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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. ^ Let's be sure not to take that out of context xD Sooo by "zero issues", they mean completely bug-free, right? No glue Kraken? No random overheating? ;P Oh, and on the topic of localizations, can KSP do what Facebook did a while back and have a "Pirate English" version? "Yar, mateys. Be ye in this here game of Kerbal Pirate Program, ye be a'buildin' us a mighty fleet of space schooners and winged dinghies, and aboard these yer noble Krew will be bidden to hunt the great black yonder for all its golden wealth. There be untold treasures scattered far and wide in this here star system, ripe for the takin'. Arrrrrgh!"
  2. You know what'd be neat? If the editor had a way to visualize the parenting tree. I used to play a game called "Battleships Forever" that had a ship builder similar to a 2D version of KSP's. When you would hold "P" (I think), it would show lines connecting each part to its parent.
  3. I agree for the most part on rescues in general, but with some caveats: - I concur that rescuing a whole ship is better than rescuing one piece. Some "hidden" premade ships in the game files would help with that. - I'd like if recovering parts that are LANDED were removed for now until the terrain colliders are made more stable. Currently the terrain bugs are subtle and insiginficant, but too many times I've had the derelict ship spawn inside the ground, or on a slope so that when I arrive it starts rolling down a really long slope for like 45 minutes (usually to explode at the bottom). Not fun. - Missions involving rescues of a Kerbal and his/her debris shouldn't count as "failed" when you rescue only the Kerbal. Partially failed, sure, but failing to recover the debris shouldn't carry the same reputation penalty as abandoning the whole mission. The simple solution would be to just have a reputation reward in addition to the funds reward when you acquire the Kerbal. - Rescue missions NEED something in the flavor text to the effect of "We've offered to let you do the rescue, but if you don't some other agency will handle it." Currently I accept every rescue contract I receive out of an irrational notion that the poor Kerbal will die otherwise, and the result is a huge swarm of Kerbals milling about my space center and absurd prices (over 1 million funds) if I want to buy any more (even if they have cool names like "Bilbo Kerman"). - Build stations: limited to once per body. It's dumb being hired to build a station around Mun with a lab, docking port, and seating for five when I already have one there with a lab, docking port, and seating for five xP
  4. I the only one who feels like planes would be pretty easy with autopilot too? ;P
  5. o_O You people are weird. KSP makes me have trouble sleeping.
  6. I wouldn't hold my breath over this, for a few reasons: - creative individuals have been cobbling together decent-looking rings from stock parts such as crew cabins for some time now - launching a monolithic giant station ring is downright silly. SQUAD is trying to make a game about launching practical rockets and managing a space program in a rational manner, even if many people say KSP is just about boosters and explosions. - not launching a monolithic giant station ring, but rather building a monolithic ring in orbit, means implementing orbital construction. Again, KSP is about launching rockets and exploring, not going all sci-fi and inventing nonexistent space colonies and warp drives. As a rule of thumb, only existing or very near-future stuff should be expected to show up in KSP. - Mods did it already. Several mods exist that provide nice big station rings, so if SQUAD tried it then A: it would outmode those mods and leave those poor modders up the creek, B: it would be redundant, and C: people would complain (as they've done with fairings and ISRU) that the new stock version is inferior to the mod version.
  7. In games such as Half-Life and Portal, it appears to be the case that levels all exist in the same space. Thus to have something like a mini-map, an IVA view, etc., you have to stick them way off to the side, underground, etc. In Unity, a single scene can have multiple "layers", such that multiple sets of objects can occupy the same place in the scene but only be visible to certain cameras and thus only render where the developers want them to. Thus, in order to reveal the IVA view in the main view, one would have to change the layers visible to that camera to include those meant only for the IVA cameras. No amount of no-clipping or flying around will make them appear.
