps the face of the lover I'd bring along with me so we can try and make a better civilization somewhere else, far, far away.
  7. Now what would be the Kerbal way of flushing a toilet?
  8. 7/10 I like what you did with those landing legs.
  9. 406: Engineers at KSC are stumped by the puzzle of how to remove dropped parts from the insides of tubular rocket sections, until an intern is observed picking one up, turning it over, and shaking it. Work begins on an advanced grabbing unit to allow engineers to turn over and shake large and heavy rocket sections. 407: Bruce Kerman is torn up by the tragic loss of his parents in a launchpad fire, and becomes a masked vigilante known as DinoKerb. Wearing a Kraken costume, he hunts down criminals by night and shakes them violently. 408: In need of more advanced technology for his Kraken suit, DinoKerb founds the Kerbodino Foundation. Executives at his board meetings think the name is stupid and within two days the company is renamed "Kerbodyne," a name everyone agreed was moderately less silly. Their first product is a sticky paste they claim can be used to patch holes in spacecraft made by micrometeorites, and even holes made by micrometeorites in spacecraft made by Kerbals!
  10. At least in the old challenge, I confirmed that it is legal not only to bring extra Kerbals, but also to bring extra ships, satellites, and stations and even leave Kerbals in there as long as enough Kerbals do the mission and come back to meet the challenge requirements (e.g. for Jeb's level, at least one Kerbal lands on each moon and returns to Kerbin during the mission).
  11. I'd build this out of stock parts: And then I would fly it to ALL the modded-in star systems.
  12. Lame. I guess I'm stuck in an alternate category then. Technically I do disagree on the issue of things "more than half" clipped into other things. Nothing's clipped more than a quarter except the orange tanks in the first image (a design I wasn't planning to use anyway). And I've verified through testing that the engine cluster does not overheat instantly - in fact at 73.5% thrust it can run indefinitely.
  13. Part Three: Launching the Cargo Section The second part of Kidonia's main hull is the "cargo section" housing the primary cargo bay array and secondary fuel reserve. I had the debug log open due to suspicions arising from a NullReferenceException that had occurred upon trying to load this craft in the editor, which I think originated when I re-rooted it. I forgot to take a screenshot when orbit was first achieved, but this here shows the cargo section just after making an inclination correction on its intercept course with the core section. Like the core section, this was launched in a single stage to save funds and minimize debris. To facilitate this, the cargo bays were filled with temporary fuel tanks as will be shown later, and the sheer fuel capacity resulting from this led to the cargo section practically launching itself.
  14. Okay so on the topic of clipping. The intent of the rule is obviously to prevent stuff like this from being submitted, but what's the consensus on things like these? Please tell me they're okay, or at least close! I assure you that there's nothing clipped in addition to what's visible here, just a bit of "mushing" tanks so the thing fits where it needs to.
  15. Kidonia is my largest interplanetary mothership and I think my largest stock ship to date: More details available via my signature.
  16. I finished this today - an overhaul of my Portable Station for KSP 1.0.2. This is both the most compact and the most feature-rich version yet - more details and a download are available here or here.
  17. Welp. It is almost full-size, on a logarithmic scale xD
  18. I'd recommend changing that top parachute into a shielded docking port (or any port, but the shielded one works well aesthetically) and adding some radial parachutes, enough so that in case some noob burns up all the fuel it can still manage a soft landing.
  19. My Portable Station has been overhauled for KSP 1.0.2! More information in its thread and in my signature.
  20. Another bump in honor of the 1.0.2 edition of the station - both the most compact and the most feature-rich version yet!
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