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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. ^ That's the first thing I tried. Something goes wrong with KSP's attempt to "turn on" Physics that close to the ground while in an "orbiting" state and long story short the ship explodes. Once again I encourage testing the Jump Drive in 1.0, but please for the love of the Kraken don't go trying to use it in your important Career saves
  2. I noted this a few days ago in the Helpful Observations thread. Also, it's still perfectly useful to have some of the chutes open at 50m if there are multiple "stages" of chutes. They won't be able to stop a ship going at 100m/s, but if you've already slowed down to ten or so, there's no harm in leaving additional parachutes to the last minute. In fact this can still be put to good use as shown in my water landing tutorial.
  3. Your hieroglyphics have no power over us!
  4. I'm counting that as -28, so my submission is -27 Go Team Zero! Neither of the others shall win on our watch!
  5. I think it's this, but I'm not sure since I haven't been there in a while and yet again it's barely a pixel. I spy with my Kerbal eye... a parachute! P.S.: In response to ghostbuzzer: Sort of. I've found that sending partial data doesn't seem to affect the total amount you earn once the transmission does finish all the way, and if you timewarp the data transmits at the same rate in real-time while the solar panels charge the batteries faster; in the picture I was not doing this xD Long story short, running out of electric charge really just means transmissions will take a bit longer.
  6. Launching fireworks. BIG fireworks. Kerbal fireworks. Eating snacks.
  7. (I think that was the idea - the Kerbal Tau. It seems innocuous enough but in practice it got really annoying.) 270: Kerbals have by now discovered after various disasters that while cool, magnets are not actually that good a structural element for launch vehicles. A team of engine-nears is convened to find a more practical way to make use of magnets in the space program, with dubious results. For several months they are unable to produce anything useful, until at last Will Kerman reveals the invention of a device that uses nothing but magnets and electrical power to turn a wheel. This seemed useless at first, but it was found that these devices were able to provide thrust when placed between a vehicle and the ground, albeit only horizontally. This had previously been something that could only be done using more boosters, leading to the magnetic wheel-turning device being dubbed the "mo-tor" (a contraction of "magnetic booster"). 271: After much theorizing, the team of engine-nears concludes that in the near future it may be possible to use magnetic rings to construct spacecraft in orbit, where the forces acting on them would generally be small and predictable, and if fuel valves and pumps could be included within the rings, it would be possible to use them to transfer resources between ships or use a number of modular components to build ships with much greater size and fuel capacity than would be practical to launch from the ground.
  8. The ring station I posted earlier has been "upgraded" by way of merging with my old station. By sheer coincidence, the inner diameter of the ring ended up exactly matching the length of the old station core!
  9. Today this happened: This looks like an exploit, but beware! As I discovered, while you can store massive quantities of data by processing a bunch of experiments at once, as soon as you begin research the lab cuts it off at 500, meaning all the "extra" data is lost, plus it can no longer be processed so the potential data from those experiments is effectively wasted.
  10. No, because I never do it ;P And not out of guilt so much as cheapness - nuclear engines are expensive! The only way I ever allow them to touch the ground is when accompanied by a generous complement of parachutes.
  11. I guess you lose some and you win some - yesterday, I mentioned, was frustrating and relatively unproductive, but today I got a LOT done. Clearing the tech tree in 1.0 has taken me far longer than it did the last few versions, and consequently the first Jool transfer is less than a month away, and I haven't even started designing a ship for it! I've set a goal for myself to try to clear the whole tree before I go so that I have free rein to build my mothership as I see fit, so unsurprisingly I've started to get a little nervous and have been rushing the last few days to gather as much Science as possible. Today I installed new Science farms around both the Mun and Minmus and have started raking it in by batches of hundreds at a time. I might just make it! It wasn't without its own fair share of frustration though - one Mun landing ended up taking more fuel than expected, and poor Jeanette had to push the lander onto the docking port - if you think docking with no RCS is hard, try docking using a Kerbal! >.< Oh, and I also merged my old station with the ring station I built yesterday, and am considering moving it up to a 320km orbit for performance reasons (rumor has it the terrain system turns off at 300, which should mean a better framerate): By sheer coincidence, the inner diameter of my ring station exactly matched the length of my old station core!
  12. Here it is for anyone who was disappointed not to find it ;P
  13. My vote is to go to a lower orbit, e.g. 71km. It's a smidgen less safe, but some moderately careful driving should get you around it easily enough. If that doesn't work, I vote you make the ascent stage orbit-capable, and perhaps attach a probe so you can later turn it around and send it back down, possibly for recovery.
  14. They appear to have rebalanced electrics, as I've discovered that the OX-STATs aren't nearly as competent as before at keeping my probe batteries topped off, so anything with lots of reaction wheels keeps finding itself dead and having to wait two or three whole orbits to recharge. The 1.0.2 change to not allowing hypersonic flaming parachutes burns me pretty often, as even the new default setting (0.04) is too low and ends up making my parachutes get ripped off so my ship smacks into Kerbin like a fly on a windshield.
  15. Two things: - Try renaming them from the Tracking Station: click the capsule, then click the "i" on the right, then click the name in the orange bar to change it and reclassify it as debris or whatever else. - If that bar is blue, the capsule is still being counted as an "unowned object" in which case you can't reclassify it, but you can at least "stop tracking" and once the contract is finished it will disappear.
  16. ^ I like this idea too, but I suspect that it might not be feasible due to that or some similar reason.
  17. Be glad it isn't "Take a newly discovered E-class asteroid on the surface of Eve and deliver it to Eeloo..." ;P
  18. <- Refer to my custom title. I put great effort into never killing my Kerbals - mainly through wise use of the quicksave feature, but also through the prudence to not put crews in untested experimental designs during the first test flight(s) as well as sensible piloting. All in all I do things sort of the way SpaceX does - lots of tests to make sure everything works, and the result being sleek, efficient ships that do their job safely and reliably and then get recovered. I almost exclusively use SSTO or near-SSTO launch vehicles so I can recover them in the interest of both saving funds and not leaving exploded wreckage all over the Kerbolar System.
  19. ugh... Today was a rather frustrating day in KSP. Try as I might, I couldn't make an SSTO spaceplane - not because it flipped, no. Because I have yet to get a grip on the new way turbojets work, with the thrust falling off whenever the plane is too high, too slow, too angley, or in a bad mood. So instead I tried to make an SSTO rocket - and THAT went south! I think I might have hit my head or something xP All the same, I did manage to do what I set out to do at the beginning, which was rotate the crew in my LKO station so the Minmus crew could go home, deliver their Science, and redeem their XP. ...Why is it that so often the hard things go totally smoothly and the simple things take all day to get done right?
  20. I do, but it sometimes makes me worry I posted something bad and got an infraction xD
  21. Assuming we're looking for the rocket...? I spy with my Kerbal eye... A rock!
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