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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. Nice to meet you, Sad Pocket Dentist. ;P
  2. That reminds me - I made a pack of meme flags a while back which I guess could be linked here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75850
  3. Unbelievable! That small? Can you please post a craft file? I've been agonizing over my Tylo lander and it's still over twice that size :C
  4. https://minnesotaherbalist.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/tongue-1.jpg
  5. I release the scorpion by licking away the lollipop goop.
  6. 8/10 Looks neat, but I hope those wings are aesthetic because they'd make lousy armor what with the low collision tolerance. RobotEngineer gets -100/10 for insulting Harbinger, and I am reposting it because it is a spaceship:
  7. French Rats Are Not Centralized And Invade Slowly. AAEIIAUA
  8. A lot of you guys suck - I've successfully done a bunch of these before: - listened to Gangnam Style all the way (still love that song) - licked my elbow (not that hard) - ate only one peanut - reverse parked going forward (just use the spaces in the middle of the lot and drive through one into the other) - performed a one-hand clap (also easy) Here's one: Walk on the Sun. Being any protection you like. You will still fail ;P
  9. 6-8i I don't even know which team this helps any more xP Go Team Zero I think...
  10. I've actually already extracted all of the planet textures for use in a personal version of EVE. I'd post them here, but I worry it violates the TOS. Does it, or would it help if I just tossed them up in this thread?
  11. ^ I LIKE THIS! I'm apprehensive of mods or the stock game adding a functionality to have Kerbals take the MonoPropellant from the ship, as it provides a legitimate, but frustrating, danger of being stranded helplessly. So if this will add that in, but let Kerbals use "emergency EVA fuel" then I approve wholeheartedly. Regarding the VirtualFuel - instead of adding a resource, it seems like you should just be able to use a local variable and/or the existing EVAFuel resource. Worst-case scenario, why not just have the Kerbal use MonoPropellant as EVA Fuel and use the EVAFuel resource as VirtualFuel?
  12. I foresee this concept being useful for people with mods that affect fuel types, e.g. RealFuels or anything that might end up requiring something like MonoPropellant ducts.
  13. 300K? 300K?!? My Kerbals are costing over a million funds now! And as I've made clear in the past, I don't go killing Kerbals like it's going out of style. It's those blasted rescue contracts. When one spawns, I feel bad leaving it unattended (will the poor Kerbal be left to die?). But if I don't finish it, other contracts don't spawn due to having too many active, and I can't make money without any contracts. So I have to bring them back to KSC, which makes more rescue contracts spawn. Now I have like 57 Kerbals milling about in there >.<
  14. Today I did a bunch of preparation work for my in-progress Jool-5 mission:
  15. *pants* Dude, you scared me! For those dropping by, it turned out to just be a small software bug causing the probe to enter "safe mode", which has since been fixed. Now you don't have to freak out like I did xD
  16. Well since you're asking, I do admit that a graphics card would be nice. Intel HD is good, but I do envy those people with five monitors and 239874293x239847 screen resolution who can run modern games at 99999 FPS xD
  17. I use SRBs: - To complete test contracts for SRBs (duh I guess) - As structural elements in large space stations - mainly the Kerbodyne SRB-KD25dk - To build cannons for the lolz.
  18. I've never used or even installed MechJeb. Not even once. I take pride in this xD
  19. Part Six: Cleanup, Cleanup, and More Cleanup First on the schedule for today was continuing the process of cleaning up the spent boosters from the initial launch. Each of these was supplied with a bolt-on parachute module and then deorbited using its own leftover fuel. Thanks to their terrible aerodynamics (akin to throwing a paper plane sideways), re-entry was spinny but relatively peaceful as far as heating went. As seen here, each booster had little trouble surviving and landed unharmed. Next the time came to attach the fuel tankers I had sent en route earlier. So far these are the biggest tankers I've been able to launch in this version of KSP, so unless I devise a larger one (and a way to afford launching it), it's going to take many fueling missions before Kidonia is filled up and ready to go. Hopefully I still have time!
  20. I felt slightly bad for Mr. Hawking at first, but honestly he'd probably get a laugh out of this too xD
  21. ...why is the diagram scale in nanometers?
  22. A: These types of questions go in the Modding Support forum, or at least the Gameplay Questions forum, so you're actually limiting your opportunity to get answers here. B: It's been 20 minutes. Have some patience. C: You should be able to find those bits yourself pretty easily if you just open the .cfg in a text editor and use ye olde ctrl+F search function to dig up lines that look promising. That's what I generally do.
  23. 8/10 Cassini was awesome and we need more like it. I AM ASSUMING CONTROL OF THIS THREAD.
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