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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. This thread is strange to me. I play 1.0.2 with no joint reinforcement mods and full engine gimbals, and my rockets barely flex at all, with the exception of floppy payloads that obviously should be strutted down.
  2. ^ Ooooooor: thrust-limit the LV-N. I find 73.5% is a good magic number. Effectively this just means the LV-N got a minor thrust nerf, but still has a "turbo boost" mode for when you need a little extra push in a pinch.
  3. Thanks. It took a bit more derping around, but those functions weren't documented anywhere I could find so I would have had a much harder time without them
  4. ^ This. I find 0.15 is usually pretty safe, and I've never once had any trouble if I set it to 0.2 or higher.
  5. UPDATE!!! The Para-Sci Jump Drive is now officially compatible with KSP 1.0.2! This is, unfortunately, not the major update I'd planned but instead a small compatibility patch. The art pass is postponed until KSP's Unity 5 migration is complete and I can make use of Unity 5 shaders for the jump effect. Changes: - Recompiled using 1.0.2 API - The Jump Drive is now nice and supplies a small amount of electric charge when the jump finishes so that unmanned ships won't find themselves dead in the water. - Jumping is a violent event, and as such it will now tear fragile parts such as extended solar panels clean off the ship! Make sure to prepare for this by retracting them; it is also wise to include a backup power source such as OX-STATs or RTGs. - Jump Pad removed as people kept complaining about it not working. It may be added back in the next update if I can find a way to make it work. - It is no longer possible to slowly charge up the jump drive using solar panels. Either a reserve of at least 10,000 units of ElectricCharge or a powerful generator able to produce at least 5,500 units per second must be present, or the jump will fail.
  6. Blarg. I tried to find this myself, but to no avail, so here I am asking again: Does anyone know how to check programmatically whether a solar panel is open, closed, or broken as well as how to change these properties?
  7. Ready for the next EXCITING installment in my Jool mission preparations? No? Good. Because today I spent hours not actually playing the game but debugging a save file manually via text editor. My ring station had covertly developed multiple docking port bugs, which waited until the best possible moment (during a difficult docking operation at night) to strike, lagging the game with a NullReferenceException printed to the log every frame and making my Space Tug Klaw Edition unable to un-klaw itself from the station. On that note I think I may have experienced more klaw and docking bugs in 1.0 than all previous versions I've played put together. Something seems to have gotten borked...
  8. I recommend against anything with Parmesan cheese based on experience. First I observed that sprinkling it too close to the computer results in cheese all over the keyboard. So I put my hand in between to block it... ...and got cheese all over my chair.
  9. Yaaay, multithreaded Physics is actually really on its way for real (not just a thing for which we had our fingers crossed)! I'm disappointed to hear that the aero model is liable to change yet again, but I'm not surprised and I concede it will be better if we settle on the best model feasible rather than just whatever we have.
  10. Allow me to be yet another person saying thanks for this thread. Even this many versions later, a lot of the same bugs still exist and can still be solved the same way. I didn't actually find the issue detailed in the instructions, though - rather, I had a port connected to another port but saved in the "Acquire" state, as well as a Klaw bug I was able to resolve by enabling the "decouple node" option. Nevertheless this thread was a big help in pointing me in the right direction, and while scrolling around the file I was able to clean up a few other minor errors that might have become problems later ^^ EDIT: As long as I still have the floor... the bug came back. Either making rings with docking ports is a very bad idea or KSP 1.0 borked up something in the docking process. I've followed the directions to the letter, but to no apparent effect. Any ideas anyone? Also, while this fix is very worth the effort for small constructs, when your station has 400 parts and about 80 of them are docking ports, I feel like it would be lifesaving if an automated system could be made to fix or at least point out docking errors. That's presuming of course that one doesn't already exist...
  11. I've discovered that either lifting bodies are far more powerful or that you don't need as much lift in 1.0.2, as I was surprised to see how well this thing flew: P.S.: The best thing about the new thumbnails might be that they ensure you'll always have at least one picture of every ship you've made ^^
  12. Next time please ask for help in the Help forum. By the way, it is possible to join stuff to the end of a docking port in the VAB, and it will stay together in flight, but unless there is a second port, you won't be able to reconnect them after you "decouple node".
  13. Well I've somehow missed the poll, but what I have to say is that they seem decently balanced against one another, but perhaps all a bit too inefficient. Real-world rockets often have specific impulses in excess of 400, and the prototype NERVAs far higher. If the game needs a balance to make up for overpowered engines, I'd rather it be something else. Perhaps when engines run hot for too long, the little "health bar" for overheating can persist as an effect on the engine, reducing its recovery value and destroying it if it reaches 100%.
  14. I am hereby bumping this thread to pass on the exciting announcement that SE's latest patch (only available in the SE forum so far) adds engine exhaust and renders ships in interstellar space! Now we can do proper galactic voyages with cool glowing interstellar ships.
  15. My observations agree with the responses above - I haven't seen any ships rendered farther than 2.5km while in space, although the little tracking dot appears as it always has.
  16. Wait I'm confused now. 30 and not 300 is a bug? Did SQUAD say it was supposed to max out at 300 for the orange wheels or something? If so I must raise a mental eyebrow, because 30 seems decently strong already. I can only imagine the acrobatics my rovers would do if their brakes were ten times as powerful ._.
  17. This thread puzzles me. The new wings were one of the first things I noticed upon opening 1.0, and by dang they're huge. Are you sure you have 1.0? o_O
  18. *reads revised map* Hmm, those transfer numbers are smaller than I remember - but wait! These are interplanetary transfers! They shouldn't have changed... *realizes latest mothership may be overdesigned by a factor of eight* xD EDIT: *redoes math* *realizes latest mothership is underdesigned by 30%* I might just be bad at math...
  19. I do recommend it. Admittedly the fact that it's entirely CG was a bit of a surprise, but I got used to it within the first episode. While it is an anime and unsurprisingly has a lot of "fantasy" sci-fi in it, now and again I'm pleasantly surprised by the science that does show up - for instance, with the exception of giant robot fights (which are necessarily close-quarters for entertainment reasons), most of the space combat occurs over massive distances and is based on detection and long-range interception rather than the old-fashioned cannonade fights common in Star Wars-like franchises.
  20. What I did today, part 2: finally unlocked the RAPIER! I immediately proceeded to... launch a giant rocket with SRBs instead xD However I did need the RAPIER in order to use a craft I'd previously designed in Sandbox mode for my Laythe mission, as well as the large wings that came with it for stabilizing the aforementioned giant rocket. What specifically was this rocket, you ask? It was a "test launch" of the Kidonia to make sure I had everything I needed and had adequately reinforced and partitioned it to survive the trip to orbit. It has passed all tests so far and as soon as I have the funds to launch the full ship I shall commence the mission proper. And with 17 days left before the Jool transfer window, it seems to be just in the nick of time!
  21. If you're so concerned about time, then I agree there's something wrong with your ascent procedure. o_O
  22. Not a lot happened today. I retrieved a batch of rescuees from the Ring Station as well as some Minmus Science I'd stashed there, then sent up a bunch of klaws with parachutes in anticipation of the next wave of rescue contracts.
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