  8. I feel ya, bro. Kidonia was around 2 until the other day when I manually changed my KSP.cfg to have a max Physics delta of 0.015 (half the minimum in the menu). Now it has... 5 fps and runs at 20% time speed xD
  9. It actually could work, though. Better than the PS4 / Xbone at least - assuming we're to use the big Wii U controller with the screen. I'd imagine it where the map screen is on the controller screen and the ship is on the TV. You'd of course drive with one stick and move the camera with the other, etc. etc. Long story short, the Wii U provides more total control axes than its peers, and its "crappy GPU" is still a million times overqualified for KSP.
  10. Wow. And here I was just yesterday saying it'd be really cool to have KSP on the Wii U.
  11. What's the deal with bigger SRBs? I see every other person saying they want them, but I hardly ever use the things and when I do I find that the big ones are way overpowered. Perhaps they'd be of use in RSS, but that's not SQUAD's department. o_O
  12. Nah, I like them as they are. A Size 2 RAPIER-like engine would be nice though.
  13. I generally don't. Instead I keep a station in orbit around Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, and when I rescue Kerbals I just stick them in the station. This keeps more rescue contracts from spawning when I don't want them, and if I run short on funds later, I can just go grab them in a shuttle. As for what I use to stick them in the station, it's generally either my crew ferry: or the Space Tug Klaw edition (here pictured working on Kidonia):
  14. When I have a door in the way of my RCS ports, instead of having 4-way symmetry I use 2-way symmetry and a mix of 4-way blocks and single ports like so: (^ = port; + = block) ^ + ^ ===== HULL ===== v + v This way I still get all six directions without blocking the hatch. I double the single ports so that each of the six directions has a total of 2 ports facing that way.
  15. Good old KSP forum, where someone posts a joke in the form of the equation and the thread immediately derails in to criticism of the equation itself xD You guys are right though. This is why I love the KSP forum. ^^
  16. I had a dream last night that they finally added GP2 as a surprise bonus xD It was blue and Neptune-like and had one large-ish moon. Anyway, opening the door to more planets isn't so much a Unity 5 / 64-bit issue so much as a limitation on the way planets are currently handled. While the PQS terrain system does shut off at a certain distance, planets still render as fairly high-poly sphere meshes even when so far away they're smaller than a pixel. The best thing to do would be to have the planets stop rendering at a certain distance and perhaps be replaced with a small "star" sprite. SpaceEngine does something similar to this, and I think DOE implements the sprites but doesn't turn off the sphere mesh. Having just a sprite means big memory and FPS savings, as it's a simple thing to just draw a small image on the screen rather than to map an HD texture all over a bunch of tiny triangles.
  17. ^ This is true, but I too am on board with OP. Perhaps alongside fixing the orientation they can look into rebalancing the weight and other stats, because as things are now I never use this one, given that for less weight I can use a Hitchhiker and a probe core and send up four Kerbals rather than three.
  18. 1/10 because at first I thought that was a picture from Battleships Forever, and then... it wasn't :C
  19. I see you are typing on an Apple keyboard and have thus defeated yourself.
  20. 183: Rob Kerman, ancestor of Bob Kerman, is having a peaceful evening when he suddenly observes his neighbor's house spinning around wildly. After consulting Vernor about what had happened, he decides to write everything down and then devise a way to test his conclusions in a controlled fashion, thereby inventing Science. 184: For his invention of Science, Rob Kerman is chased out of town by an angry mob. He settles down in the next town over and begins to collaborate with the brilliant Victor Frankerman on a new secret project: creating an artificial mechanical Kerbal he dubs the "Rob-bot".
  21. I have that same desktop background that's shown on the little computer screen! ^^
  22. Indeed, they do not (ever in my experience). The case seems to be that the struts are connecting to the fairing base plate itself, because apparently while they do have colliders the sides don't count as parts (in which case this is not, in fact, a bug, but rather a simplification in programming). Thus the struts will remain visible and continue to function even if the fairing has been opened, until the payload physically detaches from the fairing base (decouples or undocks). Admittedly this hurts realism a smidgen, but I can't say it isn't convenient.
  23. Editing maneuvers from the Tracking Station would be a really neat feature though.
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