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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. The thruster is a neat idea, but the photo you linked isn't what you apparently think it is. On the Apollo lander, the RCS ports are parallel going up and down, but angled 45 degrees to the sides so that by placing them at 45 degree angles they provide orthogonal thrust as a set of four. Some other RCS mods have covered that, and your thruster is completely different.
  2. Question for you: Mind opening the debug window in the Tracking Station and then switching to the space station from there, and letting me know if you see any mention of "None of the provided nodes was valid"?
  3. I suppose it could be realistic if you only put radiators on the back of the ship or in shielded areas. Then you're simply absorbing heat in the front and blowing it out the back, becoming "transparent" to the heating effect. Dunno if anyone's actually tried this though.
  4. I'm careful when building and flying rockets, and I've gotten pretty good at rendezvous, docking, and Mun/Minmus landings, so what hinders me the most at this point is actually the game malfunctioning xP
  5. The human brain contains a group of neurons designed to aggressively search for faces in the images we see, allowing us to quickly recognize people, but also causing phenomena like seeing scary faces in wrinkled bedsheets and smoke clouds (and every Jesus face in a vegetable ever). This is yet another instance, albeit not a human face.
  6. Eve. Even going back up afterward, Tylo requires less than half the delta-V. And rocket engines work at peak efficiency there since it's a vacuum. On Eve, hardly anything works at all near sea level.
  7. uhhh... you know you could just go back the VAB instead of pressing space, right?
  8. I was born frustrated, molded by it. I didn't see serenity until I was already a man, and by then it was the best movie I'd ever seen. ;P
  9. I'm not SQUAD but I can answer this. 1. Both. KSP is mostly C# but there's some JavaScript mixed in too. 2. Very very probably. Like 99% probability, and not just third-party add-ons but add-ons they made themselves. In fact KSP PartTools probably counts. 3. Horrendous. The Tracking Station and Flight scenes, for instance, have dozens of GUI elements as well as a number of objects in charge of managing persistent variables used by other scenes. It gets even worse if you build or load any ships. 4. Okay this one I don't know. I think they use Maya and MS Visual Studio a lot.
  10. Part Eleven: Ring Assembly Phase 2 and Accessory Fitting Phase 1 The last four segments of the habitation ring were launched and moved into place. As expected, attaching the individual segments demanded precision and patience, but things went smoothly overall. One issue did end up occurring though: the individual segments are asymmetrical, as shown in the large diagram above - the docking port on one end is tilted more than the one on the other end. Thus they have a "polarity" that needs to be obeyed when inserting segments in order to complete the ring. Unfortunately, I overlooked this when attaching the first two segments and thus ended up attaching one upside-down relative to the one on the other side. As a result, when the time came to insert the last two segments and join the groups on opposite sides of Kidonia, I found that the wrong ends were pointed toward one another so that the last segments wouldn't fit. Thus an additional maneuver will be required to remove one side and turn it around so the ring can be completed. In the meantime, I simply attached the last two segments to the side of the ship. Next, the first portable station and the first batch of accessory modules arrived, coincidentally at the same time. The batch of accessories included the first small rover and survey probe, which were attached to one of the side pods. Meanwhile, the portable station was gradually moved into place. Before final docking, its three passengers transferred into Kidonia's habitation ring and thereby became Kidonia's first crewmembers: Jebediah - famous veteran pilot Kimma - experienced engineer who helped save one of the early 1.0.2 Mun missions Lola - scientist famous for an incident in which news media mistakenly published her having visited Pol (when in actuality it was merely the KSC flag pole) Afterward, the portable station was inserted into the main cargo bay, which was another slow and careful maneuver due to the tight fit. Seeing the station up close next to the cargo bay once again reminded me just how big Kidonia is. Kidonia's hull is less than 400 parts when empty, but at present the ship contains nearly 600 parts and once again weighs nearly 1100 tons, and it still has yet to receive the six engine blocks, second portable station, and several other components. Finally, the second batch of accessory modules - a spare lander and survey probe - were sent en route to Kidonia.
  11. Yes, that is true. I thought you were wondering if a ship with a jump drive only got to jump one time. A ship can jump as many times as you like, but it does require a jump drive to be attached. A ship without one cannot jump anywhere, including between two beacons - the beacons are not mass relays.
  12. ^ The Science value will decrease for repeated experiments. If, however, you were to run a test by recovering a ship with a goo unit and a Level 1 Scientist, and then revert the mission and redo it with a Level 2 Scientist, you'd see an increase in the Science gained relative to the other mission. Presumably, repeated experiments will also include a bonus, although it will naturally shrink as the Science value decays.
  13. SEEN it? A few versions back I had my Mun base right next to it. I didn't park it on top because, well, it's not a very good surface for a base up there, but I did stick a flag on it. Also there's like five of them.
  14. This is the funniest thread I've visited in a long time. Any mods around, please don't lock this. Unless of course it devolves into something stupid, but for now this is a very important thread.
  15. I dunno about that. The delta wing may have a large area viewed from the top, but from the edge it's really tiny thanks to being a long, thin shape whereas the cargo bay's cross-section is almost circular. Also, a tip: it's been found that the straight adapter pieces are less drag-inducing than the slanted ones, so I'd recommend replacing the nose pieces with a straight conical nose.
  16. TBH the wing panels, while perhaps better-looking, are lousy for functional armor. Structural plates are better given their much higher impact tolerance of 80 m/s.
  17. A: The point is realism. As occurred recently in a test of NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator, high-speed deployment is very stressful for a parachute and can easily shred it. B: This does not actually break the ability to deploy parachutes in space. I still do it. You simply need to adjust the parachutes' settings in the tweakable menu (either in the VAB or individually in flight). For the average ship, it'll slow down to a safe speed by around 3 km or 0.6 atmospheres (just try not to land on a mountain); if not, add drogue chutes (which can take much higher speeds up to around 650 m/s). In fact this mechanic gives drogue chutes an actual point now.
  18. I finally finished assembling the ring section on Kidonia... except not. The ring sections are asymmetrical, insofar as the docking port on one end is tilted more than the one on the other end. So when it turned out I'd attached one of the first two segments upside-down, I ended up with the "same" end on two of the last segments pointed toward one another, making it impossible to insert the last segment and close the ring. I'm thus going to have to detach half the ring and turn it around xP
  19. It looks like you flew into a cloud. o_O
  20. No hate coming from me here, but yeah... the vast majority of "is X cheating" threads are pointless. I think a few might have value though.
  21. Not a lot happened with me today. I've ended up using up all of the space program's budget stocking Kidonia, and now I don't have enough funds to launch any more modules and I have too many active contracts to accept any more. There's also not going to be anything to recover for funds until at least tomorrow, which ordinarily wouldn't be a problem, but the Jool transfer window is already here xP
  22. I do agree with the people touting the benefits of infrastructure. I've realized with frustration that I don't really have the proper infrastructure in place to support my ongoing Jool-5 mission, and as a result the space program is constantly blowing its budget in a rush to finish the ship while the transfer window is already here xP If I had previously set up a mining operation and a giant orbital fuel depot, things would be different.
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